Hi, first of all-congrats on your new pregnancy! Hope everything will work out exactly as you wish! Now, with this much extra weight, I guess you don't need to gain any weight although you are pregnant. With this said, just focus on eating healthy, well balanced meals, in restricted amount, and of course, be active! Being…
Hi there, I am also looking forward to some extra support toward better looking myself, as well as others! It is really great to be a part of supporting community, to learn some new tricks and tips, and to get into better shape as soon as possible! Love idea of learning something new and useful. I have been dieting for few…
I guess that age does affect weight issues. I have also read that same old routine doesn't have the same effect after certain period of time, because the body gets used to it and resists losing the weight, so to speak. Maybe a change in exercise routine would help. Like, instead of jogging, go for a swimming, or hiking, or…
It really seems that losing weight is so much harder as years go by! I remember the huge difference between fight to lose post pregnancy weight after my first kid, and after the second one-with just 3 years apart. And I am some 15 years your junior. Well, all I can say is take your steps with the pace that suits you and…
I am also in! I have not managed to loose some 10 pounds after my second son arrived-and he is 3 years old now! Right now I am working out on and it is helping me to keep up with the diet plan and exercise. I am doing light cardio and I power walk for 30 minutes every…
With this shocking tumor you had, it is great that you have managed to accomplish this much. From the pics, I would say that your shape changed a lot and I do believe that this is primarily due to activity and then secondly to calories count. I do believe that with all the organized plan and activities you will manage to…