

  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everyone! I've been trying to play "catch up" but I haven't quite managed yet. I still have multiple pages to read. What an active group we are! It's so nice to see so many new members. Welcome to all.
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm a grandmother again! This is #7. Mhairi Anne was born on Saturday. Mom had her first (Calum) by natural birth, but Mhairi decided to be stubborn and was breach so that required a C-Section. Mom and baby are doing well. My only disappointment is that I couldn't be there. My daughter, who is also a nurse, was there though. That's the next best thing to me being there. She's an excellent nurse and caregiver and is taking such good care of her sister. These are the daughters who live in Parker, CO. Nana Barb and Papa John will be traveling to Colorado at the end of the month for a week. I cannot wait to hold that sweet baby girl in my arms and to give hugs to Calum and everyone! I'm going to try and attach pictures. I know I'm a little nuts and over the top, but I just love those sweet grandbabies! They are the greatest joy in my life. (Ok, so I pretty much adore my hubby, and children, too! I am very blessed! You ladies are pretty awesome in my book, too!)
    Hoping you all have a great day. Hugs to all!

    Barb from South Louisiana

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Heather ...you are right in that very few men allow others to see the "real" them. I wish you could've seen the group of men here! Three big burly guys ... one's a policeman, another a roofer and then my husband. One man is as effeminate as they come. Another is one of the most humble human beings I've ever met (married to a shrew). One is a suspected wife abuser ... three divorces ... I have a hard time with him being here. One was at least 30 years junior than most of them ... and two others were just regular joes.. Their whole purpose is to try and live the life Christ asked and hold one another accountable as they struggle to do that.. Each of them have had or are currently experiencing difficult situations. And they really do support one another.

    Dog seems better this morning ... I think the snow and cold gets to him!

    Very cold this morning ... but clear and no snow!

    I've been struggling with my eating again ... today is a new day!
    Beth in Western New York
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Barb what a beautiful baby, I just love babies~
    Cynthia~ Happy Happy BIRTHDAY!!!
    well ,went and got the blood work done, and got over before they served breakfast so fed my DFIL his breakfast he ate, but was talking nonsense ,such is dementia...
    put his clothes out and the aide was going to get him up and dressed.. but he DID eat all his breakfast..
    he was supposed to go for a haircut and it never got done.. so the poor man has his hair sticking up everywhere lol.
    having my 3rd cup of decaf tea.. and then call the drs office to spar about a bill
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good Morning,

    Barb adorable pictures.

    Cynthia birthday.gif

    Joyce you have identified your trigger. Maybe if you planned to stop and write to us before you snacked or made a plan to do something else it might help. Habits are not easy to change and the change does not always happen in a straight line. I do believe developing good habits are worth it.

    2015 word :Strength
    quote Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Barb! Where did you get that hat!!!!???? What an adorable bunch of photos, but my favorite is the one with the big yawn in the pink hat. Congratulations on #7. Is her name pronounced Mary?

    Just waiting for hubby to come load my van for me, then I'm off to Joplin. Have a great day everyone!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Pat, love the pic! your DGS looks happy!

    Lesley in Tasmania, do post pics of your flowers and wildlife! It is much needed to see here in the U.S.!

    Barbie, unfortunately the rehab center was really a detox center and refused to take him as they didn't think he 'was bad enough!' I was outraged! Someone wanting help but can't get it!

    On that note, my DS had court yesterday for his evading and assault but because of his state of mind, he ended up with unsupervised probation. Glad in a way, not in another. With supervised probation, he would have to be drug tested each month and this would have helped him stay clean. On the other, no jail is a GREAT thing! Helping him to find help with counseling and resolving these self medication problems.

    Toni - Congrats on the new DGD!

    Alison - My heart goes out to you. Please don't let it get to you. You did what you had to do at the time. I got the same thing but to my face rather than a text when my DS was in high school. Now, she understands why I left my ex. Call or text if you need someone to talk to.

    Posting now as I have to get to work! More to come. I am only up to Friday. I want to read all the posts since my last b/c you all inspire me.

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    January Goals:
    1. Fix TN house and sell
    2. Taxes
    3. Exercise 20 times this month
    4. Lose 5 pounds
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good Morning my friends. I will respond to posts later, but so excited that I had to share my news. The scale that has been hovering for weeks between 201 and 202 this morning said 199.5. Getting under 200 pounds has been such a huge mini-goal and I'm finally there. Wooo Hooooo. :D:p:):o (*)

    Wishing you all a very happy and healthy day.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Hello ladies! Good morning to everyone.
    I just discovered something: When you yell at a patron for yelling at your co-workers,
    it does not make you feel better. I need to watch what I say to people! What was it I said a couple of days ago? Love, acceptance and forgiveness? Yeah, I forgot all about it when someone attacks my co-workers! And now, I'm feeling awful about it. He wasn't mad at us,
    he was "venting". Argh I hate my lack of filter on my mouth sometimes!
    sigh -
    **Hides head in shame**

    Heidi in FloriDUH
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Grey again and windy. I forgot to mention: I walked the barn looking at all the horses when I picked up DD yesterday. Their population changes fairly frequently so I do like to admire the new ones in their stalls and say a few words to each. Then I choose my fav of the new bunch.........I must be absorbing some of this horse stuff because yesterday DD told me my pick was by many thousands of dollars the best and most valuable horse there!!! Quite a coup for me! She was a beauty!

