

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    to all - getting sick kind of off - ugh.... stats for the day:
    - ride hm 2 gym- 13.27min, 13.1mph 3mi
    spin- 45min, 79ar 88aw, 9-13g, 17.5mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.35min, 11.3amph, 1.5mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.51min, 8.3amph, 2.7mi - sick

    dog lady, i work in puyallup, not far from the fairgrounds.

    amanika - i've done 1/2marathons and a full- my best advice is pace yourself - the adrenaline from the excitement is going to want to get you going fast in the beginning, but you have to make yourself last for whole time. carb us the week before, NOT just the night before. don't try anything new on the day of the run, like a new food, supplement, etc.. i don't know about you but i listen to music when i run, the playlist i have is even called beat jogging so i run to the beat of the music so i pick out music that is my pace. that is some stuff to think about. let me know how it goes
  • drbcru
    drbcru Posts: 85 Member
    I wanted to share a cute motivational app I use. We all like to get positive feedback or get asked if something is wrong but we don't always have the support. It's called Lark and it works as a interactive text conversation either giving you an Atta girl for doing well or asks why you were off that day. Reviews your stats w/very simple charts. I have an IOS phone so I don't know if it works on all phones, but I live somewhat alone - 6 fur babies who give lots of love but are limited on the conversation topics and this gives me some feedback.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 15 minutes of a "Fit in a Flash" DVD, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec and will take the extremepump class for an hour. tomorrow's plan is to do a spinning downloadable workout

    - all my kids received presents "from grandma", even tho grandma had been dead for quite a few years. Denise, especially, was confused by this until she opened the package

    Sharon - I don't find spinach and feta at all weird. What about (I'm going to butcher the spelling) spanikopita?

    anamika - good luck on your marathon

    Alison - I, too, felt bad that I spent time with MIL during the week but not my own father. Then again, she was much closer. When I did see my dad, I'd spend the entire weekend with him so it probably all evened out in the end. I also knew deep inside that he was stronger than she was.

    Diana - wonderful NSV

    superpook - welcome! You've come to a great place for support. Check in regularly, we'd love to get to know more about you

    Carol - so glad to hear that boy child helped you. It probably just took him a little time to get adjusted to the idea and to know that it's permanent. I didn't know Cracker Barrel had healthy choices. I always avoided going there because they didn't have any good choices.

    Mary - congrats

    Sylvia - this year was the first year that I volunteered at this "pottery and chili fundraiser". Basically, you get a piece of pottery and a chili meal.

    pipcd - feel better fast

    inrohlfing - welcome. You've come to a great place for motivation and inspiration.

    terri - so sorry about the pneumonia

    After exercise on the way home stopped and picked up a renewal for Loki's one prescription, then went to Sams to return these pj's Jessica got, then WalMart since Vince needed milk & it's on sale so I had them price match that. Bought a few other things, too. Then bought gas, home and senior bowling. Tonight is mahjongg.

    Update: I just found out that my girlfriend's MD appt is at 9:40. She's staying with a friend. That means that I need to pick her up by 7:45, which means I need to leave the house around 7:15. Looks like I'm going to have to skip spinning tomorrow.

    Welcome everyone new that I may have missed

    Toni - I didn't realize you worked at the Y! What do you do there?

    pipcd - hope this isn't something that lasts a long time and you're feeling better real soon

    Michele in NC
  • Dkuffer
    Dkuffer Posts: 12
    It's been a few days since I posted - but I've been doing well...have logged all my food, lost 2 pounds last week and did an exhausting step class yesterday!
    For those of you going through difficult times, my thoughts are with you.
    For those of you who are working your programs - congrats and keep it up.

    Life can be a difficult journey, but with friends by your side it is easier.....

    We may have snow tonight!
    Dorene in New Mexico
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in... long day at work today - so having a cuppa tea and trying to remember everyone's names.

    The positives of the day:
    - made 860 extra steps today walking in place at the photo copier
    - showed up at physio early and used their treadmill for 20 minutes

    Take care everyone,


    One day at a time.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Michele - I am working at the front desk (Welcome Center) for now.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, we have a local medical equipment place that rents out the wheel chairs and mobility scooters. I think a scooter is $50/day or $100/3 days. It is well worth it for me at times. And they are the kind that are very portable. I have never tried ti lift them into the car but they come apart in I think 3 parts and make it pretty light. But I have the advantage over you in that my husband is doing the lifting for me. For you it is you having to lift a scooter part for him. If I work at it ral hard I can lift my whe/ch in and out of the trunk but it isn't easy.

