cjs3001 Member


  • I've done that twice this week already!
  • My FT4 is pretty accurate for most things but it does go a little crazy for walking. But if tigersworld said it was about a change in heart rate then maybe waiting to cross roads and things like that cause a bit of fluctuation which bumps it up. I'm not sure, you don't seem to be too put out by it, just take it with a…
  • Excellent! It doesn't really matter if you believe in BMI or not, this is a great achievement and yay for you! :bigsmile:
  • That seems to be a classic losing weight response. For a lot of us, if we are over-eaters we were obsessed with food and now obsessed with the control. So many people will have been so easy with themselves that now they get a bit of structure you see so many that will go "But I don't know HOW to eat over 1000 calories, I'm…
  • No wonder this has 20 pages of responses. You look incredible and you have done so so well. It's a shame that for a lot of us it took hitting rock bottom to get there but, as crap as it was then, look how much better you are for it now. Incredible, really really great.
  • You're doing fantastic and those pictures prove it :) x
  • Yep. It's done so there's no point dwelling on it, just pick yourself up and do all you can do to better this week.
  • I would really love to say yes to this but I don't know if I've got the dedication at the moment to do it!
  • The way I see it is that if you don't love yourself a bit then you won't do anything to change it. People usually have such a low self esteem that they don't want to change so there's got to be a bit of respect for yourself and your body otherwise you'll never change. That's how I got to 265 pounds. There's obviously an…
  • Bumped. I've only got Georgian vodka, this will have to wait.
  • Hi John and welcome to MFP. I hope you get everything out of this that you want and the cycling for charity bit in your inspiration is a really great thing to work towards. Good luck :smile:
  • Well that's everyones dream right there! Toning can be such an issue and you've done brilliantly. Best of luck being as successful with the weight loss as you have been with the toning :smile:
  • Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. It's quick and simple but can really give you the kick up the *kitten* needed :smile:
  • I quit about 3 months ago by simply just stopping. Being out with friends and especially when a drink is involved is HARD but I've been using Litejoy shisha cigarettes. I know they aren't for everyone as they don't have nicotine in them but its such an association thing with me that it helps to just have something else in…
    in Smokers Comment by cjs3001 May 2013
  • You'll get a lot of different responses to this question! Generally people tend to believe that 1200 is too low and that you should eat back your calories. Weight will probably come off really quick to start with but then quite a lot of people get stuck and find themselves not feeling too good because of a lack of…
  • TOM is such a pain to deal with. I would suggest not fighting it if you are struggling but maybe try and have things like really dark chocolate so you don't eat as much or roasted/salted nuts instead of crisps? You could also try and plan lower cal/fat meals so that if you do snack it's not on top of a normal days eating.…
  • I was around 230 when I started and it suuuucked but don't let it put you off. Like other people have said, take it slow and if it hurts/makes you want to die then give yourself a break. You don't have to follow the 3 times a week and then move on plan because like people have said, you could burn out or risk hurting…
  • Thanks for sharing a great story and lovely pics. Keep up the great work :smile:
  • Seconded. Just take it easy on the strength to start and build it up at a pace that your body feels comfortable with - you don't want to start 'pumping iron', ache all over and then not be able to do either. :smile:
  • My dad is going to pick me up to take me to work tomorrow and asked if I wanted McDonalds breakfast. I said yes, added roughly what I'm planning on eating tomorrow and text him back to tell him I didn't want breakfast! I don't think I have ever done that in my whole entire life. Man porridge is going to suck tomorrow...…
  • I think this picture will haunt me for the rest of my life. *shudder* First one a couple of years ago, second a couple of minutes ago.
  • Yeah I agree with these posts too, weight fluctuates so much it is hard to get a good grasp of it sometimes. If you're working out hard, your muscles will be holding onto water to help fix themselves so you could be retaining water slightly. New regimes take a while to settle in to. You also don't mention how much you're…
  • Bumping this so more people see it. I may be sat here drinking cider and generally being a bit of a fatso but you saw me at my heaviest so you know that it can be done. You can do it beeb, you know you can x
  • Excellent!
  • I still have a Weight Watchers frame of mind about 0 point food. I count it - especially grapes, count grapes! My old leader said she had a lady that logged everything but the grapes she snacked on her market stall because she thought they were 0 but they aren't - but I am no way near as accurate as I could be with…
  • You look like you're about to kick *kitten* and take names in that last shot. Absolutely awesome.
  • Lotus pod pictures ruin my life. Why did I click on this post? *weeps* Whilst I'm here: spiders, jelly beans and the sound people make when brushing their teeth (when I brush my own its fine, when I hear you do it it freaks me out).
  • Well, to be blunt, stop it. Sounds like you made a good choice an feeling bad will just make you dread going out and that'll only make it worse. You did good, be proud x