

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    Barbie~ he does alot of wonderful stuff, and I tell him all the time.. he is awesome at the finances, he does laundry if need be( and well) he cleans the sinks and bathrooms.. he is quite the handyman.. I have told him all these things...
    Margaret ~ you are right, I should just do what I need to do and deal with it differently..
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Sunday! Yesterday was a good day food wise and we had DGS's 5th birthday party. They had it at the bowling alley so I helped the team of 6 little girls 6 and under. I realized when I got home that I had been up walking and helping them for over an hour and half. Boy!! that would not of happened before I lost the weight. I could not stand for more then a couple minutes let alone walk far or long. I am working today until 2 then we are going to the bowling alley for my DGGS's 4th birthday party. What happened to just having some little friends over at home and play a couple games, eat cake and ice cream and open gifts. It just amazes me what parents spend on a party these days.

    Heather--thanks for the ideas. I will do that get some sugar free jello and puddings. I have told DH there are somethings we just are not buying for the house anymore. I had stopped so along time and then thought I could add them back. NOT! So back to basics. Good thing is alot of what DH likes to snack on I do not like. Congrates on typing 8 days in a row. I would like to read that book also.

    Rita--I also got that happiness 5 year journal and started on Jan 1st. I do think it helps as I write postive things about my day. Sending prayers for DS and you.

    Toni--Congrates the blueberry is here and all is well. God does Good Work!

    Michelle--glad to hear results were good. Not having to worry about it for another 5 years is a blessings. I had mine done last March so good for 4 years yet!

    Big story on front page of the newspaper this moring. Dogs are coming up missing right out of kennals and yards. Been going on for awhile it sounds like, but getting worse. A couple days ago they found three of them dead by the railroad tracks. Said they had not been run over. Scary. And they are taking all kinds. One thought is they are using them for fight baite. What is wrong with some people. Told DH to make sure to keep an eye on ours when they go out and not to leave them out very long. We have a fenced in yard, but sounds like that does not matter.

    Terri--hope you feel better soon.

    I spend 30 minutes yesterday working in my spare room cleaing things and putting in order. I made a great start. Now to keep working 30 minutes a couple times a week I should get it done and kept up. Thats my goal for this month.

    Viv--proud of you for getting out. Just take it One Day at a time. Hugs and prayers.

    Allison--So sorry to hear what DD did. Kids get funny ideas, my son is always making remarks about his childhood and I decided to start telling him I did the best I could with what I knew at the time. Like you I was the one always there. Please know you are a good person with a big heart. Sometimes I wounder if our children know we will always love them so the take out things on us, they would not on anyone else, because they know we will always be here for them.Sending BIG hugs. You get that blood work done, it is for your health and be dammed what DH does. You are such a speical person I wish only good things for you. Please stay strong and do not give up. Sending HUGS, you are loved and a very important person. Don't you ever for get that. You are more then welcome at my house anytime.

    Jane--sorry to hear about your friend, Sending prayers for you and her family. It's sad she passed on her children's birthday. My dad passed last March on my younger brother's birthday. Know it hit him pretty hard. Not sure what this first year will be like for him. All we can do is be there for them and give support.

    Robin--Good to hear the postive thing is going well and that you both got a good laugh. Hugs and prayers for DH and his friends family. Congrates on Bodi and his going back outside to do his business.

    Sylvia--I enjoy your jokes and look forward to them. They can give me a smile and some days thats the only one I get. So I vote to keep doing them when you can.

    Katla--Good for you for getting back into exercise at the gym. You can do this and maybe you will meet someone to be your new partner. I know I do better when Ihave someone to go with.

    tngram2seven--love the quote and going to post it in my kitchen. Thanks

    Nancy--Congrates on the great weigh in.

    Meg--Sending hugs and prayers.

    Sue from TN--The most important thing is not to give up. One Day at a Time.

    Lesley--Sorry to hear about your friend, sending hugs and prayers for you and her family.

    Jeannine--Thanks for sharing the picture. They look like very happy furbabies. Love the double rainbow also.

    Barbie--Thanks for sharing your furbabies picture. They look like they are ready to go!

    Janet--Don't give up and just take it one day at a time. Sometimes I will stay at the same weight no matter what I do and then all the sudden I lose.

