

  • I go to for my shoe selections. Any kind of court shoe is best: Tennis, volleyball, basketball, or cross training.
  • It's definitely Kenpo X on steroids. So much fun :D
  • Fun, isn't it? :wink: Took me a while to get the sequences. I still mess up. But you're right, it is challenging but not impossible. I personally have a tougher time with the Warrior workout but still enjoy it.
  • I echo what everyone else says. Your scale may lie, but measurements do not. Measurements are more accurate. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it.
  • Looking at X3 as a whole, I see that it follows the model of X2 First month is a foundational phase focusing on cardio and core exercises. Preparing the body. Second month is to build strength, that's why there's more weights involved. And month three focuses more on performance. Just out of curiosity, what does your diet…
  • Cool! She's a little ray of sunshine :) I'd like to meet her one day
  • My work schedule is from 8am-9pm. I try to wake up at 6 and get going as opposed to coming home after 9 and working out. I typically reserve the yoga/stretch exercises for the evenings because it's a nice way to end the day and prepare my body for sleep. But with the weights and cardio workouts, I plan to do in the…
  • According to 4-Hour Body, no bread, oats, grains, anything like that. But on your designated cheat day, anything goes. Ferriss' writes that it's not a "fun" diet but it is effective. One can lose 20+ pounds in one month adhering to the diet. And I know, I lost the 20...then gained it all back when I abandoned it :P But now…
  • Ooh can answer that question a lot better than I can :) But basically it's maintaining a diet of animal proteins, vegetables, and legumes; foods that have a low glycemic index. Eliminating all forms of sugar: maltose, lactose, fructose and sucrose. So no bread, grains, dairy, fruit or junk food. Now there is a…
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