

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh Barb - I've got a severe case of baby envy! ! ! ! I LOVE babies! I just had pangs and went all broody looking at those photos. :love: I don't suppose I will get any more babies now as DS thinks 2 are enough. DDIL would have another I think if it were entirely up to her. My elder son never wants children. :ohwell:

    Jodie - a big welcome back!

    Janet - Fantastic news! ! ! ! ! I bet you feel fantastic! :flowerforyou:

    Today was my 10th day running at the typing. I watched 2 detective programmes while I typed. :laugh: While I did it DH cut up the butternut squash and then asked me if I wanted my new cabinet put together! Did I say YES! He only needed my help towards the ehd where the instructions were actually wrong. :ohwell: It looks great and I am gradually transferring stuff over. Thankyou Dr Katie! ! !
    It's great because I often grumble to myself becsuse DH is sooooo dedicated to his writing that every morning I am left with chores and cooking to while he does the creative stuff. Interesting how now I have got properly serious I was doing the "important" stuff and he just mucked in. Intention is everything! :bigsmile:

    My shopping date is set for next Wednesday and I've suggested we meet up for a coffee beforehand. I feel like I'm on a date as this is a woman I've been wanting to get to know better for a long time. She used to be a midwife and later a midwifery lecturer. I have only made one friend since I moved here 4 years ago and she isn't all that keen on expeditions. That's why I decided to bite the bullet and ask someone else. :happy:

    Love Heather in getting collder, maybe snowy Hampshire UK
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!

    Barb the baby pictures are beautiful.

    I loved seeing all the dog pictures, I have a sweet fur baby that is so spoiled too, he's my best bud.

    Thanks for all the encouraging words, I wish I could remember all your names.

    I saw several with good losses, great job.

    Working on food choices and portion control.

    Sue from TN

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I really enjoy reading all of your posts.

    Cynthia -
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    from the looks of some of the earlier post and my post the app is cutting off the text that I wrote as well as others. I had a lot to say earlier. Happy birthday Cynthia, congratulations Janet, barb your granddaughter is beautiful.barb your granddaughter is beautiful.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, all -

    Slept in today. Absolutely could not wake up earlier. I will be going to the Y to workout in about 30 minutes.

    I have to admit - the only way I keep up with who said what and what I want to comment on is to take "notes". Sometimes my notes run on for a day or two. Then I can interact with you and feel more connected. Does anyone else do this?

    Cynthia -HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Do any of the rest of you read the “blog”?


    It goes to the Hello Healthy page with all kinds of recipe and exercise ideas. I use to think it was awesome. I found the C25K program on there as well as the basis for several of my go-to meals. That was this Fall.

    Have any of you noticed that the pictures of the food since the first of the year are completely not representative of a serving? Today is Chicken and brussel sprouts. The picture shows more than 6 oz of chicken (or the world’s tiniest brussel sprouts) plus it has roasted potatoes on the plate which are not part of the recipe or the calories count. A couple of days ago they had these yummy looking pancakes. The calorie count was for 2 pancakes, not six they showed on the plate. The photo of the pancakes was neither the whole recipe (10 pancakes) or one serving!! This has got to be really frustrating for anyone just starting out.

    Just a warning to anyone else who uses that page!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    barb,congrats,she`s so pretty.I know how you feel,my daughter is scheduled for a c/section in 2 weeks.She lives 3 hours away,and with the ice and snow and hubby`s schedule,not sure if I`ll be there for the birth.I was with her other 2.
    Hugs jane
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Oops - Here is the rest of my post

    Barb - darling little one! My 7th (and youngest) is 14.

    No more babies from our kids either, Heather. I think that is one reason I am so excited about Bronwyn.

    Rita - Bronwyn is not my granddaughter. She is the child of my DIL's 2nd cousin. This little one's grandmother passed away 2 years ago. She was a wonderful lady. the couple tried for 10 years to have a baby and Bobbie so wanted to be a grandmother. I guess I will play substitute grandmother a bit to little Blueberry.

    Katla - sorry your Ducks lost. Blueberry has an OHS connection. Her half sister graduated from OHS last year. So I guess her daddy is happy about the game.

    Janet - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will join you in the 100s this year!

    Pip - Hugs - take care of that cold!

    Yanniejannie - Happy 2 year anniversary!

    Heather - hope you make that new friend! Have fun shopping.

    Sally - Your endeavors with your dogs sound challenging but very rewarding.

    Thanks to all of you for being here each day. Sending hugs and prayers for those of you sick, discouraged, or sad.

