

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Linda - thanks for that information about walking in the house. I really didn't think about doing that, but I could do that with no problem I will try it.

    Sylvia - your jokes make me smile! That last one was really funny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hallo everyone!
    I'm later posting today as I've been off colour. I think I've got another UTI . I had one not long ago and I'm fed up with it. I will be phoning the doctor for an emergency appointment tomorrow morning at 8 am (the only way you can get to see a doctor at short notice) and hope to get antibiotics. I've been having twinges for a few dsys, but todsy it got beyond a joke and I'm dosing up with painkillers. Normally I just get to see the nurse for a urine test, but I want to see a doctor to look at why it keeps happening. My intuition tells me it's something to do with the typhoid pills. :ohwell: It didn't stop me from typing out my novel and I have made progress with sorting out my bathroom stuff. Nearly finished, but I have had to find space for the old cupboard to cope with all my holiday supplies. I currently have 4 washing bags washed and drying out in the airing cupboard, ready for sorted supplies. :sad:

    It's the last episode of a diet series on our TV this evening. They divide people into FEASTERS, who don't know when to stop eating, EMOTIONAL EATERS, which speaks for itself and CONSTANT CRAVERS, who never feel satisfied and are always looking for food. I think I am all three - only strict logging keeps me on track. But if I had to choose one it would be Constant Craver. I never stop thinking about food, even if I have just eaten. They recommend the 5:2 diet for them, but I think logging is just as good. For Emotional Eaters it is a support group and for Feasters it is a high protein low GI diet. Tonight we see the results.

    Love to all. Hope I sleep tonight and I'm not kept awake by the pain. I have to admit I had a half hour nap this afternoon as I was so miserable. :cry:

    Heather in very, very windy Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Afternoon Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Sylvia rofl.gif

    Katla that has happened to me especially when I write on our chrome book.

    Rita prayers for your son. Sounds like he has identified he has a problem. First step. Prayers for you as you help him through.

    Janet great job! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2015 word: Strength
    Quote Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    Greetings Friends. I am happy to report that this morning DH and I went to the attorney to get started on our Final Will, Durable POA, Living Will and Healthcare POA. Hopefully it will be done in a couple of weeks and I can put that project to rest.

    *Barbie, I know what you mean about when DH is gone somewhere. It just gives me such freedom to have the house to myself and do what I want without having to consider someone else.

    *Sylvia, how many potters will be making the bowls? I hope it's more than the 4 of you. It sounds like a great project.

    *Lillian, I'd say it's a good thing your office is in the basement. Please, no jumping other than to burn calories.

    *Linda, congrats on your loss. Keep up the great work.

    *Jeannine, it was nice to hear about your banner day. Great job going without soda. I have really cut down but don't think I've had a day with none. *As I sit here sipping my Diet Coke* Way to go and I hope you have many more.

    pip, give your body a chance to heal. I'm sure that you aren't eating so much that you can't go a day without exercise.

    *SSM, welcome and it sounds like you have all the tools to do a great job. We are with you to become a big loser.

    *Michele, I thought when the check engine light came on it was time to trade it in and get a new vehicle? You know that's how it works in SC. :)

    Sylvia, these were both good jokes, where ever you found them. Thanks. :)

    *Heather, Here's hoping you feel better soon!

    After the attorney I went to lunch with a good friend. Bad, bad, bad. I had a small Filet which was swimming in grease and way over seasoned. My green beans were cooked to death. The manager felt so bad that he comped us each a desert. MISTAKE She got a cheesecake to go and we shared a decadent apple-Carmel pastry with ice cream. Even though we ate less than half of it together, it came out to over 400 calories. OMG Needless to say I'll have a small salad for dinner. And I will still be under my calories for the day. yeah But now need to do some serious exercising.

    Welcome to all the newbies. We are glad your here and hope you post often. Thanks to all the "oldies" for the kind words and encouragement. You are wonderful and I wish you all the best.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, its hump day. Not much different for me as I don't work but for some of you it is a good day.
    SSM - your post tells me you are ready to tackle this journey and you have everything you need to be successful.
    Barb - south LA -Your granddaughter is beautiful as well as your grandson. I love her hat!
    Cynthia - Happy Birthday.
    Janet - Congrats on onederland and new clothes. Good to reward yourself.
    Katia - how was the core class? That is what I need.
    Sylvia - wow, 100 bowls are a lot but I know you will do a great job.
    Lin - I also walk around the house to get my steps.
    SueBDew in TX
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for the jokes!
    Today is Melody`s wake.Going with some girls from church as hubby couldn`t get off work.He`ll be with me for the funeral in the am.
    Praying for strength.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    never realized, i'm 100 away from 1000 day recording streak. it's been a lot longer than that, there were times where I didn't have a signal to internet so I couldn't record :0/... oh well, still kinda excited.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good eve. Caught up on reading.Was mad at myself today.