    Margaret, you hit it on the head for me in what you said about what we do in the in between time makes the difference. That in between time is my nemisis for the desire to snack

    Allison, you may have to realize that when your FIL is now refusing breakfast that it may not be his mind that is refusing it but his body is refusing it. A body that is shutting down doesn't need to eat. It is us that love those people that want them to eat so we force them into it.

    Bonita, welcome. I don't send friend requests because all friends are here on this forum. I never go to my home page to read anything. I warn people who send me a friend request that if they write something and it goes to my page that I won't see it. So you may not need to send any out!

    As I was finishing up here last night, I noticed my face was itching. So when I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, my face was beet red. I put some cortisone cream on it, took some oral Benadryl and went to bed. Well the Benadryl sure helped me sleep but when I got up my face was still beet red. I haven't changed any soap, made up, make up remover, eaten anything different. I have no idea what is causing this allergic reaction. But my face is beet red from my ear lobes, face and up to my hairline, all except one little area around my right eye. As you can imagine, it looks kind of clownish! So I have been trying to take 1 Benadryl every 4 hours during the day. Sure glad it hasn't made me drowsy. Will call the doctor tomorrow and get his advice. I may be asked to go in and see one of his nurse practitioners. I hate to do that because the co-pay is the same as if I see him :s

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather in Hampshire - What are granary rolls?

    Diana in Indiana - Nice NSV for you. The way our clothes fit is probably a better measure than the scale.

    Michele in NC - I love spanikopita any which way it is spelled.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Had an up and down kind of day. Visit with Dr., they are now pretty sure it is not my heart. Keep up with the medicine, list of forbidden foods. Do this for 3 mos. and if everything is not resolved then they will give me an endoscopy. Also, no stress. Drs. can be funny.
    Took the Princesses out for lunch and a little shopping . Fun
    Cooked a great dinner if I do say so myself.
    Then things went down hill. Not even sure what to do any more.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning ladies
    Feeling quite tired this morning, had a bad nights sleep, kept waking every few hours. I seem to have a bad night and then a slightly better night sleeping.

    Not looking forward to work today, but I'll have either Thursday or Friday off as leave. I'm working a 3 day week for a few weeks, then I'll have to do a full week at the end of January as Jane is on leave that week. Then back to working 3 days a week again until I've used up all my last years holiday entitlement. Still toying with the idea of early retirement in the next year or so. I need to work out my finances to see if I can live on my work Pension until the state pension kicks in.

    Joyce I hope you find out what has caused your face to go beet red. Do you think you have been bitten by something?

    Terri Sorry about you having pneumonia, please take care

    Michele what is spanikopita ?

    Well better get the exercise out of the way before work, I walked a lot yesterday but didn't get the "formal" exercise done. This is one of the areas where I need to be more consistent.

    I'll try and get back tonight.

    Viv ( York UK)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:
    I've got a few spare moments as it's a yoga day today. Fewer calories burnt off, but I count it as my rest day. DH is on the machines. :laugh:

    Granary rolls are bread rolls made with malted and seeded flour. I love spanakopita too. (Don't know the spelling either) I used to live in a Greek Cypriot area of London and they were everywhere!

    I'm having my usual trouble with my rental. :grumble: The tenancy is coming to an end and the sgency deducts £200 "just in case" there are unexpected expenses. Grrrr! Just when I'm going on holiday. I hate it when the tenancy ends in the cold westher as I have to keep the very expensive heating ticking over to avoid frozen pipes. I must grasp the nettle and sell the thing, but all that requires work and I seem to have developed resistance to the whole subject. I bought the apartment with my mother's legacy and haven't looked in on it for over six years. It is fully managed, but doesn't bring in a lot of money now as it is very "tired" therefore not attracting good, long stay tenants. It causes me more worry than it's worth and the housing company who run the estate are blood boilingly useless. I want someone to wave a magic wand and take it off me for a reasonable price. :ohwell:

    First world problems. :neutral_face:

    Alison - I'm with Joyce, let him go gracefully. You have loved him such a lot, I know it is hard, but we all have our time. :flowerforyou:

    Beth - I may be annoying, having men invading your house, but one thing to be grateful for is that the man has friends who can be vulnerable to each other and supportive. So many men are isolated. :flowerforyou:

    Oh well, time to make myself beautiful for my yoga ladies. I've still got to get down to the shop and buy some summer clothes. I need light, cover up stuff. :ohwell: Perhaps a yoga lady will go with me.

