

  • I've lost over 40lbs total and I still don't see a difference. The only way I was able to tell was looking back at old Facebook pictures. Like most other people on this thread said, pictures are the way to go. I OBVIOUSLY am not the same size I was but it's hard to tell when you see yourself in the mirror everyday, so as I…
  • Perrier is FANTASTIC, my only problem is that I'm working in China right now and it's stupid expensive. I would 100% switch to it if I could.
  • :bigsmile:
  • Star Wars... Yes (Kind of ridiculous). Anime... Yes (Watched 700 episodes of Naruto before I gave up, Seen Redline 34 times). Avatar The Last Airbender is what I specialize in, I know every episode on every disk, own the entire 3 seasons (Had to buy the second season twice because I kept losing disks... and we can't have…
  • Gym time seems to be the usual fixer-upper. But it's still difficult, lets say I down 6 beers over the course of a night, thats 600-1200 calories. Add those calories to an 800-1000 calorie munching session. There is NO WAY, I can work all that off at the gym. So lets say I add gym time in the day of, and the day after...…
  • Hi everybody!! I'm Becca, Im 20 years old and study engineering at Penn State. I currently reached my weightloss goal, only to lose it again. I've done this twice in my life now, reach my goal then let myself go and gain IT ALL BACK. After summer started, I gained a total of 25lbs, which was half of what I had lost in…
    in Hello! ^_^ Comment by wimbsie July 2014
  • This will be a great way to start off my weightloss, I'm in! Slytherin is where it's at!.
  • I'm not binging on alcohol. I'm binging on a rediculous amount of food and sweets when under the influence of alcohol.
  • I have lost weight in the passed 6 weeks, I just gained back 8lbs. My fault.
    in fruit Comment by wimbsie April 2014
  • I actually believe I eat TOO much fruit, but yes I do count it as calories. The sugar in it can be dangerous, especially for diabetics. 2 servings a day.... I have at least 4 everyday but my weight has been stagnant for awhile so I don't know if this is hindering my weightloss.
    in fruit Comment by wimbsie April 2014