    Had chinese food for late lunch & I ate too much. After mos & mos of doing good. :'( Had fruit for breakfast,so just 150 under my calorie goal.Will need to drink skim milk with meds.So 70 under at end of day.Boo Hoo

    Barb,your Grkids are beautiful,love the pics.

    Rita,all good thoughts for your son.

    Janet,congrats on your loss!

    Meg,how are you doing?

    Heather,feel better soon.

    Have had a groin injury this wk from trying to get out of a chair(DHs) that is very low to the floor. Guess we are never too old to find another ache or pain.He helped move kitchen range,to let electrician get at the outlet & has had lower back pain since. We make a pair,just hobbling around.

    That is all I can think of,we are looking at a wk of temps in 30s/40s.......spectacular for January ! Pat
  • cupcake_runner
    cupcake_runner Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Just came across this thread and thought I would chime in. :) I am normally a loner but find I need a swift kick in the butt to get the last few lbs off. Lol.

    Just a little about myself:
    44, lost 152 lbs, and have 11 lbs to get rid of. I am in the "normal" range for BMI and I'm trying to not focus on the scale, but it does seem the last 10 pounds are the hardest.
    I am active 7 days per week, 5 being vigorous activity and 2 being active rest (yoga or a stroll/hike).
    I sent a couple of friend requests, but my iPad keeps timing out (or the app itself) and it wouldn't allow me to send a msg with it.

    Feel free to add me, I'm a great listener/encourager (I'm a hairstylist, it's what we do, lol).

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, all,

    Busy, busy day---ladies areobics....DD home between shifts and we were off to the mall for a business suit for her interview.....3 stores in an hour, Banana Republic won the day and she has a lovely navy blue pants suit for Saturday; BTW they have 30% off right now if anyone shops there. She went back to the stable and I went grocery shopping. Now home a couple hours, just got off a long postponed phone chat with a sweet neighbor who moved to Georgia a few years ago, meeting tonight at 6:30pm for the police support group.......the calendars are almost all sold, thankfully!


    Rita........I hope your son finds his answers to his issues; drugs cause so much difficulty in peoples lives and affect an ever growing circle of people around them......certainly no easy answers. Best of luck to him........and (((((hugs)))))) to you.

    Sharon.......I'm sorry you are having gastric issues and hope yours are diagnosed and fixed soon.

    Jeaninne.........YAY for your truly banner day!!! WTG!!!

    Linda........Super loss! You will rule at that meeting tonight!

    pip.....You are not alone to exercise when sick; I know lots of runners in our club who really push themselves well or ill.

    Heather..........I keep meanng to let you know that your baking show has hit PBS here; I haven't seen it yet but thought of you when I saw it on the sched. Please let us know the result of your diet show.

    Michele.........I think it was you with the check engine light on
    the one on our camry has been on at least four years...........car still goes......133,000+ miles and just fine.

    Hi to everyone else!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Yanniejannie - the diet show went well and everyone lost weight over 12 weeks. Of course, we all know that that is the easy bit and the real work lies in keeping it going long term. :ohwell: Much easier when you have got cameras checking up on you.
    - One thing that came up was how normal and common plateaux are because as we lose weight we need less food. Exercise is important in the long term control of weight. Eat breakfast. Eat slowly. Get support. :bigsmile: Don't let one overeating session sabotage your whole day, or week.
    - I took the test on the BBC website, (it's in the Food section) and, as I suspected I am predominately in the Constant Craving category with quite a bit of the Emotional Eater. I could definitely eat all day long if I didn't log. I also naturally eat fast so try to slow down.
    - I'm sure their ideas are not the complete answer, but I hope it helps a few people. Better than just trying to starve yourself and getting into a cycle of starve - binge.
    - For the record, what works for me is to keep a regular cycle of breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner with one small alcoholic drink, later dessert and a late small piece of cheese if I have calories left. I have 1800 calories to play with as I am on maintenance and I do a lot of exercise. Keeping my intake very regulated at set times seems to work for me. I never skip meals and rarely eat too much at one meal. My main meal is rarely over 400 calories. My dessert around 140. I have that later so I don't go to bed hungry! :laugh: Well, it all seems to work as I have maintained for a year now.