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Got a few more minugtes now I'm dressed. :happy:

    Katla - I think she was just about as nervous as anyone would be under the circumstances. WOMAN'S HOUR is a British institution and people listen to it all over the world. It is easy to listen to yesterday's episode on your computer or phone. BBC radio 4. I was certainly a bit worried for her as the other guest was so lively, but she managed to hold her own. She texted me to say it helped thst Harriet, the other guest, was so nice. I would have seen her as competition! :ohwell: She talked about praising children for the good things they do - that's exactly what she does!
    - When I first met her she seemed so sweet that I thought she would never be able to handle my rumbustious son! :laugh: I was sooooo wrong! She is a good mentor for me, but I will never achieve her standard! ! ! ! Of course, like everyone, she has her weak spots, but her sense of quiet, grounded, entitlement is a valuable lesson to me. VALUE YOURSELVES, FOLKS!

    Oh well, enough philosophising! Off to yoga!

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am on my second cuppa.. and yes it is tea.. I didnt sleep well last night.. kidneys bothering me... and not very hungry this morning.. will see what I can rummage up to have today am working until 6 pm, but have to get bloodwork done first.. wont get down to my DFIL until after breakfast..
    I hate the thought of him shutting down, I know when it is his time,it will be tough especially on me ,as I was the one seeing him every day..
    well on a whim I wrote to our local wild birds unlimited.saying I was looking for a job a couple of days a week, now you know me and birds.. working in a place that has everything to do with birds would be FANTASTIC....only thing about that is that every other week I will have one day off.. thats ok.. will be more money coming in and I wouldnt be starting work until-11 on sunday and either 10-11 on thursday,so still gives me time to do stuff including mowing the lawn...
    have laundry in the dryer already all dressed for work and have DH dinner and lunch all set so.. I will do my hair and get over to the lab early then go see DFIL and then come home quick and walk the dogs...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning! Allison: do you have the new job already?? I know they'd be lucky to have you; hope it isn't too much for you. :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    cynthia~ dont have the job yet.. and somewhere along the line I lost a day so I only have 5 days of logging... geesh OH well...
    had some toast and tea, not much for wanting to eat today.. made some multi grain rice and black eyes peas for lunch with a pear..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone who is feeling under the weather starts feeling better soon!!! My flu turned into a sinus infection, still taking my antibiotics...., still coughing :\ .

    Alison :) Good luck with the new job! Take care of yourself while you're taking care of everyone else!

    Cynthia :) Happy Birthday my friend :flowerforyou:!!!! I hope your day will marvelous!!!

    Viv :) Take care of yourself :flowerforyou:!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    DeeDee in rainy, cold and icky NC

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited January 2015
    Heather, I found a link to the Womens Hour podcast.

    Have not listened yet, but will when I have some time. I've got it q-ed up and ready to listen while I drive to joplin this morning. It is the right episode, about nail biting.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2015
    Cynthia - is Deedee right? Is it your birthday? If so my VERY BEST WISHES! <3:flowerforyou:

    Done my yoga. Looks like I may have a recruit to go shopping with me. Have to email some dates. :bigsmile: Funny how nervous I was asking! :ohwell:

    Got my favourite lunch today - left over veg curry. :laugh: Butter Nut Squash, broccoli, cauliflower and a sprinkle of red lentils. Oh yum, my mouth is watering! DH likes the same thing for lunch every dsy, some kind of sandwich. :ohwell: Usually I go along with it, but I love eating up left overs for a change. Sometimes I make myself a mixed grain huge salad and when he is at football I have very spicy Asian soup with shiritaki noodles and prawns in it. Double yum!

    NSV for DH today! The special, expensive wine we bought for Christmas as a present to us from DSIL turned out to be not so special. OK , but not worth the money. DH wrote an email to the company complaining and they are sending us a different replacement bottle! ! ! ! A white Rioja. Nearly always pays to complain. :bigsmile:

    My new, flat pack bathroom cabinet has arrived. Just got to put it together! ! ! ! :sad:

    Heather in very wet Hampshire UK
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Good morning ladies. Allergies are getting the best of me at the moment. Made an appt. with my allergist but it is not until next month. Just have to hang in there.
    Have a great day!