    Sorry this ended up so long. Have a safe and warm Sunday. Remember One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Katla - good article, thanks! :flowerforyou: I eat all of those foods a lot of the time, apart from pomegranate, which is a rare treat.
    - How is your lactose intolerance? On our TV they are advertising lactose free dairy, milk, butter etc. Have you tried those? I got for Christmas a recipe book called RIVER COTTAGE - LIGHT AND EASY., by one of our TV chefs, Hugh Fearnley Whittonstall. Delicious dairy and gluten free recipes, but not especially slimming. I was surprised what could be made dairy free - ice creams etc. I have ordered some buckwheat flour as he seems to use it a lot.

    Alison - you could have another 40 years of misery. :flowerforyou: Or you could be happy.

    Heather UK

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Just heard from my son that my DDIL, Dr Jessamy Hibberd, is going to be on BBC4 Woman's Hour at 10 am tomorrow GMT. It's in a section on nailbiting. I know some of you are very enterprising at listening to the radio programmes on iplayer. So pleased for her! :love:

    Heather UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Allison, you are in my prayers ! ! ! I could have sworn you were writing my story. Bipolar alcoholic ex that let daughter do as she pleased, no discipline, and most of the time she tells me that I abused her as a child, which I never did. She doesn't remember all the times she called me because her dad and his boyfriend were having a fist fight, or he left her stranded miles from home, or there was no food in his house, etc. One time, she was in the midst of a miscarriage, and he refused to take her to the Hospital. But I was the "bad parent". Whatever. I know your daughter is as wrong as my daughter, and you DO deserve better.

    Thanks everyone for the words of support with my influenza. It is getting worse instead of better, so I will see the doctor again tomorrow for chest X-ray, because I likely have a secondary infection already.

    Now, back to sleep (if I can stop coughing long enough).

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    stat for the day - no gym;
    - other- 1hr 16min,raking leaves, picking up poop, pruning
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Bah! Late to the party as usual. But I'm back on board for the new year, with new goals. The holiday season was fun, and not too damaging weight wise, probably a couple of kilos.

    This year I am continuing with Pilates and dog-walking the giant German Shepherd, but I'm going to try and fit in two sessions of HIIT on the exercise bike, and start a beginner's weight-training regime. I'm almost down to my goal weight of 57 kilos, but my body fat is still hovering around 29 percent. Hopefully the change-up of my exercise can move me along a bit.

    I'm going to try to read through everyone's posts today.

    Cheers from Deb in Melbourne.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning and done 3.3 mile walk for 464 calories and 10179 steps, Jeannette's kick-boxing shortly for 339 steps/ Had to look back to find REAL calories.
    I am waiting for HRM FitBit to be released this year.
    Washing all bedding on spare double bed as Mildred beagle sneezed blood all over bedding. Will put on line to dry. She is sleeping now.
    Stan and I have decided NOT to replace Mildred when she walks over the rainbow Bridge. We are going to buy a tent and go travelling Tasmania. We are tired of burying our dogs and Stan is 71 this year and I am 67. Time for US.
    I signed up on Dr Oz and printed some stuff. I am 66 and he says my REAL age is 62. Will do again when lost weight
    Food = 1827 and exercise = 803 calories.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Seems like quite a wasted day. DH had to find someone to serve communion for me at church and I have done nothing but sit around with my leg up all day…ugh. I did get some ills paid and did some edits on some chapters, but mostly glued to the lazy boy in front of the TV….blah I hate that.

    Kim: wish I could join you in the wine! I’m maxed out on Tylenol though so no alcohol here. Dam! LOL

    Sue: I’m with you on the on-again, off-again eating

    Barbie: how did the seahawks do?

    Michele: I do find that interesting that plain old food doesn’t seem so exotic and appealing these days

    Sharon: the party sounded like a great success

    Heather: your upcoming trip sounds divine

    Alison: I am sorry your homelife is driving you to want a second job; I have to agree with Sylvia

    Jeannine: my hubby’s family are all from Miami, OK, which is right across the border from you. Adorable dogs!

    Barbie: there are your babies too!

    Sylvia: I heard the other day that geese can produce 2 pounds of poo a day…no wonder they sing! LOL

    Janet: sometimes we hit those plateaus. Some of the wise women here told me to change up my exercise routine when that happens

    Pip: now there’s a nice looking pack of dogs!

    Katla: well the one good thing about my knee is that the recent plain xrays showed tons of healthy joint space, so no need for new knees for me!

    Nancy congratulations on your wonderful achievement.

    Vicki I have always been so afraid of someone taking or poisoning my dogs that I have never left them out. Our old next door neighbors had one stolen and one shot to death in their yard. How scary and how sad.

