Follow up post: Seeking advice.



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Oh, and one person at the gym told you not to eat eggs or dairy?

    Sorry, but unless you are allergic those are great sources of protein and nutrition. Have some cheese in your sandwich.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The reason it was ok for you to eat less when you were 118 is because your body didn't need as many calories. See above my post re: BMR. At 118, your BMR was about 1300 calories. You need 700 more calories per day at your current weight.

    Please don't listen to advice about nutrition from people at the gym. Most of that is complete nonsense. There are no bad foods (unless of course you have an allergy or intolerance).

    And not to beat a dead horse but after reading your post about how your body disgusts you and makes you not want to eat anything, I'm still thinking some counseling might be in order. That's not healthy thinking.
  • Nuts or nut butters.
    Add some avocado to your lunchtime sandwich, and another slice of meat.
    Have a banana for snack.
    Or some homous and breadsticks.

    I was told to avoid fruits high in sugar to prevent spiking my GI. I wanted an apple BAAADLY yesterday but didn't eat one because of the sugar. Hummus on crackers I used to LOVE. I will definitely grab some avocados. In lieu of cheese I use Tofetti vegan cheese as well as vegan soy/tofu meatless products on my sandwiches. I love nuts,especially cashews which I actually ate an oz of yesterday! First time I've eaten over 1,000 calories in a few weeks.
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    1800kcal over 4 meals works out to 450 calories per meal.

    Aim for that, and start eating real food. No more nutrition bars for breakfast and no more incomplete meals. Vary your diet.

    I agree with the person who said eat more protein and get some fats into your diet. Your body needs fat to survive. Eat as close to the numbers MFP is giving you as you can.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Nuts or nut butters.
    Add some avocado to your lunchtime sandwich, and another slice of meat.
    Have a banana for snack.
    Or some homous and breadsticks.

    I was told to avoid fruits high in sugar to prevent spiking my GI. I wanted an apple BAAADLY yesterday but didn't eat one because of the sugar. Hummus on crackers I used to LOVE. I will definitely grab some avocados. In lieu of cheese I use Tofetti vegan cheese as well as vegan soy/tofu meatless products on my sandwiches. I love nuts,especially cashews which I actually ate an oz of yesterday! First time I've eaten over 1,000 calories in a few weeks.

    Oh my you won't even eat an apple??? I'm sorry but those luna bars you are eating every day have more sugar than an apple. And not eating eggs or dairy is the dumbest advice I've heard. A luna bar for breakfast is neither filling not healthy (I eat them on occasion for a snack). You also need more protein. Try eggs or egg whites with veggies for breakfast. Cheese can be a part if a healthy diet I eat it daily almost. One person telling you not to eat eggs or dairy does not make it true. Fuel your body. Be smart. It's the right thing to do otherwise this will not work for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You've been told what you need to do. Eat more. So, do it. That's what will help you lose weight and be healthy. It also sounds like you could use a little basc nutrition education. I would ask your doctor if s/he can refer you to a nutirtionist to help develop a diet for you. In the meantime, this might help.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nuts or nut butters.
    Add some avocado to your lunchtime sandwich, and another slice of meat.
    Have a banana for snack.
    Or some homous and breadsticks.

    I was told to avoid fruits high in sugar to prevent spiking my GI. I wanted an apple BAAADLY yesterday but didn't eat one because of the sugar. Hummus on crackers I used to LOVE. I will definitely grab some avocados. In lieu of cheese I use Tofetti vegan cheese as well as vegan soy/tofu meatless products on my sandwiches. I love nuts,especially cashews which I actually ate an oz of yesterday! First time I've eaten over 1,000 calories in a few weeks.

    It doesn't spike your GI enough to do anything....that's the same concept of idiot bodybuilders who want to be as huge as possible eating carbs. (Kit-Kat bars, Reese's Cups, Gummy Bears) immediately after a workout.

    Eat anything you want, seriously. Just weigh/measure it and make sure it doesn't put you over in calories. Sugar doesn't make you fat either... it's all about calories, honestly.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason to limit your sugar, don't worry about it. I've never heard anyone be worried about eating an apple! :laugh:

    Simple fact of the matter is you will continue to feel like this until you eat more. I eat 2200 calories a day and I lose weight.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    The person at the gym gave you the wrong advice!
    You need olive oil, avocado, peanut butter etc for your healthy fats.
    Please up your calories!
    Being obese does not mean you shouldn't eat what's healthy and tastes great.
    Being obese means you need way more calories than a 119 pound woman.
    You are doing yourself great harm!
    Just follow what MFP has calculated for you and you will be losing weight steadily.
    Also eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories.
    Eat all the foods, just portion them out.
    Your heart is a muscle which will waste away if your not feeding yourself properly!
  • 1800kcal over 4 meals works out to 450 calories per meal.

    Aim for that, and start eating real food. No more nutrition bars for breakfast and no more incomplete meals. Vary your diet.

    I agree with the person who said eat more protein and get some fats into your diet. Your body needs fat to survive. Eat as close to the numbers MFP is giving you as you can.

