Favorite Workout Songs

One of the things that has helped me really stay motivated at the gym is a great playlist - whatever has a great beat that I can keep my pace to. Two of my favorite gym genres are dance music and Bollywood!!! I don't normally listen to much dance music but for the gym it is a must have! Current favorites include LMFAO/ Party Rock Anthem, Flo Rida w/ David Guetta/Club Can't Handle Me, Pitbull/Calle Ocho and from Bollywood a song called Dildaara that always keeps me moving!

What are some of your favorites?

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  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    I'm a foo fighters fan for my workouts!
  • tsaenz09
    tsaenz09 Posts: 30
    My new favorite is Rolling in the Deep by Adele! I love music that makes me feel like I'm on the war path! lol
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Lady Gaga!!! LOL I just love her anyway! No shame!
  • cece62002
    cece62002 Posts: 28
    I love working out to Beyonce "Get me bodied" Not sure if thats the name but the song gets me moving lol. Loves it.
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    Rolling in the Deep is on mine too!!! Love Adele!!!
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Anything up beat. Gotta have my Britney and Gaga. That new song "Give me everything" is good. Umm "on the floor" by Jlo (No idea if these are the right song titles. But anyhow, I agree! Music makes it easier and more motivating!
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    Katy Perry- E.T.
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    All of the lights Rihanna and Kayne West... Now this is the post I've been looking for...I want to update my playlist..keep it freeessshh!!!:laugh:
  • crimiller
    crimiller Posts: 15 Member
    I like anything old school Britney Spears- Toxic, Hit me baby one more time, etc.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I love listening to Family Force 5, almost all their songs are fast paced...it makes the time pass!
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    A couple more...Dressy Bessy/Electrified and Dandy Warhols/Bohemian Like You. :)
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    P-Funk! Live stuff is the best with them. Very upbeat! Also, Black-Eyed Peas and other dance stuff, or classic soul.