

  • I'm new aand have a lot more than that to lose but 75 lbs off is my first goal. I would love to support you and be your friend.
  • Honey you nailed it!! I'm terrified. I never thought about food at 118 because I never had any issues as a result of it. Food was a small part of my day and not something I thought about at length. If I wanted something ..I ate it, the day went on and that was that! Now I have no choice but to watch and count and portion…
  • I will look that up on Amazon now! Thanks for that! I know there are bras but was told they might not give an accurate reading at my size maybe the armband will work for me!
  • I bake my tilapia on a piece of foil,on a cookie sheet in the oven. I spray olive oil on the foil and season the tilapia with various seasonings and squirt raw lemon juice on it. I don't add anything else to it. I usually eat it with broccoli or frozen peas
  • I went from bad habits to other bad habits and I'm willing to admit that when I don't know what to do I do nothing rather than something I feel may hurt me. In this instance the doing nothing has also hurt me so I'm stuck again.
  • CONGRATZ on 62 pounds!!!!! I feel like you understand where I am psychologically which is such a HUGE part of it. I felt like "If food can do THIS to me I don't want it..any of it" and I still look at it skeptically. Obviously if I went from 118 to 306 in 2 years (immobile or not) my relationship with food hasn't been the…
  • This is he type of stuff I NEED. I will read this!!
  • When the cast came off and I stood up the first time and saw myself in a mirror with no clothes on,could walk around and felt how heavy I was. I started going out once I could walk and clothes actually clung to me as opposed to hanging, the looks I got from people,the way I was treated by people..that's what changed me. I…
  • And you're LOVELY. I am going to have my NOW and call it living dangerously for the day! I wanted one all day yesterday even talked myself out of half an apple with my fish. That's going to be my first snack of today!
  • What do you consider a "complete meal" ? I find it hard to eat in a plate of food. I have always kind of nibbled throughout the day a handful of this or that. I rarely sit down to a plate of food. Even as I was gaining the weight I remember snacking a lot on high fat, high calorie things but never really eating…
  • I was told to avoid fruits high in sugar to prevent spiking my GI. I wanted an apple BAAADLY yesterday but didn't eat one because of the sugar. Hummus on crackers I used to LOVE. I will definitely grab some avocados. In lieu of cheese I use Tofetti vegan cheese as well as vegan soy/tofu meatless products on my sandwiches.…
  • I cook with olive oil but I don't consume a large quantity of it and avocado I like but haven't eaten it since I started this diet. I really didn't want to eat butter but I was convinced that it's natural and thus better than artificial spreads which are still somewhat high in fat and calories. I was told that "Morbidly…
  • I would feel more comfortable eating more if I had a way to know for a fact how many calories I'm honestly burning a day. Is there any accurate calculator that can tell me with a reasonable degree of certainty how many calories I burn daily vs. what I take in?
  • I am going to use that tool right now. It just seems like so much. I've never been this big before and it's messing with me psychologically. When I was 118 I don't recall eating very much at all but that was ok then and not now? I don't get it. I only overate out of depression from sitting around in a cast after repeat…
  • A little scared to add fat. The worst I do now is a little bit of butter on my rye or wheat toast. Ideally where would this fat be coming from? Fish? Chicken? I don't do dairy or eggs.
  • [/quote] Height and weight? [/quote] 5'5" ,289.8 lbs as of 1/14 down from a start weight of 306.
  • My primary care doctor is great about getting me in when I need to see him. I complained of dizziness,fatigue and abdominal pain. He knows I'm dieting and having issues. He's great about getting me in but to use him as a source of dieting advice is not his job. I felt so bad I had to go in. For the first 2 weeks starting…
  • I'm 5'5" 289.8 lbs Highest weight was 306. Started the diet 1/1 and lost all of the weight to date very quickly eating what I've been eating and working out an hour a day and now nothing. No way I plateaued this soon. What is happening?
  • I am DEFINITELY going to invest in the scale you mentioned. Does the scale calculate your BMI? or does it calculate fat another way? I am looking for one on Amazon immediately! Perhaps if I knew some of the slow weight loss was due to lean muscle being formed as opposed to fat gain I'd be a bit more at ease. This process…