

  • My advice would be to stick with it! I love MPF because it gives you freedom to eat normally, but helps you stay within your goals (calorie goals/etc..).... it's not a diet but a tool to use to help yourself maintain a healthier lifestyle. In the past I've tried to keep a food journal but once I fell off track I didn't…
  • I'm not an Aussie either, but I definitely agree that having friends helps motivate you to stay on track. I feel like part of the reason I log in every day is to see what my MFP friends are up to!!
  • I agree! Sending the request!
  • I will too. I feel like coming on here and chatting with MFP friends is a great way to keep myself on track!! Its nice to be able to motivate eachother
  • My husband is the same! He can eat whatever he wants and still looks trim and fit. Its torture when he sits on the couch at night with a big bowl of ice cream while my tummy is growling lol. I do notice that the times I "fall off track" are when I'm with him...I can control my cravings while I'm by myself..but while he's…
  • With the warmer weather, I've been eating fruit for breakfast pretty regularly. I like to slice up an apple and sprinkle it with cinnamon and bake it in the oven.. ... I know they say that if you're going to have carbs (fruit has a lot of them it seems) that you should pair with a protein, so I've been having fruit with a…
  • This does sound like a great book! I have a hard time getting into a book but this is something that I can relate to! I'm currently trying SO HARD to quit dieting and instead develop a healthier more active lifestyle. Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to check it out!
  • Thankfully I'm getting better at snacks!! Isn't it crazy how snacks can take up SO MANY of your days calories? And they're hardly THAT FILLING most of the time (doesn't seem like they should be wasting so many calories!) Okay, first is the obvious choices - fruit/veggies. I even get discouraged sometimes though when I see…
    in Snacks Comment by jlopez87 March 2011
  • This post is so cute. Go dig a hole! Love it! Reading brought a smile to my face. I too have been trying to loose my extra weight for YEARS... and Just recently (over the past few weeks) did I actually start dropping pounds. Gardening and yard work is a WONDERFUL way to burn calories. My mother who is very weight and…
  • I really love that quote. Thanks!
  • I had the flu about 3 weeks ago and it got me so off track! I didn't want to eat ANYTHING (which is a change from what I normally want to eat)... Usually when I'm sick I feel like you. Its not the cravings that I have, but its the convenience and "comfort" of certain foods. When I'm sick the last thing I want to do is…
  • The SAME THING happens to me! I sometimes wonder if I become too confidant with my weight loss and I start to slip and cheat a little bit? But I don't feel like I do. The main thing that I think is helping me now is keeping track of every single calorie that I consume. I don't "forget" to add something. I want to see how…
  • I agree, don't give up!! You've been SO successful!! I can only DREAM of losing as much weight as you have!! I hope one day I have the same problem you're having ;) (just kidding, I don't want the problem..just the weight-loss) Someone suggested maybe taking a break. Maybe for a week or two just work on MAINTAINING your…
  • No matter how much a person weighs, I think that going to the gym is wonderful! Exercise is not just for losing weight, but its a way to live a healthy life-style! It's great for your heart, good for your mood. The benefits are practically endless. Good job on your weight-loss so far! And as far as wiggle room, I do kind…
    in =) Comment by jlopez87 March 2011
  • Hi! Good luck with your weight-loss journey! I too am trying to lose weight! I do eat healthy and I workout at least 2hours a week..but it hasn't been enough for me. Since using myfitnesspal I realize that I really have been consuming too many calories - using this website is awesome to help keep track of…
    in Hi Comment by jlopez87 March 2011
  • Wow! Sounds like you've already had great success! It is extremely motivating to read about the success of others. I am a pre-k teacher and not at a desk ever! I do constantly read advice/etc... for staying active. Are you in a position where you're able to get up every once and a while and walk around the office? If…
  • I do that too sometimes! I do think everyone is right, it's from a lack of oxygen. Drinking water might help with this - sip water during exercise though don't gulp it down (I've made that mistake!!)
  • Wow that is amazing!! 100pounds down!? Congratulations!! I hope that I can someday say the same! Any advice you have to give, I'll take :happy:
  • Wow! hearing that you've lost 17lbs since January is extremely motivating!! As for the weight loss slowing down, maybe try different exercises at the gym? Keep up the good work! :happy:
    in Hi Comment by jlopez87 March 2011
  • Hi Jujugulia!! When reading your introduction I felt like I was reading something that I posted myself! I am 23 years old and overweight. I do not have cholesterol problems but if I continue on the path I'm on, I'm afraid I will. I was married last summer (July 2010) and tried desperately to loose weight before my wedding.…
    in Hey yall Comment by jlopez87 March 2011