~ 30 Day Shred ~



  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    GREAT job, all of you!!! I'm so impressed by everyone's determination and perseverance. Keep it up!!

    I'd gotten a little bit behind my original Shred schedule, what with having sinus/cold issues and my fiance heading out of town yesterday for a week. Things have been a little crazy. However, yesterday evening I made it a point to start Level 2... while watching Biggest Loser.. L0L! Double dose of Jillian, heck yes! :-D

    This morning, I completed my Day 2 Level 2, and I'm back on track, with 18 days to go! Level 2 is just as challenging as I remember from my first go round, with all the plank-based moves. My arms feel stronger, yet these exercises are still quite the challenge! Walking or walk-out push ups sound intimidating, but don't let it stop you from giving it a go! Jillian offers a couple of modifications for it, to ease you into it. No worries!

    Best wishes to everyone... keep up the great work!! :)
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    GREAT job, all of you!!! I'm so impressed by everyone's determination and perseverance. Keep it up!!

    I'd gotten a little bit behind my original Shred schedule, what with having sinus/cold issues and my fiance heading out of town yesterday for a week. Things have been a little crazy. However, yesterday evening I made it a point to start Level 2... while watching Biggest Loser.. L0L! Double dose of Jillian, heck yes! :-D

    This morning, I completed my Day 2 Level 2, and I'm back on track, with 18 days to go! Level 2 is just as challenging as I remember from my first go round, with all the plank-based moves. My arms feel stronger, yet these exercises are still quite the challenge! Walking or walk-out push ups sound intimidating, but don't let it stop you from giving it a go! Jillian offers a couple of modifications for it, to ease you into it. No worries!

    Best wishes to everyone... keep up the great work!! :)

    I actually don't mind the walk out pushups, I find them easy
  • glcarr65
    glcarr65 Posts: 74
    I just started the 30DS last night.. OH my.. what a work out......
    My legs are sore today.. It is going to be a lot hard tonight doing the workout..... But I am determined to do the whole 30 days!!
  • sparrow747
    I finished Day 9/ Level 1 last night! I took the previous 2 days off (but did other physical stuff... 2 gym workouts, a long walk, and frisbee in the park!) I've definitely taken more days off than I planned, but am still hanging in there. I've noticed the cardio stuff is a lot easier, same with the ab work. The complex L1 moves using legs and arms are still tough for me! Hang in there everyone!
  • FierceFeline
    Ok, so I was really sick for two days and unable to shred despite REALLY wanting to (stuck in bed sleeping and barely eating). Do I start the shred completely over? Or do I continue where I left off on (day 11) and just add on two more days to the total?
  • kabullard
    kabullard Posts: 41
    I just bought it yesterday and completed Day 1 Level 1 last night! I will be shredding after work each night! I think I'll do 5 days on, 2 days off, and do each level for 2 weeks (10 days).....If I'm feeling up to it, I may do 6 days a week!! I thought I was going to die while I was doing the warm-up, but by the end, it wasn't too bad. Today, the longer I'm up, the more I feel the pain!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 (total day 14) 30 day shred. I also did 25 min on the treadmill this morning.

    Also , yesterday evening the weather was so nice, that my friend and I walk an hour by the lake!! It was so nice, it didn't feel like exercise - but we book it - we walk hard!!! So that was just an extra for me!!

    Finally have gotten my water intake back up on a regular basis. I didn't more than the recommended and then I also drink my homemade brewed green tea. So it the little things that add up. I have also given up chocolate for lent so ... that is a big adjustment for me. So I think I was eating more other snack to fill the craving... that has settled somewhat. I have also added more vegetables over all. So I hope to see a diiference in a few weeks.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!!
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    Didn't do L2D3 shred last night. Piles of laundry threatened to swallow my children. I'm thinking I'm going to try to get up early in the am before work to shred and finish my day with 6wk6pk after the boys go to bed. I'm going to try to both tonight, but will definitely put this plan into action tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!

    Okay, last night I did L2D3 followed by 6wk 6pk and it about killed me. I couldn't do the entire 6wk 6pk, but I finished it off with my weighted hula hoop so I still got a good burn. I did not wake up this morning early enough to do shred. I need to put a new goal down - get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. I'm working with about 5 now. I'm going to try to do the same thing tonite...both shred and 6pk. Jillian and me are fast becoming besties.