    **********************Cynthia----HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!***************************************

    Katla.........Condolences on your Ducks loss. They put up a good fight.

    drbcru.........When I saw where you are, I had to look it up as it sounded like a name I knew. Sure enough, I've spent some time there, esp. in Staunton. I have been to the Shakespeare Playhouse several times and I just brought back (a few months ago) a gorgeous curved glass china that I found in an antique shop there. Will be out that way, but a bit south, this weekend with DD for vet school interview. Six furbabies????? Lucky you!!!

    Michele.........Spanokopita (?) fan here too!!!!

    Lillian..........YAY for all the extra exercise you fit in!!! I suppose you are one of the people with super low winter temps too.

    Heather.........I was also wondering what granary meant. Will use Sylvia's link (thanks for making it so easy, Sylvia!!!) to hear the talk; usually I just poke around on google until I get there. I used to be quite the nailbiter. Just up and stopped sometime in my 30's. Glad you found a shopping partner. It is rather strange to ask other women I'm not really friends with to do things with me; makes me feel like I'm six again.

    Barb..........OOOhhhhh............how absolutely adorable!!!!!!! Does her name have any special meaning or family history?

    Terri.........Pneumonia? How awful. Hope you recover quickly. Rest!!!!

    Hello to everyone else out there.

    Today I've been on MFP for two years and stayed at it hugely due to this thread. Esp. after I couldn't sustain my maintenance.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    happy bday to whoever that is!! out there!!!! sorry I don't remember :0(. last night got drugged up w/Benadryl, headache pill, cold pills. 1st halfway decent sleep. I know you're not supposed to workout when you're sick that you have to let your body recover, blah blah blah.... I don't practice what I preach, still ride and still workout, maybe not as hard as I would if I was feeling ok but I still workout. I know, i'm bad, oh well. that's me. :0), still feel poopy, have a good one.
  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    Janet: WAY TO GO!!!!! Now the pounds will fall off!

    Dorene in New Mexico
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Toni in TN: I love your motto, “Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future . Look for the opportunities in every day!”

    Michele in NC: I am always impressed with your active life. You do so much for others.

    Lillian in Saskatchewan: Good job making time at the photocopier into an opportunity to get in more steps.

    Joyce: Thanks for the great idea about a local rental place for wheelchairs and such. We have one here in town. I’ll talk to DH about it. I’m pretty sure we could rent a wheelchair, but not a scooter. We couldn’t get a scooter in and out of the car anyway. The dog show may be possible! Re: Nurse practitioners: DH has a doctor who specializes in diabetes. He sees the nurse practitioner most of his visits and she is MUCH more helpful than the doctor. She speaks regular English and is full of practical help.

    Dreamwriter: Give the forbidden food list a try. It may be helpful. I would also keep a food journal that includes how you feel. If you’re logging everything here, you’ve already got the food journal ready to go, you just need your responses. When I had a mystery ailment the doctors gave me a forbidden food list. It was not a big success. My problem turned out to be an enormous gallstone. Surgery was really the only effective option. Good luck to you.

    Viv: Good luck to you. In my career, the years I spent working three or four days a week were the very best. I shifted to fulltime when the opportunity arose and it has done wonders for my retirement benefits, but it wasn’t as pleasant a lifestyle.

    Alison: Good luck landing the job with wild birds unlimited. It sounds like it would be wonderful for you. You’ve been so good to your DFIL. I’m sure a shift in time of day for your visits would still allow him the support you give so generously.

    Hoff2002: Congratulations on a beautiful new granddaughter!

    Rita: I’m hoping for the best for your DS. It would be great if there were a site for people who have chemical dependencies that is as good for that issue as MFP is for those of us with food issues. Does AA have a division for those with chemical dependencies that aren't alcohol?

    Janet in Myrtle Beach: CONGRATULATIONS!

    yanniejannie: Thanks for your condolences on the football game. It was not as much fun to watch the game as when the Ducks win. Congratulations on completing two years here! I hope you’ll stay a long time.