    Hope I sleep tonight. I am going to take some co-codamol in a minute and go and read my wonderful and fascinating biography of Napoleon. :bigsmile:

    Heather in incredibly windy Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Sylvia I too think your project is wonderful. I also agree your pottery needs to be sold at a good price.

    Pipcd34 1000 days I am proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

    Jane hugs!

    Janet thanks for the reminders on estate planning, we have most of it done. Just a few odds and ends to finish up.

    Yanniejannie glad calendars almost gone. That's great considering the late date. Just think if you had them ready by the end of November how quickly they would sell. Great cause!

    Quiet day here. Filled out some paperwork, so I can help out in a third grade class where my friend teaches Kindergarten a couple afternoons a week. It will make a nice change from subbing. I enjoy subbing but I am looking for something that gives my weeks more structure. It is a good fit for me and a good use of my skills.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday here and had my 3.3 mile walk for 383 cals, soon to do Jeannette's circuit A (chest, tris and booty) = 564 cals
    Was drizzly and overcast when I started walking at 7.30am but cleared to blue skies and sunny.
    Today I am ironing clothes, cooking Jamie Oliver vegie pasties (1 for lunch tomorrow) and Dr Oz vegie muffuns (for breakasts) and walking the doggy round our tracks
    Today I added 5 mil Melrose flax-seed oil to Jeannette's yogurt crunch (Brian said MORE good fats and fibre and less sugar) Also to WALK every morning and train muscles 1 hour after breakfast.
    I have gone from 46.8% BF to 44% BF and 21.4% muscle to 23.3% muscle since Christmas and 101 Kg weight to 97 Kg weight since Christmas Eve. Scales DO lie unless you have body fat scales
    I was doing thing all wrong until I saw Brian a Sports Nutritionist on Christmas Eve. He told me to have toast and banana BEFORE my morning walk and then eat breakfast. He said I was burning glycogen in my muscles and NOT fat by NOT eating. He told me to plan my meals around 1700 calories, today is 1830 as yesterday was 1548.
    I see docto9r tomorrow for my fasting cholesterol (diagnosed as genetic 45 years ago and on Lipidil) fasting sugar and oestrogen and testosterone levlel. Then see Brian for weigh in.
    Sorry I cannot reply as I restrict my computer time to 1 hour a day only
    Lesley in Tasmania
    My ticker is from 01 January 2015
  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    Hello all! Woke up this morning to slippery roads and light snow - which in New Mexico can be treacherous. I had an early taping for a television segment, then off to work.

    so far the BEST part of my day was going to ZUMBA - I hadn't been for four or five years...I didn't think my hips could move like that ;) but they did. I, of course, didn't have all the choreography going on - but I didn't fall down and I kept moving. That's an accomplishment - plus ZUMBA torches the calories.

    Heading off to COLD Chicago Friday for my mom's 81st birthday - it will be hard to keep the exercise up at her house, but I'm going to try.

    Have a wonderful evening - and I love the jokes!

    Dorene in New Mexico
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good grief! I thought I was here yesterday! So many new posts. I had my MRI today so I'll just wait for results. I'm not feeling too well today; too many aleve I think. I switched to Aleve for a change, and while it really was better on the pain, after three days it felt like I was eating razor blades, so out they went!

    Molly: thanks for the link. DH has a similar item from when he had shoulder surgery. it's worth a try! I guess it depends on if I need surgery or not. I'll check into it. Thanks again.

    OK, sorry to be brief, but I'm heading to bed. Take care, Meg
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    OK, just one more:


    A man wasn’t feeling well so he went to the doctor. After examining him the doctor took his wife aside, and said, “your husband has a very sensitive heart. I am afraid he’s not going to make it, unless you treat him like a king, which means you are at his every beck and call, 24 hours a day and that he doesn’t have to do anything himself. On the way home the husband asked with a note of concern “what did he say?” “Well”, the lady responded, “he said it looks like you probably won’t make it.”


