newbie in need of ideas :-)

ive been using the mobile app for a while just discovered then online world. im in need of a little motivation now getting fed up of same old foods and my fella is 10 stone wet through so he eats what he likes in front of me and im arhhhhhhh need some ideas for tasty food if any1 can help x


  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    My husband is the same! He can eat whatever he wants and still looks trim and fit. Its torture when he sits on the couch at night with a big bowl of ice cream while my tummy is growling lol. I do notice that the times I "fall off track" are when I'm with him...I can control my cravings while I'm by myself..but while he's sitting next to me eating what I'm craving, I give in! I'm not saying its his fault, I'm the one who has to watch out for my own body, but I have talked with him and asked him to be a little more supportive, and maybe have his ice cream before I get home from work.

    One new food that I've been REALLY enjoying lately is vanilla or strawberry/banana yogurt with blueberries and cinnamon on top! It tastes like a dessert (and I've got a serious sweet tooth!). I also recently discovered the laughing cow cheese wedges. 1 cheese wedge for only 35 calories! I love the Garlic and Herb flavor spread on a few saltine crackers.

    Home made vegetable soups seem to be a good staple, its filling, low in calories but still nutritious.(I'm not enjoying it as much now though with the warmer weather over here...time to start coming up with new salad ideas!!)
  • jaynehalton
    thanks for that i will defiantly try the laughing cow cheese as i love cheese spread on dutch crispbakes there very low cals but all low fat cheese spreads i have tried were not so good :-( i hae discovered the weight watcher mini stick there like mini magnums and they are delicious if u fancy a bit of ice cream and even though they are onyl small the do curve that crave i got mine from freezers in tesco may be worth a try for u when your hubbie eating his ice cream :-) xx