

  • Just something to consider, alcohol drinks have practically no nutritional value, so be careful about fasting a day to save calories for a night of drinking. It's probably a better idea to eat healthy that day, but maybe a little conservatively, and loosen up and let yourself go over your calorie allotment a little. The…
    in Who drinks? Comment by Eithr April 2011
  • Cycling! Yay! I'm a huge cycling enthusiast. I used to be a runner until I let myself get way out of shape after college. When I first started to move back toward getting in shape I found that my body wouldn't let me run. I couldn't handle the extra weight. My joints and shins and everything hurt and it was one injury…
  • Running can be aggressive at strengthening your heart and helping your body to regulate its use of oxygen, which means that the more you do it the faster you'll recover after a routine. It sounds like you're still in the 'conditioning' phase of becoming a runner. A lot of things can factor in to your first workouts,…
  • I forgot to add, when I was experiencing this issue I actually went to a series of doctors, well two doctors, to investigate the issue. After a bunch of tests that I can't remember the names of, they said it was either nothing or nerve damage. Nerve damage seemed very unlikely. Since the doctors didn't seem too concerned,…
  • My personal rule is to never take breaks on bad days, unless I'm injured. If you workout on the days you want to workout least, you'll feel way more awesome on the days you actually do want to work out. On those days you're not really feeling 100% about working out, there are two ways to approach it: either do the minimum…
  • This is a not so common but still common issue that some runners face. I've switched over to cycling in recent years, but have been a runner most of my life. I had this problem, when I was running more regularly. It would happen after I'd taken a winter off or started adding more miles to my routines. They did a short…
  • Losing, gaining or maintaining weight are more a function of diet than of exercise. Exercise does something different for you, sorta. I'm a life long endurance/cardio athlete. I was a competitive runner up into college and at some point I switched over to cycling. I do about 20-30+ miles 4-5 days a week, currently.…