    I was speaking to a church one Sunday on the scripture where Jesus asks Peter if he loves him. Peter says, "yes, of course I do." Then Jesus says, "feed my sheep." The whole point of my sermon was that your actions should show it if you love someone. I told this joke in the midst of the sermon, because I thought it made the point quite well, and I thought it was hilarious. I got not even one giggle. Oh, well! I still think it's funny.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Yay! You can read and post to the forums from the mobile app now.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    edited January 2015
    Drkatiebug .... I would've laughed! I think it's a funny joke too!

    Lesley ... you don't need to reply to everyone. It's nearly impossible. I am interested in how you're progressing since working with Brian. Thanks for sharing!

    Jane ... thinking of you.

    Heather ... I don't often eat more than 400 calories at a meal either. Tonight, however, I tried cheesy grits and shrimp with bacon and green onions ... one of Paula Deen's recipes. I adapted it a little and it still came in at 520 calories for a serving. I'm under goal and feel stuffed to the gills as well! Interesting what you get used too.

    Meg ... hope that you can get an answer as to what your knee injury needs to heal.

    Prayers for my dear friend's future daughter in law would be appreciated... young woman was snowmobiling last night and had a serious wreck. Had to be life-flighted to a trauma center ... the situation does not look good. Ashley is the young woman's name.

    A better day for me personally. The sun shining makes a huge difference even though we had sub-zero temperatures.

    Beth in Western New York

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! I had such a good day. When I took the kids to school I went inside and talked to the art teacher about a project I had in mind related to the Empty Bowls project. My idea was that I would make 45 simple bowls (enough for the two fifth grade classes) and glaze them white, then bring them to her and she would have her kids decorate them using colored sharpie markers. (Google "sharpie mug" to see what I'm talking about.). Then I would bake them to set the marker and those bowls would be donated to the Empty Bowls project. Meanwhile, the kids would get a civics lesson on poverty and helping others. Actually, the kids at that school know all about poverty, since it is 100 percent low income families that go there.

    So, the teacher was very receptive to the idea. She was so excited about it that she is arranging with the district PR department to have them do a feature about it. So, I'm just thrilled. Now all I have to do is make the bowls.

    Janet, I have several potter friends who have offered to help make bowls for this, so I won't have to make them all myself, but I will make all the white ones for the school project, plus some others that I want to do. My mind is teeming with ideas! I really needed something like this to get me excited again.

    At lunchtime I went to the Liberal Ladies meeting which turned out to be really fun. We talked and laughed and had a good time. One of the ladies is a singer/songwriter and she had written a song called Wise Women, and they passed out the lyrics. I pulled up her youtube video on my phone and we sang along while the music played on youtube. Then, right in the middle of the song, my phone rang. Drat! It was hubby calling, so I rejected it quickly, but it really disrupted the song. I was embarrassed.

    Here is a link to the song Wise Women by Joy Leeper. I hope the link works.


    Gotta go. We have to run to Walgreens. Have a great night everyone!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Take care of that UTI. I used to get them as a young woman, but haven’t been bothered in a long while. One of the things that eventually helped me was a LONG period of taking medication so that the infection was well and truly stopped. I think the short-term antibiotics were ineffective. Regarding diet strategies, I think we have the best support group ever. I’d love to take the BBC test. I wonder whether I can find it on the net. Congratulations on completing a year of successful maintenance!

    Sue: I loved the core class today and will be back every chance I can get. It involved moves I recognized from yoga and focused on abdominal muscles. I was late to class, so I don’t know what else they did. I also went to a yoga class that was a challenge. The biggest difficulty was the absolutely freezing gym. Once I put on an insulated vest, I did better.

    Pipcd34: 1000 days of logging is an impressive record and a worthy achievement. I’ll keep chasing you. I’m also chasing Barbie, DeeDee, and several others. Amanda may have the longest record I know about. I’m happy chasing and don’t need to win.

    Beth in WNY: I’ll keep your friend’s future DDIL in my prayers. A friend of ours was hurt snowmobiling about two years ago and had a long recovery including at least two surgeries. She’s doing well now, and she’s gone back to snowmobiling. Some of us think she is nuts. A lot of sports can be dangerous, including the two that I love, sailing and horseback riding. I guess I don't have room to call others nuts. :noway:

    I went to the new gym today and had a very positive experience. The yoga was difficult for me, but I’ll get better at it, especially if I find a way to keep warm. Tomorrow there really are no classes that appeal to me so I may turn into a Monday/Wednesday/Friday participant. Time will tell.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.