    Seizing the opportunity for good health today!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Joyce - Have you tried wearing panty hose under your pants for warmth? I heard that even football players do it.

    Jeannine - Love the rainbows!

    Sylvia - Keep the jokes coming!

    Fubabbies!!! Can't get enough of them!

    Alison - You must take care of your health no matter what! I am trying to convince my son of that as well...

    The Honeymooners! I remember them! What was the TV show with Archie Bunker? My DH sounds like Archie sometimes!

    Barbie - I just started the Happiness Project. I am only at chapter 1 but am enjoying it so far....

    Well, I got to page 21. Guess I'm not going to catch up today! LOL. I am in a mood today. They are working on the heating system here at work and I have a headache from the smell. I do have to do some work, but not feeling it. I didn't even go to the gym today. Just couldn't bring myself to go. Disappointed with the Rehab doctors in RI. No help for those who want and need it. Very sad....

    Well got to go again and try to do something.

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    January Goals:
    1. Fix TN house and sell
    2. Taxes
    3. Exercise 20 times this month
    4. Lose 5 pounds
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: I got in my truck this morning to go to the wellness center and it quit part way there, luckily not on a busy street. Finally got it started again but had to have it towed to the Ford dealership. They think it might be fuel filters clogged due to very cold temps. Boo!
    I made sure it had blended gas and winter additive. Apparently that was not enough.

    Jeanine - The rainbows were absolutely gorgeous!

    Sylvia - I vote you keep the jokes coming.

    Allison - The bird job sounds great for you but please don't forget to take care of you.

    Welcome to Bronwyn and Mhairi. I had a good friend named Bronwyn in college.

    Robin - So glad Bodi is able to walk with you again.

    Leslie - The description of your walk and your observations was beautiful. So nice you were able to appreciate the beauty around you.

    Joyce - I wear Cuddleduds under my jeans when I go out to the stable. They are long underwear that is thinner and silky but help keep me warm. I have even worn them under dress pants at the symphony because it seems like there is a cold draft where our seats are. I like the way they fit under pants, not too bulky.

    Healing angels to those who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! Just a quick pop in to say hi.

    Barb - the baby is adorable!

    Heather - My daughter says that she is never having children (doesn't want to pass down the "crazy gene" nor any of the physical maladies that run in the family), but that she might adopt one day. Who knows what will happen with my son!!

    I can't remember anything else...

    Off to get some more work done.

    Carol in gloomy NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Janet, welcome to Onederland!!! It is a big deal! I remember what a struggle it was for me and how good it felt. Congratulations! Next step...190?

    I didn't get back from Joplin in time to get the kids from school, and I felt bad about it when I called my son to have him pick them up, but I had a wonderful time at lunch with my friends. Such fun when we get together!

    I stopped at a country bakery and bought a loaf of sourdough bread and a coconut cream pie for hubby. It's sugar free, but the lady swore he wouldn't be able to tell. We will see. She didn't make anything with regular sugar. Only Splenda mixed with something else. Can't remember what she said. But I thought it was worth a try.

    Well, it's about time to go to the empty bowls meeting. Have a great evening.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies. I hope everyone is having a good day. Sending HUGS to everyone. Well this morning we weigh in day and I am down 2 pounds. I do hope that means I am back on track. I have been working on my eating and cleaned the house of ice cream and frosted flakes. I thought I could limit them, but no so they are gone.

    Terri--Glad you are on the healing side of things. Take care of yourself.

    Meg--Hope you get news on the MRI. It was -2 when I came to work at 5:30 this morning. Can't believe I am excited about it getting up to 40 the end of the week.

    Renny--glad you are back safe. So sorry for you loss, but glad your mom is not in pain anymore. I was shocked the other day when I realized my dad has been gone almost 10 months already. Time is just flying by. DH sounds like a keeper.

    Heather--When I was married the first time I went thru a time when I would not go out the front door. A neighbor would come over and take DS outside to play. We lived in a trailer house and I would spend my days starting at one end cleaning, washing walls and everything. My mom and ex would tease me about cleaning ash trays while they were using them. It was a dark time. I started drinking and a girlfriend moved in with us and we started going to bars everynight. When I met my current husband he would take me places where there was no drinking. I am so much better now.

    Jane--sending hugs, know this week will be hard. Cry all you need and think of the good times. Sounds like DM's party was a hit.

    Sylvia--Our church does something like that where you pay like $10 for a bowl and then they have you go to different houses for different parts of the meal. At the end you get to keep the bowl. So nice of you to be a part of the bowl supper.

