vim_n_vigor Member


  • How long have you been doing this? It isn't unusual, especially when adding exercise in for it to take some time to start dropping weight. In fact, when I start adding new, high calorie burning exercises, I can usually count on 4-6 weeks where I gain weight before I start to lose.
  • Working midnights is hard on the mind and the body. Do you sleep during the day and fully your awake hours are shifted for the midnight schedule? When I worked those hours I was constantly back and forth between awake during the nights and awake during the days so I was never consistent. Even under the best of…
  • Necro thread commenting - for what its worth, my boys wrestle and they sell pickles, pickle juice, pickle slushies at most of the tournaments to help with the cramping and the kids really buy it up.
  • Well, there is a track here where the walking lanes are elevated and at an angle. Many of the older, or injured walkers are not physically able to walk at that angle comfortably and the running lanes are flat. I suspect at least in this area why most of the walkers ignore the walking lanes.
  • I don't know why this showed up in the recent forum topics threads for me. I hope her boobs are in great shape now!
  • You said your little one is 7 weeks old? It always took me a while for them to firm back up after having a baby. Give your body some time to recover from child birth a bit before deciding if you need a lift in my opinion anyway. Congrats!
  • Same here, but has also happened when I haven't been eating enough, too stressed, getting sick. But, what stands out the most is your heart rate going up quickly too, which is exactly what happened before I found out I was pregnant. I hope you feel better soon.
  • I find it motivating to have some clothes that are just a little too small that I try on every few weeks and watch them fit better and better. I watch clearance sales and when I see some good deals, I'll order the some of the smaller size and get excited trying to fit into them. I guess this is my version of measuring my…
  • In the past when I started here it was how quickly can I lose the weight? I changed everything all at once, got burned out, a holiday or vacation came up and then I was just done. This time, I have started small and keep making changes once I am comfortable with my first changes. My first few weeks was just logging, then I…
  • I know you may not like to hear this, but right now, your concern should not be losing weight, it should be working on your issues with food. Your current therapist may or may not be the right one to deal with this issue, but at the very least, she should be able to help you get the support you need. You look very young.…
  • For what its worth - this is how I started, and I have lost 40 lbs. I started by just tracking what I was eating for 2 weeks, not planning to cut anything back or change anything. The next 2 weeks, I planned to add 3 servings of fruits or vegetables every day. The next 2 weeks, my plan was to stay in my calorie goal set by…
  • I am trying to educate my kids on what calories are, what carbs, proteins and fats are, and why each are important. I have 3 boys, each with different energy needs at this point. They understand that what I do for exercise and what I need for calories for a day are different than what they need, and I think they are…
  • No oatmeal raisin? Those are my weakness! These I can pass on. The candy just doesn't work for me in a cookie form
  • When I was on maternity leave, before my husband left in the morning, I would make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and package them in halves in places where I would tend to get 'stuck' during the day. I would leave one or 2 in the stroller with a banana or apple, one or two in the places where I was typically nursing…
  • My boys are growing up, and my 'baby' is now 6. Please be gentle on yourself. Your body is recovering from growing a tiny human and now feeding that little human. If you had a c-section, that is even more to recover from along with not getting much sleep. The weight never came off for me until I was done breastfeeding. Eat…
  • Up North, but not THE Up North!
  • What activity level do you have set? For 5000 steps on lightly active, I usually get 35-100 calories added.
  • If she likes popcorn, you can make that a sweet/salty snack - I used to give that to my kids when they were little with some dried fruit in it. You can also get the flavorings for the popcorn and they have a sweet kettle corn one that might make her enjoy it more. What about oatmeal raising muffins or raisin bran muffins?…
  • I don't eat the same calories each day. Weekdays I usually eat lower calories, usually under goal. I kind of bank these calories for the weekend when I spend more time with family and am more likely to eat out.
  • I live in northern Michigan, and it gets very cold in here. We have a stationary bike in the house. They make them much smaller now than they used to, and we are considering getting an elliptical too if we can find one on sale. If all else fails, I turn up the music and walk circles around the inside of the house.
  • 1. My cholesterol is in the normal range for the first time in 13 years. 2. I bought and fit into a nightie from Victoria's Secret 3. I bought some fall outerwear in XL fully expecting it not to fit, and it fits great! 4. My pant size no longer includes a W at the end of the sizing
  • I worked my way down to black coffee over a few months. I paid extra to get the single portion creamers and just slowly phased them out. I find if I directly brew the coffee into the ice, it seems less bitter to me as well.
  • I track my deficit by the week, not the day, so there are always a few days a week that show over and a few days that show under. Mentally, it is easier for me to do it this way. Down 32 since Feb.
  • I don't personally like the term 'cheat'. I calorie cycle and go for a weekly, not daily goal. My weekdays I tend to have lower calories. I tend to eat most, if not all my meals from food I prepare at home. On the weekends, I tend to have more time with family and friends and so my calories tend to be higher on the…
  • for a while I tracked the five week weight loss and then averaged it together by week, and when averaged, it really hasn't been too far off. But if I just look at it as a day to day thing, it doesn't come close.
  • In our area, some of the local stores have quick cooking classes - I think they try to pull people in to look at their appliances and such, but anyway, look for something like this locally. You can learn some techniques, and maybe even a few recipes.
  • FWIW, I think these are silly plates, that would not have very high sales, and most people here and other places online would never have even seen them if not for the 'outrage' over them. I don't think they were very well thought out or vetted, but I don't think they are worth nearly the attention they have received.