    I have discovered at this time that waking in the a.m. is just not working for me. I'm attempting another back to back tonite (L2D4/6wk6pk).
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm on Day 8 of Level 1 today. I can't believe I only have 2 days left in Level 1.. If there are exercises I can't complete the whole time should I stay on Level 1 for longer than the 10 day? Or just go ahead and bump it up to Level 2 and stay on schedule? I'm no longer sore the next day. I still feel like it's giving me a good workout though because I'm out of breath and sweaty after doing it. I was so looking forward to getting on Day 5,6,7 and it being easier.. she lied! ;O) Just playing. It's still mostly the cardio that I'm struggling with. I hate jump rope, it seems to be giving me the most difficulty.. such a easy thing to do, or so it should be! Other than jump rope, right above my knees will get to hurting from all the squatting.
    Hope everyone else is doing good.. I'm still not seeing results even though I just KNEW when I weight in this week I had lost, but no change.... a little disappointing but I'm sticking with it because I know it's still early in the game!
    Happy Friday everyone!
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    I'm on Day 8 of Level 1 today. I can't believe I only have 2 days left in Level 1.. If there are exercises I can't complete the whole time should I stay on Level 1 for longer than the 10 day? Or just go ahead and bump it up to Level 2 and stay on schedule? I'm no longer sore the next day. I still feel like it's giving me a good workout though because I'm out of breath and sweaty after doing it. I was so looking forward to getting on Day 5,6,7 and it being easier.. she lied! ;O) Just playing. It's still mostly the cardio that I'm struggling with. I hate jump rope, it seems to be giving me the most difficulty.. such a easy thing to do, or so it should be! Other than jump rope, right above my knees will get to hurting from all the squatting.
    Hope everyone else is doing good.. I'm still not seeing results even though I just KNEW when I weight in this week I had lost, but no change.... a little disappointing but I'm sticking with it because I know it's still early in the game!
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Its up to you. But Level 2 is a lot harder. There is double jump rope in Level 2 but if you can't do it Anita is still doing single jump rope as the modified version, so the jump ropes dont go away haha.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Great job on keeping with it, everyone. At your own pace, at your own ability level, yet pushing yourselves for more, all the time. SO GREAT!!

    Yesterday evening, I put in 17 minutes on the treadmill and then completed Day 3 Level 2. I was in a very "I can't do this" or "I don't wanna do this" mood last night, but I got through it regardless. I intend to make it a more positive experience this evening, with Day 4 Level 2 and some sort of additional cardio.

    GREAT news is, I lost another 2.5lbs since last week!! That brings my total up to 4lbs lost since starting this second round! I'm not taking measurements until the very end, and I'm pumped about the before/after photos. I'm on track to complete this round of the Shred on April 10. :)

    Best wishes everyone, hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • nat102
    nat102 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm on day 3 level 1 and am also doing 6w6p concurrently! I definitley could use some motivation. Very excited for the results especially the measurements :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I just started this today, and like the burn! I can do it in my own home and when I have. My problem is how do I log it and know the number of calories burned??
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I just started this today, and like the burn! I can do it in my own home and when I have. My problem is how do I log it and know the number of calories burned??
    Most say to log it as circuit training-general.
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    I'm on day 3 level 1 and am also doing 6w6p concurrently! I definitley could use some motivation. Very excited for the results especially the measurements :)

    Doing the same. I get bored with the 30DS so I picked up 6w/6p and I love it. I did one after the other last night...L2D4 then 6w/6p. I went to the gym tonight and walked for a bit, ab work. I'm babysitting tonight and my left knee is kinda jacked, so I'm taking a break tonite. I'll do my weighted hula hoop in leiu of a good burn with Jillian. L2D5 tomorrow!
  • emeraldthunder
    Just did Day One, Level One today and I'm loving it! I'd been looking for something different since my body had been getting used to some of my other workout videos. Although I didn't have any weights around so those will have to wait until I'm home Sunday. Though I did have to do the modified push-ups :( Looking forward to tomorrow's shred!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Welcome to those who've just started the Shred -- thanks for joining in! For everyone who's been at it for a little while... how's it going?? What are your strong exercise/strength moves? Which ones are you finding difficult? Have you noticed a difference in toning, endurance, strength at this stage?

    I completed D5L2 this evening, along with 35 minutes on the stationary bike. Felt great! The walk-out push-ups aren't too terrible. The plank-based moves are getting slightly easier, but they are my biggest challenge still. I've definitely noticed how toned my arms are beginning to look and my collarbone is becoming more and more defined.

    Here's to the weekend! :-D
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Welcome to those who've just started the Shred -- thanks for joining in! For everyone who's been at it for a little while... how's it going?? What are your strong exercise/strength moves? Which ones are you finding difficult? Have you noticed a difference in toning, endurance, strength at this stage?

    I completed D5L2 this evening, along with 35 minutes on the stationary bike. Felt great! The walk-out push-ups aren't too terrible. The plank-based moves are getting slightly easier, but they are my biggest challenge still. I've definitely noticed how toned my arms are beginning to look and my collarbone is becoming more and more defined.

    Here's to the weekend! :-D

    I am doing Day 7L2 today, I am SO excited to be done with the V Lunge stuff I HATE those, I end up so sore!!!! I might peek at L3 soon! I love it so far and I can't believe I've been at it for 17 days. I usually give up on Day 1 lol
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    Level two Day five complete. And I sooo didn't want to do it.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Good evening. Busy day. Ran with a friend, completed Day 6 Level 2, and did some shopping. I was able to buy size 12 pants today, and tried on a couple pairs of size 10. It won't be long until they'll fit!!! :-D Level 2 is still my least favorite, and I cannot wait until I'm done with the next 4 days of it!! Looking forward to Level 3!

    I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!! Happy Shredding! :)