    Katla--glad to hear DH is doing well

    Allison--Your DFIL is so lucky to have you. Hope your furbaby is better soon. It is no fun when they are sick and can not tell us what is wrong.

    Joyce--Sure hope you find out what is going on with your face. DH gets red spots on his forehead when he is really stressed about something.

    Dreamwriter--The important thing is not to give up. Each day is a new beginning.

    Barb--Congrates on the new grandbaby. I agree grand children are one of the best things God made. So share all you want. I love pictures.

    Cynthia--Happy Birthday!

    Janet--Happy dance. Congrates on breaking the 200 mark!!!!!!!!

    Heidi--Don't beat yourself up. Know you are working on it. Sometimes my mouth goes off and later I can not believe I did that.

    yanniejannie--Happy 2 year!!!!
    Well ladies have a good rest of the day. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Janet, congrats on Onederland. One day I will join you there. Sigh!

    Barb, the grand baby is pure preciousness. Love the pictures!

    Sylvia, our food bank is also having an empty bowl fund raiser. They are honoring my DH for her service as a volunteer. He is getting a free bowl. I am going to buy a ticket and go with him. It should be fun.

    That's all I have time for now. Later,

    K in NEGA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    evening ladies,
    a quick hidee ho..
    Rita - the show with Archie bunker was All in the Family.. that was a good show,but I liked the cornier ones, like ,beverly hillbillies,green acres,brady bunch... etc,,,
    got up early so to bed early I go...
    Katla~ there is a program called narc-anon that follows a 12 step program like AA..
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wednesday here and decided on a sleep-in was in order lol.
    SO glad I had my 2 mile4 walk before breakfast yesterday as it rained all day. We went grocery shopping and I bought flaxseed oli to add to salads (Dr Oz recommends)
    I am washing all clothes in basket and sheets off Queen bed and will clean that bedroom today.
    Brian my Sports Nutritionist said it will take 3 weeks for body to start really burning fat if I keep to 1700 calories a day and exercise ever day. I see him on Friday. Well my body fat has gone from 45.3% Christmas Eve to 43.8% this morning, need a new ticker and will look for one. He said I will continue burning fat now YEAH!
    Training today is walk dog 30 minutes and JJ's SA Cardio sculpt = 431 cals and food = 1508.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    *Barb, congrats on that Beautiful new GD. I'm sure you want to get your hands on her. Heck I want to also. You are truly blessed with your family.

    * Beth, I wish my DH had some one to socialize with other than me. He has ended up with no outside friends and though we love each other and each other's company, I like having my lady friends. I just feel bad that he has become such a loner, but it's his choice.

    *Ladies, I want to respond to many of you, but there have been just too many posts today. (Which is wonderful!!) So rather than carry on with it, I will say that I have only the best of wishes for you all, whether it's for happy times or less than that. Know that I value each of you and feel the support as I hope you feel mine.

    I went shopping for some new pants today and got a bit carried away with the sales. But the most wonderful part of the trip was that I was no longer shopping in the Women's department. Gosh, life is grand. And yes, Sylvia, it's on to 190. :)

    This is a terrific environment to become a loser and get healthy. I do wish you all a very healthy and happy day/night.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    All caught up with the reading but didn't take notes. When I go out and know I'm going to be outside for any length of time I wear thermal underwear to heck with being Miss fancy pants. I want comfort at this age. LOL.

    Well had a great day today it's after 8 only a little over 1,000 calories and not hungry. But will have to have a small 35 cal. yogurt in order to take my night pills.
    My fit bit is over 4,000 steps for the first time. Happy with that.

    See you all lighter.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited January 2015
    Meg I like your see you all lighter as a quote.

    Janet way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MN Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Hubby was gone all morning so I enjoyed the rare luxury of being home by myself and fixing a lunch that only I would like. After lunch I went off to two visits with friends both of whom have older husbands who seem to spend the whole day in a chair and going nowhere. Each of my friends is figuring out ways to not get dragged into sitting and doing nothing with their husbands all day and not responding to the complaining.

    <3 Rita, if your son is serious about recovery there is likely a 12 Step program that will welcome him and offer him guidance in a program of recovery from the drug that is his problem (A.A. is for alcoholics but there are many other programs). If he's not serious about recovery, there's probably nothing anyone can do for him.

    smiley-happy020.gif Barb, the new baby is beautiful.

    smiley-happy020.gifJodios, I'm so glad to see you posting again. I've missed you.

    smiley-happy020.gifLinC, congrats on your steps for today.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances253149qtzkf0ld22.gif