

  • Hello my name is Ciara and I was diagnosed with RA in February 2013. It took 1 year and several hospitalizations before being diagnosed. I am now on the right track, but unfortunately the medications have contributed to my weight gain. I am looking to gain support from this group while on this journey. I have tried to…
  • PCOS GET'S ON MY NERVES! I will beat it though. I am tired of the irregular periods, weight gain, acne and the list goes on! I am tired of my body acting like it is pregnant when it's not. I am not worried though. I will just continue to work harder and I WILL beat this nasty thing. Good luck ladies!
  • Goodluck on your journey! Getting healthy is the way to go.
  • I personally don't worry about putting stress on my body because I am very overweight :-( I think my body appreciates the working out. I know it will happen for you. !
  • I am not sure if I got the chance to add everyone because after posting this I could not keep up with the number of request! I was SO excited that people want to be my friend so that we can motivate eachother! If you don't see me on your list, add me and we can get healthy together!
  • Hello Everyone! Thanks for taking the time to post. I have requested most of you as a friend. But you can only add so many ppl within the hour. Therefore, if you see this shoot me a request!
  • Wow that is so awesome that you can do that. I hope everything goes well for everyone!
  • OMGEE! That is so awesome. I am so happy for you.
  • I think you are on the right track. I wish the best of luck to you! I will be patient. I am still young and have time but I want nothing more than to be a mother!
  • I have PCOS as well! It is definately hard and I know my weight is an issue for me. I hope it happens for you. My doctor put me on Metformin. I conceived 2 years ago on a very low dose. It was crazy. This year I am on a higher dose and no conception and still irregular menstrals.
  • Question:We are trying to have a baby aswell... We had been trying for a year and got prego right before christmas.. Like above poster we had a miscarriage... Im not sure when we will try again but its something we both want. How long have you been trying for? Hello! Well I sure hope it happens for you. Miscarriages are…
  • Thanks for your post! I just sent you a direct message. Have a wonderful time in Paris! Maybe you will conceive there :-)
  • Hi Mandy! I added you before I even wrote this post :-) Check your friend request. You should have an invite and a message from me! It was meant for us to be friends. lol
  • Wow amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
  • A baby :-) I want nothing more to be healthy and able to have my first child. My reward will be seeing the smile on my face and my husbands when I birth his first child! Good luck everyone.
  • I just started back doing it this week! I did it a few months ago, a few times a week and I managed to lose about 19lbs. That was with going to the gym some days and watching everything I ate as well. I am still using Zumba 1. How do you track calories on that one? Any help would be appreciated.
  • I eat them sometimes. I think everyone's body is different. What works for one person may not work for you. I like to make homemade meals but sometimes for work I just grab that. I do watch the sodium and I have managed to lose weight eating these sometimes. Of course I think working out helps me too! Just see what works…
  • I am aiming for a larger size as well. I do not want to be any smaller than a 10-12 but my goal is actually a solid 14. With my height and body structure I don't think I will look good extremely thin! I love my curves, I just want them to be more defined lol. You are not alone. Good luck on your journey.
  • I hope you get some good answers because my feet hurt too! I purchased some New Balance running shoes and they were very expensive. I thought I would have very little discomfort. Now I am thinking about getting new socks and placing an insole in my shoe as well. Let me know if you hear more ideas! Thanks!:smile:
  • I love working out to Beyonce "Get me bodied" Not sure if thats the name but the song gets me moving lol. Loves it.
  • Yes I believe so. I will have to play around with it and just see what works for me. I know I can do under 2100 because I am not reaching that daily. I may try to adjust it week by week. I do not think 1200 calories is good for me because of my size. I do think 1500-1700 can work. Thanks for the advice.
  • @stroutman 81- I am a bit confused. I weigh 291. It tells me that my daily calories should be around 2100 and then it adds in my exercise calories. Is this too much? I am new at this calorie thing but I thought that was kind of high. But I am mostly body fat, is that why my caloric intake is a little bit higher? Any help…