    What do you consider a "complete meal" ? I find it hard to eat in a plate of food. I have always kind of nibbled throughout the day a handful of this or that. I rarely sit down to a plate of food. Even as I was gaining the weight I remember snacking a lot on high fat, high calorie things but never really eating plates of food. I need help with this...putting whole meals together while staying under the allotted calories for each meal as meal prep is not something I've ever really done.
  • Unless you have a medical reason to limit your sugar, don't worry about it. I've never heard anyone be worried about eating an apple! :laugh:

    Simple fact of the matter is you will continue to feel like this until you eat more. I eat 2200 calories a day and I lose weight.

    And you're LOVELY. I am going to have my NOW and call it living dangerously for the day! I wanted one all day yesterday even talked myself out of half an apple with my fish. That's going to be my first snack of today!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    1800kcal over 4 meals works out to 450 calories per meal.

    Aim for that, and start eating real food. No more nutrition bars for breakfast and no more incomplete meals. Vary your diet.

    I agree with the person who said eat more protein and get some fats into your diet. Your body needs fat to survive. Eat as close to the numbers MFP is giving you as you can.

    What do you consider a "complete meal" ? I find it hard to eat in a plate of food. I have always kind of nibbled throughout the day a handful of this or that. I rarely sit down to a plate of food. Even as I was gaining the weight I remember snacking a lot on high fat, high calorie things but never really eating plates of food. I need help with this...putting whole meals together while staying under the allotted calories for each meal as meal prep is not something I've ever really done.

    Examples of meals:

    Oatmeal with fruit and nuts
    Eggs with veggies and yogurt

    Sandwich with veggies or fruit
    Salad with a protein and lots of veggies with dressing
    Soup with salad

    Protein (fish, chicken, beef) with side if veggie and carb
    Salad with protein
    Pasta with salad
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason to limit your sugar, don't worry about it. I've never heard anyone be worried about eating an apple! :laugh:

    Simple fact of the matter is you will continue to feel like this until you eat more. I eat 2200 calories a day and I lose weight.

    And you're LOVELY. I am going to have my NOW and call it living dangerously for the day! I wanted one all day yesterday even talked myself out of half an apple with my fish. That's going to be my first snack of today!

    What changed in your way of thinking from when you ate what you want to not even eating an apple?
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    What do you consider a "complete meal" ? I find it hard to eat in a plate of food. I have always kind of nibbled throughout the day a handful of this or that. I rarely sit down to a plate of food. Even as I was gaining the weight I remember snacking a lot on high fat, high calorie things but never really eating plates of food. I need help with this...putting whole meals together while staying under the allotted calories for each meal as meal prep is not something I've ever really done.

    A source of protein, a source of fats and a source (or two) of carbs (preferably majority vegetables).


    Here's the thing. You're trying to change your life... what better place to start than with old habits?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You are lucky.. i wasn't able to walk, see or talk straight when I finally acknowledged I had a problem. It's not fun.. it lasted 5 whole days and i had to learn to eat properly.

    Every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself you will eat enough to get healthy, you are beautiful, you are worth it. I do this every morning now.

    I didn't eat actual meals at first either, other then dinner. I started making protein shakes for breakfast just to up my calories and get me used to eating more. I made salads with cranberries, cheese and sunflower seeds and/or nuts on them and started throwing tuna on them too. I looked up recipes and started cooking really healthy foods from scratch.. basically taught myself how to cook. Peanut butter and avocados were my best friends. Hard boil eggs, mush them up and mix them with mustard, or mayo or avocado and add spices, celery and tomato.

    The worst feeling in the world is having your son pick you up off the floor because you are too weak and your boyfriend basically carry you into urgent care because you can't walk straight. I'll never let that happen again.
  • Unless you have a medical reason to limit your sugar, don't worry about it. I've never heard anyone be worried about eating an apple! :laugh:

    Simple fact of the matter is you will continue to feel like this until you eat more. I eat 2200 calories a day and I lose weight.

    And you're LOVELY. I am going to have my NOW and call it living dangerously for the day! I wanted one all day yesterday even talked myself out of half an apple with my fish. That's going to be my first snack of today!

    What changed in your way of thinking from when you ate what you want to not even eating an apple?

    When the cast came off and I stood up the first time and saw myself in a mirror with no clothes on,could walk around and felt how heavy I was. I started going out once I could walk and clothes actually clung to me as opposed to hanging, the looks I got from people,the way I was treated by people..that's what changed me. I had a hard time even losing the weight because initially I would workout and diet but when weight came off I was happy and sad at the same time and would stop exercising out of fear even though I am disgusting and really wanted the weight gone I was torn between wanting it gone and not wanting to lose the new lens I saw life through. The ability to see people honestly is not something I ever want to lose. My weight is an *kitten*^&le filter and it exposed superficial,unkind people. In the end I decided that I don't have to worry about that as I'll NEVER look the way I once did anyways. I'll probably need surgery after this weight is gone and looking like a stretch marked,patchwork quilt with scars on the arms and abdomen will be enough to keep superficial people at bay. I can deal with never being called pretty again and with fighting long and hard only to look in the mirror and still hate my body when this is said and done. What motivates me now is the thought of playing basketball again,being able to throw on jeans and a tee and not have to worry if every inch of me is covered and not bulging through clothing,being fit so that my kids never become overweight,having more day to day energy ..just the basics. Anyhow that's what's responsible for the shift. In a hip to toe cast with a fractured jaw,rib,wrist and pelvis all I could do was sit,watch tv and eat. Now I can live again and I want to.
  • You've been told what you need to do. Eat more. So, do it. That's what will help you lose weight and be healthy. It also sounds like you could use a little basc nutrition education. I would ask your doctor if s/he can refer you to a nutirtionist to help develop a diet for you. In the meantime, this might help.