    Well I guess I have nothing else great to say….take care all and make tomorrow a successful day. I’m going to be gaining weight I’m afraid without being able to exercise at all. Meg from Omaha
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi lovely ladies.

    I am back from being many miles away, and trying to deal with jet-lag, mourning, paying bills, etc. Tomorrow it is back to work. Unfortunately my mom passed away before I could get there. But I am happy she has been relieved from her suffering. My mom’s funeral and time with family was special. Together with my siblings, nieces and nephews, we were able to clean out mom’s apartment within time. It ended up being so much more work than anticipated; we worked our buns off every day until I had to leave; but we did find some gems in papers my dad had kept, as well as pictures and some other special items.

    While away, I stayed with my eldest sister and her better half. No matter what the distance, my sisters and I are forever connected.

    DH was awesome while I was away. He picked me up from the airport with roses in hand. The house was clean too. I love being in my own home. Our daughter is moving this coming weekend. I can’t wait to hug those cute little grand babies again.

    I hope everyone has been doing okay. I have not had a chance to read through the posts, and in fact may not be able to catch up. But I surely have been thinking about you all.

    Much love,
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I just have a quick question about abbreviations. I see a lot of you using, DH, I thought it was Daughter's Husband seems like it is yours? There are many others that I am confused about. Could you please give me a heads up?

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Church then lunch with my older son. Played a game he likes. Then football.

    I walked in place during each commercial then treadmill during halftime. Got my highest steps to date! Almost 13,000. I might catch Barbie - er maybe not. LOL

    Happy thoughts to all.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good evening..........

    Renny........My condolences for the loss of your mother. You were a very devoted daughter with all your phone calls and long distance visits, sorry you did not make it over there in time before she passed on.

    Enjoyed all the doggy pics; thanks everyone!

    Meg.....Hoping your knee pain cause is found.

    Terri.........So sorry you feel as if you are getting more ill.

    Lesley.......Congrats on knocking 4yrs. off

    Beth.......You can keep 3ft.; I'll settle for 3 inches..........just enough for a pretty blanket; and it can melt by noon.

    It was 18 degrees when I got myself out to our monthly gym breakfast; had a great time with friends. Stopped at grocery on way home. Watched my poor Cowboys lose. Congrats to any Green Bay fans here!!!

    My brain is mush.......when I got on I had 30+ posts to read; granted some were just pics but a bit daunting and I'm caught up for the minute..........not remembering much right now, but caught up!

    G'nite, and hi to everyone I missed.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    *pipcd, love your dogs. The black one looks just like my maggie. :)

    *Katie, thanks for the link. I was happy to see that many of their good foods are things I eat often. And then there were some that I never eat. Thanks for sharing.

    *grandmallie, isn't it strange when a partner doesn't seem to enjoy your company but doesn't want you to have a life without them? You take care of you and do your best to ignore the negative. I know that is easier said than done, but you deserve to have other interests and enjoy life. You are a good DIL to his Dad. You are loved by many and just have to love yourself.

    *Nancy, congrats on your weight loss. Way to go!!!

    *Barbie, you are doing an amazing job with your exercise! Ya'll make me want to get out and walk, but it is not something that my back agrees with. Great job for all you walkers.

    *Lesley, I am tending to feel the same way when our 3 furbabies are gone. We rarely travel together any more because of them. After one of our dogs was gone years ago, it took me 4 years before I was ready for another. I know I will miss them something terrible but hopefully it will be a few more years. Two are small poodles that are only 10 and they tend to live longer than larger dogs.

    *Renny, so sorry about your Mom, but glad she no longer suffering. I guess you do have an awesome DH. Roses? (OK, what did he do or not do? LOL) He sounds like a sweetheart.

    *Mary, it took me a while to. :) DH=dear husband, DD=dear daughter, DS=dear son, DDIL is the daughter in law and so on. I hope this helped, but ask if you have more questions.I always laugh because my DD's name is D.D. (her initials)

    Welcome to the new ladies, welcome back to those who have been away. No worries, ladies, I may get discouraged but not about to give up. I figure sooner or later this drought will pass. I just really want to lose 10 more pounds before my cruise and 2 weeks without a loss is a bummer.

    As always, I enjoy all your posts and feel that I gain (not weight) so much from being with you. Keep it coming.