    I didn’t go to my new gym yesterday because I spent the time going to medical appointments with DH. The classes I really want are not offered today, but I might go in and spend some time on the machines. Haven’t decided. I plan to attend yoga tomorrow morning without fail.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi, its been awhile since I've been on this thread. Work and life made for convenient excuses. However, I've let some weight creep back on and have decided today to rededicate myself to my health.

    This lovely group of ladies was instrumental in my success the first time and so I've return for your support again. I'll do my best to read and comment on your posts but there are so many now! Know I'm supporting you as much as I'm drawing upon your support for me!

    So here are my goals:
    1. Exercise 45-60 minutes per day on the following schedule: M/W/F Cardio; T/Th Strength ; Sat Yoga...Sunday I teach yoga so that will be my rest day
    2. Eat cleaner and stay within 1200-1300 calories per day depending on my workout calories with the goal in mind of leaving 500 calories on the table each day
    3. Only eat out 1x/week. My DH loves to eat out so this is a major concession on his part for which I'm thankful
    4. Post weekly on how I'm doing against these goals
    5. Support my fellow MFP friends and 50+ers

    Jodios in snowy, cold N. Il
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning Vit F! Still dreary and cold but weather prediction is for 60's this weekend. Hello golf. It has been so long since I played that I'm nervous. Sounds like everyone is doing well this morning. I've done some exercises and am going to pick up ingredients to make a dish for a dinner party tonight. I'll check in later. BTW got my 4,000 steps in yesterday. My heel hurt like crazy but I did it!
    SueBDew in TX
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow did I fall behind I have five pages to catch up. Started with the last one.

    Great pictures. I like the one where the older is kissing the baby precious that one.

    Today you said it.

    Is blood work not free in Alberta.

    I need to come up with a good word and quote. I feel like stealing one in her. Hunger is not an emergency. Love that one.

    Congrats at being under 200 can't wait to join you. Almost made it there and turned around again.

    Speaking out of turn happens to the best of us.

    If your feeling poopy should you not be resting. Forget about exercise and keep your energy to battle what ails you.

    Went to see a very sick friend this morning she got influenza that is going around and I guess they almost lost her yesterday. Family called me to tell me this morning so I went right up. She's having a better day today. A lot of her problem is weight related. So I need to smarten up. Don't want to be like her. But maybe in some case of illnesses I'm worst. So high time to smarten up.
    Wii gave me a loss this morning small but a loss all the same. So back on track. As you see if I'm not doing good I avoid this place like the pledge where that's when I should be here the most.
    I need to start using the wii for more than just a scale.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in -10 the weather is getting much better. Maybe good enough to go for a little walk this afternoon.
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member

    Katla: The Rose City Classic runs Thursday through Sunday. You may consider going Thursday or Friday when the crowds are much smaller. Saturday is the biggest day with a significant cash prize for Best in Show, the baby puppy class, team obedience, and the elite junior showmanship competitions. But if you just want to go and see everything in a more relaxed environment, go before the weekend. Below is a link to the Judging Program which will tell you when and where everything happens. Let me know if you want or need help translating anything. Other tip is that the most interesting stuff happens first thing in the morning in the performance rings. The highest levels in both agility and obedience usually run first or very close to first thing in the morning (8 am).

    Janet: YEAH!!! Major congratulations for breaking down a barrier!!!

    Left my UP band on the charger yesterday so didn’t get my steps recorded for the first time in 6 months. Boy…. it was HIGHLY demotivating once I realized I did not have my little electronic wristband! I still walked the dogs and hoofed up and down to the barn a couple of times dragging the feed to the tack room, but it just wasn’t the same.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I just read through 3 pages and want to make comments but can't remember most of your names by the time I get through.

    Sylvia, love the jokes that make me smile every day.

    Grandmallie, what a good DIL you are to take such care of your FIL. I admire you so much for that.

    Barb, you have a beautiful baby GD. I too, live for my two grandchildren. My biggest regret in life is that I was never able to stay home with my one child. Now, I give the time I missed to my son's babies (they really aren't babies anymore - 3 and 4).
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Barb from South Louisiana - A Cutie Patootie Granddaughter!

    Bonita - I sent you a friend request. :)

    I'm in a challenge with my FitBit friends. We are having a contest to see who can take the most steps over this work week. So far I'm in first place (out of 10). I walked 13,000+ steps yesterday when I normally would only have walked 10,000. So my competitiveness is kicking in!

    Cheered for Ohio State football last night and walked in place during every commercial break.

    Diana in Below Zero Northeast Indiana - burrrr!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Cynthia ... Happy Birthday!

    Barb ... your new granddaughter is beautiful! Congratulations!

    Janet ... Fantastic! Breaking 200 is a goal for me too ... you have inspired me to get to it!
