At it what?

I have always the weight loss struggle so April 2010 I went to my doctor for a little help. Diet meds. And with that and exercise I managed to loose 40 pounds. Here it is almost a year later and I am battling 10 pounds on and off. I don't take the meds everyday and never had since I do not want to become dependant on them. But I am struggling now that I have a desk job and quite smoking almost 3 months ago. Already being an Epileptic, I do not want any more labels such as diabetes and who knows what else.. As a full time desk woker, non smoker wife and mother of can I make this less than a struggle. I use to consider my self an avid I consider myself exhausted...


  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    i just mentioned this on another post

    I looked forever for a gym/club that would work for me and my KIDS. I have four, and im married to a truck driver that is gone on over nights so finding me time is pretty hard.

    And we are low-income so spending money on a membership would have been a hardship on us but well needed since i was 70 lbs more then i would have like to been.

    So after much search i found the YMCA was the best fit for us/ ME. Could drop my kids off for an hour and go do my thing.
    Plus they offer scholarships so $$$ wasn't going to be an issue.
    slowly but surely the wight is coming off, and i don't feel guilty that i'm not paying attention to my kids for more then an hour since their doing their own thing.

    Good job on quitting the smoking! ive been done for three years now and love that i can breath with out pain while doing my walks/ jogs.
  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    Wow! Sounds like you've already had great success! It is extremely motivating to read about the success of others.

    I am a pre-k teacher and not at a desk ever! I do constantly read advice/etc... for staying active. Are you in a position where you're able to get up every once and a while and walk around the office? If you're in a large building or somewhere with stairs maybe you can get up for a stretch and walk up and down the stairs once or twice - Just to keep active (plus its good to get up and move around every once in a while!)

    Can you maybe go for a small walk with your kids after work/after dinner? When I was younger I lived with my grandparents for a while..and even when i didn't live with them I stayed with them 3-4days of the week. On weeknights after dinner/before bed we always took a quick walk or bike ride around the block.... on weekends my grandfather did yard work while I played outside in the yard. It kept us all active and I loved it! I wish I could figure out how he managed his time so well to be able to do those activities with me. It's something I'd like to incorporate into my life now, and something I really want to consider doing with my own children.

    Keep up the good work!