Hi new to MFP - would love support - your advice

Hi my name is KJ and I am excited about being serious about losing weight. I live in Cleveland, Ohio. What is your advice for a beginner?


  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    ill be ur friend :) only word i can give you since im a new member as well (three weeks) dont get frustrated if ur weight doesnt come right off,it took me two weeks to get anything off.and only weigh yourself like once a week,mostly for sanity :) welcome,you will love it here everyone is so amazing and motivational!
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there, my advice would be to just take it gradually and dont expect major weight loss right away, trust me it feels dissapointing when you think like that. also if you make a mistake dont take it to hard, mistakes happen just correct it for the next day :) Basically just do your best, weight loss is very hard, but there are so many things that can make it feel rewarding. I hope this somewhat helps.
  • jacagan
    jacagan Posts: 1
    I lost 38 pounds using a (paid) site just like this one. I am glad I found this one now because it has all the same stuff but it's free. I've gained back about 10 pounds over the last few months due to some personal stress, so I'm back to lose it back in the next 3o days.

    I recommend entering everything you eat/drink right afterwards if you can. It helps you make sure you keep track of everything and it also keeps you up to date in real time where you are at for your daily calorie intake.

    Exercising is also a huge factor. It's tough to eat only 1500, 1700 or 1900 calories a day, but if you exercise it allows you to eat a little more. I think this gives you a much better chance of sticking to it if you're not starving all the time. I had very little problem losing the weight because I was exercising at the same time which allowed me to eat more than if I wasn't.

    Follow the program on here and stay strong and you will do it. I could never do it before until I used a site like this and saw it all in black and white. It made it so easy!

    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jlopez87
    jlopez87 Posts: 22
    My advice would be to stick with it! I love MPF because it gives you freedom to eat normally, but helps you stay within your goals (calorie goals/etc..).... it's not a diet but a tool to use to help yourself maintain a healthier lifestyle. In the past I've tried to keep a food journal but once I fell off track I didn't want to write down my mistakes. For some reason with MFP I'm motivated to really write down every bit of food/drink that I consume. At the end of the day when I "complete this entry" its eye opening to see "If every day were like this one, you would way XXXLbs in 5 weeks"...When I do well, I take that as a reward! And when I don't do so great, I use that as a reminder, to tell myself that I better get back on track tomorrow.

    I also love the reports, the weight chart is a great visual aide. It's just one more thing to motivate me, I want to see that line move down!!

    I've been with MFP for a few months now, but recently really started to get into it. One thing that has helped me stick with it this time around is having friends on here! They keep me coming back. Family/friends aren't always as supportive as we'd like them to be, but on MFP its like a whole world of support.

    Good luck!!
  • mbeltran06
    mbeltran06 Posts: 57
    Hi Welcome to MFP....I am fairly new myself (2 weeks). I agree with what everyone else said about not getting frustrated if you don't see big numbers coming off. The first week I drove myself getting on the scale everyday....but now I only step on it for my weigh in days (which is Wednesdays). Also I would suggest looking in the message boards for challenges to join. I am a part of a group that is doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred as well as Zumba. Good luck!!

    You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • noni77
    noni77 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there :smile:

    Just sent you a friend request. I've only been a member less than a week - and I'm loving it! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I have 170 pounds to discard, so I'm in this for the long haul.

    I was a WW leader for 9 years and was leading 5 meetings a week - I gave up on WW 5 years ago (complicated story) - and the thing I missed the most was talking to people and sharing struggles successes, hints and tips and learning things all the time. After 5 years in the weight loss wilderness I've found all that all over again - but its free :smile: and thanks to the fact that this is an international sight - the support and encouragement is 24/7 :happy:

    Best wishes for your journey - my advice - don't hesitate to send out those friend requests.

    And, very happy, just discovered tonight a function that calculates nutritional info for your recipes. :bigsmile: Happy days!