Can’t lose weight unless I starve myself??

Since July I’ve been on a very low cal diet to lose weight (sometimes eating as little as 100 calories a day, but usually around 800 or so) and I’ve lost 40 pounds. I’ve tried eating around 1,200 calories but I gain weight, even before I dropped to <1,000 calories. Starving myself has left me mentally drained and I fear I’ll gain all the weight back if I don’t address the underlying problem. I’ve never seen a doctor about it before since I’m not sure it’s necessary. Anyone have any thoughts? Anything would help.

Just some background info:
I’m 5’0 and my weight fluctuates between 134 and 137 pounds.
I walk 15,000 steps a day (around 2.25 hours).


  • theresalamovsky
    theresalamovsky Posts: 3 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but what you are doing is not good for you. You are not eating anywhere near enough calories to fuel your body. Can I respectfully suggest seeking professional help to deal with your anxiety around food and weight gain?
    I see a therapist and I’ve made her aware of my eating habits and we’ve talked about it. I know I’m not eating enough, but I can’t lose weight otherwise.
  • theresalamovsky
    theresalamovsky Posts: 3 Member
    Eating that little IS a concern! and its dangerous.

    How are you measuring your calorie intake? are you using a food scale?
    I really don't know how you have the energy to do 15k steps if you are grossly under eating, our bodies need a minimum amount of calories just to function, even at your height 1200 should still be your minimum plus you should eat back exercise calories too.

    Your approx BMR at your height, taking in your activity level is 1295 (I didn't know your age but guessed 20 from your profile pic) - That is the minimum amount of calories your body needs to support your organs if you were comatose - in other words, normal moving around, activities during the day and exercise are not factored in that amount.

    You've lost 40lbs since July, that's a lot of weight to lose in only a matter of months. But you need to slow that loss down now and eat enough calories so your body does not suffer long term damage.

    Out of interest, have you been eating that little since July? are there days where you eat more?

    This post is a concern - MFP does not support VLCD's.

    I don’t use a food scale, I just eyeball it basically. I’m exhausted by the time I finish my last walking session (I split it into 3 sessions where I walk 5,000 steps each). I haven’t lost anything in a month and whenever I eat close to 1,200 calories my weight goes up to 137. I’ve been heavily restricting my calories since July and I would occasionally go up to the 1,000’s. I’ve been eating more recently because I’m so drained from starving and I’m constantly hungry, but never more than 1,500 calories a day.
  • netitheyeti
    netitheyeti Posts: 539 Member
    edited December 2019
    I would *strongly* recommend getting a cheap kitchen scale and weighing your portions. Chances are your guesses are way off. It's why I don't eyeball stuff either, I've accidentally both gained and lost weight while trying to maintain without using scales. I'm between 5'2 and 5'3 and around 133lbs atm, walk about 1/3 to 1/2 of your steps a day, and I maintain on at least 1600ish kcal a day, and eat 1300ish (net) when trying to lose a bit of weight.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited December 2019
    Eyeballing it clearly isn’t working. Get a food scale and use it. Weigh and measure everything you eat and drink accurately. Your body is telling you something regarding your exhaustion. Make an appointment to see a MD. Explain your eating/exercise routine. All the facts.

    You are jeopardizing your health.
  • grenachegirl
    grenachegirl Posts: 19 Member
    Just to repeat what several others have said- get yourself a kitchen scale- it really is a revelation!!
    I feel your frustration, I’m 5ft 1”, almost 47 years old and have lots of health issues. It is painfully slow for me to lose weight, I have to stick around 1300 calories a day to see any results. However, when I’m consistent with everything, including weighing foods and logging it does happen - but slowly!!
    Take better care of your body- you’ll hopefully need it for a long time!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Just need patience and consistency.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited December 2019
    I’ve never seen a doctor about it before since I’m not sure it’s necessary. Anyone have any thoughts? Anything would help.

    More than a kitchen scale, find yourself a medical professional who really cares about you. You may have to shop around. There are legit doctors and therapists, quacks and imaginary doctors. When you find the right one they will give you skills you need so you learn how to manage food and get rid of the mental drain you're feeling now.
    Good will towards yourself always has its own reward. Take care of yourself today.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I know this isn't what you want to hear but what you are doing is not good for you. You are not eating anywhere near enough calories to fuel your body. Can I respectfully suggest seeking professional help to deal with your anxiety around food and weight gain?
    I see a therapist and I’ve made her aware of my eating habits and we’ve talked about it. I know I’m not eating enough, but I can’t lose weight otherwise.

    Show your therapist this thread.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I know you may not like to hear this, but right now, your concern should not be losing weight, it should be working on your issues with food. Your current therapist may or may not be the right one to deal with this issue, but at the very least, she should be able to help you get the support you need. You look very young. You can cause lifelong major health problems by eating so little that include - heart attack, inability to have children, death, and others by not eating enough to fuel even your most basic body functions. Best of luck - I sincerely hope you get the help you need!