Newbee trying to lose the baby weight!

Hello to all the ladies out there who have done the same or are tying to do the same!

I am 32 years old and I gained 15 kilograms during my pregnancy with my son and managed to gain an additional 10 kilograms since his birth from not working out and terrible eating habits (DS is currently 2 years old)

I would love to weigh between 65 and 69 kilograms again - I used to work out 6 days per week for 45 minutes but its not possible now with working and looking after my son so I am aiming for at least 20 minutes per day 6 days per week and I am following a healthy eating plan.

Currently I am doing the jillian michaels 30 day shred and alternate with 20 minutes on the eliptical trainer which I do at night as soon as I get home from work (at around 6pm). This is the only time my husband can watch my son so I can actually do this. I have tried to work out when my son goes to sleep but sometimes he only gets to sleep after 8pm and then its too late. I have also tried in the morning but I get up with my son at night (he doesnt sleep through) and I am in such a rush to get ready for work because of the commute that it just doesnt work.

I actually do love a good work out, but time is a factor and I have not worked out for so long I am incredibly unfit. I was also recently diagnosed with a heart condition (which I have had since birth but it was compounded by pregnancy) so I have to do this gradually.

Any tips or motivation from other moms out there in my position (or who were in my position) are very welcome!


  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Hi my boy is 9 months old. I've lost my baby weight then put it back on by bad eating!
    I've got 26 kg to lose to get to 65 but to be honest I'd be happy with 70kg. I'm 34. I'm on here everyday so feel free to add me.
    I try to walk as much as I can. I use my exercise bike when he's sleeping or busy playing and I take him hiking in a backpack. Your lb might be too heavy for that.
    Really you just have to do what works for you. Sounds like you've got the exercise sorted.
    For me the problem with the diet is chocolate and fast food so I just have to avoid that most of the time. However I have to indulge sometimes so I don't binge when I'm feeling weak.
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there....

    First of all (please understand I am not trying to sound cocky), but get off the elliptical's for lazy people and only burns calories for the time you are actually on it.

    If you dont have a lot of time then start doing HIIT. Look into something like a killer 8 minute workout doing Burpees and Mountain climbers or do a 4 minute Tabata. NO MATTER it in the morning on an empty stomach. Doing cardio in the afternoon after a full day of eating is a waste of your time. maybe you are burning 300 calories on the ET....rather just eat 300 calories less if you want to continue training in the's easier.

    But....this is just my opinion. Good luck.
  • Hi!

    I have a 19 months old baby girl and I am also looking to lose the baby weight.. Well actually I don't even know why I am calling it that, it's more 'being lazy and eating too much bad food weight'. We can do this, good luck!!
    JDURPS Posts: 53 Member
    I am not looking to shed "baby weight" but definitely unwanted weight!

    I know you can do this!
  • alainagb
    alainagb Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am also a Mommy trying to lose weight. I just had my second child 7 months ago. After my first child I gained a lot of weight with the stress of my job and being away from my son. I had a ton of unhealthy habits, and never really lost weight before, or did any regular exercise since college. After my first son I did Turbofire and lost about 30 lbs, but I was also on the prescription diet pill Phenteramine because my cholestoral was an issue for my doctor. Before getting pregnant with my second I started slipping back into some bad habits, but during my pregnancy I went all out! I gained 30 lbs with both pregnancies, and I breastfed both children (Still breastfeeding number 2). I know that I should not be as heavy as I am right now, since Breastfeeding burns so many calories, I thank god for it, because I'm pretty sure its kept me from gaining weight, but I am having a hard time losing all the baby weight. I would like to get in the best shape of my life by dropping 35 lbs. Mainly I want to change my eating habits, I feel like I am the example for my kids so I really HAVE to do this! I will also be doing Turbofire again, and would like to try other beachbody workouts once I complete Turbo again. I have been a member of MFP for a while now, but I've never really been a part of the community, which I think will help me tremendously! If anyone would like to, please request me, I would love to support you and receive that same support in return:-)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hi there....

    First of all (please understand I am not trying to sound cocky), but get off the elliptical's for lazy people and only burns calories for the time you are actually on it.

    If you dont have a lot of time then start doing HIIT. Look into something like a killer 8 minute workout doing Burpees and Mountain climbers or do a 4 minute Tabata. NO MATTER it in the morning on an empty stomach. Doing cardio in the afternoon after a full day of eating is a waste of your time. maybe you are burning 300 calories on the ET....rather just eat 300 calories less if you want to continue training in the's easier.

    But....this is just my opinion. Good luck.

    I think it's pretty rude for you to say the elliptical trainer is for lazy people. I use the elliptical because I have severe back probelms and a no--impact workout is all I can do to get exercise. Any type of calorie burn is useful. I've used the elliptical for years and lost weight doing it.
    Doing cardio any time of day, burning extra calories any time of day, is worth it because you are moving and burning calories.

    Don't try to discourage this new mother for the work she's already doing trying to reach her goals.

    I'd say, keep doing the elliptical if it works for you and you can fit it into your schedule, and increase the intensity up and down to add some interval work. Also add in some of what this poster is suggesting, if you have the time. Every little bit helps, and also reduce calories to meet your daily needs and also keep your intake low enough that you lose weight.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Feel free to add me. :) I am a mom of an almost 2 year old. I've lost the baby weight I had gained with him, but now I am trying to lose the weight I had BEFORE I got pregnant. That is what this year is about for me. :)
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    Any one feel free to add me! I lost the baby weight and now im trying to lose more. I need motivating friends.
  • I am also in! I have not managed to loose some 10 pounds after my second son arrived-and he is 3 years old now! Right now I am working out on and it is helping me to keep up with the diet plan and exercise. I am doing light cardio and I power walk for 30 minutes every day. I believe we shall make it!