    This is he type of stuff I NEED. I will read this!!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason to limit your sugar, don't worry about it. I've never heard anyone be worried about eating an apple! :laugh:

    Simple fact of the matter is you will continue to feel like this until you eat more. I eat 2200 calories a day and I lose weight.

    And you're LOVELY. I am going to have my NOW and call it living dangerously for the day! I wanted one all day yesterday even talked myself out of half an apple with my fish. That's going to be my first snack of today!

    What changed in your way of thinking from when you ate what you want to not even eating an apple?

    When the cast came off and I stood up the first time and saw myself in a mirror with no clothes on,could walk around and felt how heavy I was. I started going out once I could walk and clothes actually clung to me as opposed to hanging, the looks I got from people,the way I was treated by people..that's what changed me. I had a hard time even losing the weight because initially I would workout and diet but when weight came off I was happy and sad at the same time and would stop exercising out of fear even though I am disgusting and really wanted the weight gone I was torn between wanting it gone and not wanting to lose the new lens I saw life through. The ability to see people honestly is not something I ever want to lose. My weight is an *kitten*^&le filter and it exposed superficial,unkind people. In the end I decided that I don't have to worry about that as I'll NEVER look the way I once did anyways. I'll probably need surgery after this weight is gone and looking like a stretch marked,patchwork quilt with scars on the arms and abdomen will be enough to keep superficial people at bay. I can deal with never being called pretty again and with fighting long and hard only to look in the mirror and still hate my body when this is said and done. What motivates me now is the thought of playing basketball again,being able to throw on jeans and a tee and not have to worry if every inch of me is covered and not bulging through clothing,being fit so that my kids never become overweight,having more day to day energy ..just the basics. Anyhow that's what's responsible for the shift. In a hip to toe cast with a fractured jaw,rib,wrist and pelvis all I could do was sit,watch tv and eat. Now I can live again and I want to.

    It doesn't sound like you want to live again because you are harming your body by not fueling it. Also, how is it living if you can't even eat an apple? It's as though you went from bad habits to other bad habits.
  • You are lucky.. i wasn't able to walk, see or talk straight when I finally acknowledged I had a problem. It's not fun.. it lasted 5 whole days and i had to learn to eat properly.

    Every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself you will eat enough to get healthy, you are beautiful, you are worth it. I do this every morning now.

    I didn't eat actual meals at first either, other then dinner. I started making protein shakes for breakfast just to up my calories and get me used to eating more. I made salads with cranberries, cheese and sunflower seeds and/or nuts on them and started throwing tuna on them too. I looked up recipes and started cooking really healthy foods from scratch.. basically taught myself how to cook. Peanut butter and avocados were my best friends. Hard boil eggs, mush them up and mix them with mustard, or mayo or avocado and add spices, celery and tomato.

    The worst feeling in the world is having your son pick you up off the floor because you are too weak and your boyfriend basically carry you into urgent care because you can't walk straight. I'll never let that happen again.

    CONGRATZ on 62 pounds!!!!!
    I feel like you understand where I am psychologically which is such a HUGE part of it. I felt like "If food can do THIS to me I don't want it..any of it" and I still look at it skeptically. Obviously if I went from 118 to 306 in 2 years (immobile or not) my relationship with food hasn't been the greatest. The same way we learn not to trust people that burn us I don't trust food. So much misinformation out here I'd do something wholly invested for weeks then find out it was all wrong then I'd stop eating because I was so afraid to make a mistake I'd freeze and do nothing at all. My heart races when I step on the scale because I'm terrified of what I might see...every time. This is new and very scary for me. By the time I'm done I will have lost more than I weighed initially.
    I'm glad someone else understands but sorry that you understand at the same time. REALLY glad it's working out for you know though a HUUUGE congratz!
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    Stop worrying about what your body will look like in the future and concentrate on getting there - healthily - in the first place. If your determination was even half your expectation, you'd be making good progress.

    At my heaviest I was close to 300lbs, and I have the stretch marks all up and down my sides to prove it. I'm 5'4. It was not a pretty sight.

    I've spent 3 years getting to where I am now... it's a long slog, I promise you, but you can get there if you keep trying. My stretch marks have faded to barely noticeable and I have minimal loose skin that I'm working on every day.

    It's possible, but you can't keep putting it off.