    My word for the of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 50 minutes of a 30 Day Butt Lift DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to do some of the Fit In a Flash DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Alison - volunteering at hospice will get you out of the house, too. And that's something that you'd be good at

    pipcd - gorgeous "kids"

    katla - thanks for the interesting article. Fortunately, I eat just about everything on that list

    Nancy - congrats on the great loss

    Vicki - that's just horrible about those dogs!

    Heather UK - so happy about your DIL

    Terri - sending you virtual chicken soup. Hope the doc helps you

    Renny - welcome back. I'm so sorry you didn't get to your mom in time

    mary - dh = Dear (or D*** as the case may be) Husband

    Jess left and then we worked bringing more Christmas decorations down. There are still a few things outside, not much, but we don't have room for it until we put away what we have down right now.

    The nominating committee is meeting tomorrow.

    I don't know why, but right now I'm so so tired. I think I'll take a shower then lay down in bed.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Barbie~ he does a lot of wonderful stuff, and I tell him all the time.. he is awesome at the finances, he does laundry if need be( and well) he cleans the sinks and bathrooms.. he is quite the handyman.. I have told him all these things...
    Margaret ~ you are right, I should just do what I need to do and deal with it differently..

    :D Alison, thanks for sharing this.....so many people are quick to judge and say leave a husband who has some shortcomings instead of recognizing how complex relationships are. You seem to be open to learn new ways to get along with your hubby at his difficult times. Hugs to you <3

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :'(:'( Renny, I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother and that you didn't get to see her at the end. I know what a great caring daughter you have been.

    <3 hugs to you
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    All the fur baby pics- so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sue – one meal at a time…. Don’t let too much pizza in one meal undermine all the other meals… just one foot in front of the other…

    Lesley -  I am so sorry to hear about your friend, but so interesting that she was named Bronwyn, as is someones (meg???) families new baby - I had never heard that name before.

    Alison – I am so sorry, you are a lovely person and deserve better – professional counseling?
    I know how hard it can be to have family turn on you…. But we are your friends and we picked to be friends, and love you. – Listen to Margaret, she is so right on! I am wondering if while he is spouting off you could just say I don’t deserve to be treated like this and then leave.. just walk out of the house, take a walk or drive or…. What ever your reaction to his bad behavior is; it is ok with him, if you change your behavior maybe it would make him think twice about how he is treating you.

    Nancy – 8lbs!!!WOW congrats

    Renny – sympathy to you! Glad time with family was so good. And hip hip hooray for DH and roses….

    Mary – the D in front is for Darling, Dumb, dopey, Dam* and then the rest is the relationship – still can be a challenge as DSIL is Darling sister in law or Darling son in law ….. but usually that gets figured out in the context of the post.

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :D Meg, one thing about having to sit so much is that you were able to write such a long and thoughtful post and respond to so many people. The Seahawks won their game yesterday so when I finish knitting the hat in their colors I'll have reason to wear it instead of having to wait until next year.

    :'(:'( Lesley, I'm so sorry about your friend, Bronwyn. I know that someone on this thread has a new baby family member with that name.

    I am trying to write this with Bernie the cat walking on the keyboard and bumping my arm.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I'm through cleaning up the kitchen and getting cozy to watch Downton. Time to check in with all of you.

    Margaret - I loved the pictures of the old toys. What fun!

    Pip - enjoyed your recent picture and was touched by your story of your family life
    Our journey makes us stronger!

    Lesley - I can just smell those lovely roses! Many of us are envying you and others in the Southern hemisphere right now.

    Michele - you must have a lot of decorations. You mentioned cooking in a bag. I like to do a turkey breast in a bag. It is always moist and juicy that way.

    Heather - congrats on the writing and DIL's opportunity. Your "pie" sounds yummy!

    Jeannine and Barbie - enjoyed your fur baby pictures

    Meg - so sorry about your knee. I'm glad the xray showed some space.

    Allison - you are being bombarded with insensitivity right now. ((HUGS))

    Can't remember who asked me about yogurt. I don't like regular yogurt much. I love Greek yogurt. It is heavy and creamy tasting. It has 14 or so grams of protein. For breakfast I prefer Chobani with the fruit in the bottom. I sometimes take plain Greek yogurt and doctor it up with fruit, whipped topping and sweetener (I know it's not the best) One of my favorite combinations is 1/2 c. canned pumpkin, 1/2 c. plain Greek yogurt, 3 Tbs. whipped topping, pumpkin pie spice and sweetner. I whip it up and put it in the freezer for a little while. I love pumpkin flavored things and this dessert really satisfies me.

    Have a good night
