Anyone else pregnant?! eek!!

I have just started watching what I am eating again and trying to move more when lo and behold after a week of suspicion I take a test and find out that not only am I obese... I am obese and pregnant.

How on earth do I work this? Is it possible to end a pregnancy lighter than you start it?? Don't get me wrong I am absolutely all about putting baby first I really am but I don't want to do what I did last time and just use pregnancy as an excuse to eat and eat and eat and I am 100lbs over my ideal..

I also had pelvis pain in my last pregnancy and suspect it was me being overweight which made that worse. Has anyone any experience of weightloss in pregnancy?? help!!


  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Talk to your doctor about it before trying anything. I lost weight with both of my pregnancies (and my kids were perfectly fine, even on the above average side), but it was not on purpose and I had significantly more weight to lose. It would probably be best to focus on eating healthy and being active as opposed to trying to lose weight.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Do log and eat as healthy as you can. ONLY FOLLOW WHAT YOUR DOC SAYS about limiting your calories. Your baby is depending on you now- and you will be your own again in a few months. Congrats!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Hey, congrats!

    You shouldn't purposely restrict your calories to try to lose weight when you are pregnant. Your child's health is most important. If you are overweight (you didn't mention how much you weigh) you can get away without gaining as much. On average people should aim to gain 25-35lbs... more if underweight, less if overweight. A lot of people lose weight early on because of vomiting and a loss of appetite from smells, etc. Just aim to eat healthy and be active and you should be fine.

    Always talk to your doctor and dietician, because they will know best exactly would they would be comfortable with you doing.
  • I have just started watching what I am eating again and trying to move more when lo and behold after a week of suspicion I take a test and find out that not only am I obese... I am obese and pregnant.

    How on earth do I work this? Is it possible to end a pregnancy lighter than you start it?? Don't get me wrong I am absolutely all about putting baby first I really am but I don't want to do what I did last time and just use pregnancy as an excuse to eat and eat and eat and I am 100lbs over my ideal..

    I also had pelvis pain in my last pregnancy and suspect it was me being overweight which made that worse. Has anyone any experience of weightloss in pregnancy?? help!!

    I am not currently pregnant but I do have experience with obese and pregnant as well as my sister having the same experience. You still watch what you eat but you don't calorie restrict per the MFP guidelines. Follow the 80/20 rule, be good 80% of the time, balanced breakfast, balanced lunch, balanced dinner, sugar every once and a while. You can walk (or do a treadmill), take it easy (so don't overdo it) but still get cardio in, walking really is the best which is why I recommend it or treadmill. And as the doctor will recommend, drink lots of water.

    Lose the "eat for two" attitude and ask your doctor for recommendations on how to do it. It is possible. I did gain but it was more like 20 lbs than 40 or 50 lbs. My sister lost weight with her 2nd child by doing what I recommended above.

    You can do it and start creating good habits over the pregnancy that you can then take what you've created to lose weight after the baby is born.
  • Hi, first of all-congrats on your new pregnancy! Hope everything will work out exactly as you wish!
    Now, with this much extra weight, I guess you don't need to gain any weight although you are pregnant. With this said, just focus on eating healthy, well balanced meals, in restricted amount, and of course, be active! Being active will help you to stay strong, deliver your baby easy and handle post-partum period easier. You can find lot of useful advice on being active and eating healthy here on the forum, as well as on other forums (such as and exercise blogs. Good luck!
  • Rabellaka
    Rabellaka Posts: 3 Member
    I just got a positive pregnancy test a few days ago, but my doctor's office is still closed for the holidays until tomorrow. This is a pleasant surprise, as we were about to try IVF treatments.

    When I restarted MFP in Septenber, I weighed 249.9 lbs, and today I weigh 231.3 lbs, even after Christmas. I've been aiming for 1300-1500 calories a day, although I wasn't tracking everything as well in November and December. I'll need to find out from my doctor what my caloric intake should be, and have another visit with my dietitian.
  • xmysterix
    xmysterix Posts: 114 Member
    Hello! I'm going through a similar pregnancy (had SPD last preg, too, but not yet this time!). Feel free to msg or add me if you want a fellow overweight pregnancy buddy :)