

  • Starting #: 142.5 Week One: 141.3 Week Two: 137.4 Week Three: 137.6 Week Four: 135.4 I don't think I'll be able to make my goal but I'm okay with that! This week is going to be very busy with all my classes ending... I'm still watching what I eat though and although I'm not working out as much as I was I'm still making…
  • I'm so sad, I missed two days this weekend :/ I unexpectedly had to spend the weekend with a friend and I completely missed saturday and sunday. I'll do it tonight, but I'm not sure if I should start over tomorrow :/
  • Starting #: 142.5 Week One: 141.3 Week Two: 137.4 Week Three: 137.6 gain of .2 but it could have been worse! I'm losing inches though and I think that's what counts!
  • Ugh I'm so sad, I did so well this past sunday but with my TOM arriving I've gained 2ish pounds. I know it's bloating and that it will go away.. but it still saddening. But I'm glad it makes me want to work harder to get back to where I was, rather than quit because I had a set back. Yay!
  • My favorite saying is "Live for the life you want, not the life you have"
  • Starting #: 142.5 Week One: 141.3 Week Two: 137.4 3.9lbs lost! I'm out of my dip and I didn't binge! Well, I had my fair share of sweets today, but I broke up with my boyfriend this morning while I was at a friend's house... my first instinct was to exercise the emotions away but I couldn't... so instead I had like 6…
  • Just finished Day 8 L1! I only had to do two modified push-ups! YAY! I'm excited to start L2 Monday :)
  • Eating a whole pizza by myself, ALWAYS clearing a plate, always eating a pint of ice cream in one sitting, and the gratuitous amount of ceasar dressing i would put on my salads
  • Hope everyone is doing well this! I'm having a really successful week, no binges! If you don't count the cadbury creme egg I had last night- couldn't resist! Last week pizza was definitely my downfall, but I went grocery shopping last night and got so much good food that I shouldn't have any slip ups. The 30 day shred is…
  • I'm at Day 5 L1, I do notice my stamina increasing a bit, though today I focused mostly on Anita because I had donated blood earlier and I didn't want to get dizzy but still do the Shred. I can almost do non-modified push-ups! Though I think I'm going to have to start another workout video for my upper body, I feel like I…
  • If you pay close attention, your trainer goes to get a haircut ;)
  • I hope to get a HRM monitor as soon as possible, but I'm a broke college girl, so it won't be until I find a job :/ Thanks guys! HRM > MFP > Treadmill ;)
  • SW: 142.5 CW: 141.3 GW: 132 Baaad week for me. So much pizza :/ Though I did increase my exercise. I saw 139 on my scale Thursday buuuut with my TOM approaching I feel so bloated and my scale is reflecting that :x Here's to a better and stronger next week! Especially since I'm now on Day 3 of the 30 Day shred!
  • Just did Day One, Level One today and I'm loving it! I'd been looking for something different since my body had been getting used to some of my other workout videos. Although I didn't have any weights around so those will have to wait until I'm home Sunday. Though I did have to do the modified push-ups :( Looking forward…
  • Doing well! Had a bit of a pizza binge yesterday but I worked it all off on the treadmill, I'm trying to mentally wrap my head around the idea that I can eat 'bad' foods once in a while and that they're not BANNED! Best wishes to everyone!
  • I started my diet two weeks ago and this will help me stay on track! 10lbs by Easter! CW: 142.5 GW: 132