Diet Soda's and Metabolic rate

I am a big diet cola fan. I never drink soda, but when I do it's a coke zero. I only recently started getting on this kick of craving it (Because it's free at work). I was wondering if drinking too much diet soda's (well artificial sweeteners in general) will hinder my weight loss? I heard many mixed things about it, and I have well over 5 packets of equal a day for my 2-3 coffee's and 1-2 coke zeros.


  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Personally I don't see an issue with it but there will be many who will argue with me. There are so many different views on the subject one more passionate than the other. Coke zero has aspartame I think your best bet is to read the pros and cons and make an educated decision.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I drink an ungodly amount of Diet Mountain Dew, and I've never had issues with it affecting my weight loss. I do drink a ton of water in addition to my diet soda though.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    It hasn't impacted my weight loss. Stopped drinking diet soda for a few months and lost weight; added it back in and still lost weight.
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    I am a big diet cola fan. I never drink soda, but when I do it's a coke zero. I only recently started getting on this kick of craving it (Because it's free at work). I was wondering if drinking too much diet soda's (well artificial sweeteners in general) will hinder my weight loss? I heard many mixed things about it, and I have well over 5 packets of equal a day for my 2-3 coffee's and 1-2 coke zeros.
    Speaking as someone who has consumed 6-10 cans per day for nearly 30 years I'd have to agree with the other poster who recommends finding actual MEDICAL testing and not just the latest "they started drinking diet soda and their hamster became possessed!" stories.

    Anything in excess isn't necessarily "good" for you per se so I'd just recommend trying to ensure you get your eight glasses of water per day and if you want to indulge with some soda as well go ahead. In the end YOU should be able to tell how it impacts your goals.
  • MollySC2
    MollySC2 Posts: 31 Member
    Diet Soda will not affect your metabolic rate in any way shape or form. There are PEER-REVIEWED STUDIES in my post history you can go get if you want to see exactly what affects your metabolic rate.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Diet pop can affect with your blood sugar levels, but not metabolic rate. I get low blood sugar if I just drink it alone, but with food it's safe for me.

    Low blood sugar attacks are kind of bad because you want to eat everything in site, but if you don't get that then it's alright.
  • wimbsie
    wimbsie Posts: 19
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.

    Perrier is FANTASTIC, my only problem is that I'm working in China right now and it's stupid expensive. I would 100% switch to it if I could.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.

    Poison, uh?

    Anyway, your addiction to caffeine caused your headaches... not the soda (there are caffeine-free sodas after all).
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Went to a nutritionist years ago who told me that BOTH sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.

    I'd figured out the sugar part on my own... but the artificial sweeteners shocked me... when I started tracking I realized that the days I had the hardest time staying in my calorie range were usually the days I drank a diet coke.

    Was not successful quitting diet coke until I transitioned to iced coffee. which still has caffeine, but not all the chemical crap, and it has the added bonuses of antioxidents and helps fight depression.... yay coffee.
    ----RANT WARNING----
    ...and my own pet peeve COFFEE DOES NOT DEHYDRATE YOU!!!! It just hydrates your marginally less effectively... sources below say it's okay to basically count coffee as water .

    Recent research shows that this is not true and that caffeine has a diuretic effect only if you consume large amounts of it — more than 500 to 600 milligrams (the equivalent of 5 to 7 cups of coffee) a day.

  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.

    Did you have actual migraines or just caffeine withdrawal headaches? Just asking because there is a huge difference between the two. I had to stop drinking my Diet Mtn Dew because of aspartame after a migraine trigger removal trial with food that was supervised by my neurologist or I would still be drinking it. And often caffeine is used to treat migraine headaches in the emergency room. I'm speaking from experience.
  • SomberG
    SomberG Posts: 36
    I don't think there is a problem with weight loss. I wouldn't overdo it, but having a few each day shouldn't do any harm unless you have an allergy. I drink artificial sweetener all the time and have lost a lot of weight.
  • joedog6565
    Currently, there is no substantial evidence that diet drinks are harmful. Big emphasis however on "currently" and "substantial".

    Personally there's something about the explanation of the ingredients (aspartame, stevia etc) that sounds suspicious enough to where it's not something I want to put in my body.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    It will not spoil your diet .. but that **** may kill you. You can decide yourself if that is really true ... but I seldom drink it as it is just bad bad.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.

    It is not like drinking poison, that is just nonsense.

    It may give some people migraines and those people should avoid it.
    Other foods give other people migraines and they should avoid those.

    But for the rest of us who have no side effects from consuming diet sodas( or other migraine causing food for other individuals) there is no need to avoid it at all.

    My personal experience - I drink a few cans of it a week.
    Does not give me headaches, cravings or any other issues so I have no intentions of changing this.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    It will not spoil your diet .. but that **** may kill you. You can decide yourself if that is really true ... but I seldom drink it as it is just bad bad.

    Please explain exactly how it will kill you or exactly what about it is so bad.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am a big diet cola fan. I never drink soda, but when I do it's a coke zero. I only recently started getting on this kick of craving it (Because it's free at work). I was wondering if drinking too much diet soda's (well artificial sweeteners in general) will hinder my weight loss? I heard many mixed things about it, and I have well over 5 packets of equal a day for my 2-3 coffee's and 1-2 coke zeros.
    It has no calories, so how can it?

    However, I have found that caffeine in sodas and coffee make me retain water like crazy. Once I figured that out, as soon as I cat way back on the caffeine, my water weight drops.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    diet soda's are good at being calorie free but it's like drinking poison, years ago i used to drink diet coke everyday and it was so addicting i could drink a 12 pack in one day, i stopped drinking it and had awful migraines. so now i drink perrier, it has the fizz without the other crap.
    What crap? What poison?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It will not spoil your diet .. but that **** may kill you. You can decide yourself if that is really true ... but I seldom drink it as it is just bad bad.
    That what may kill you? How?