skintight303 Member


  • Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs April SW:179.3 April GW: 171.3 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. April Goals: * 30 Day plank challenge (putting this up top-3rd time is the charm, right ) * Missed 2 days--I have honesty just forgotten on these days. I've now set an alarm for the evening so I will…
  • Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs April SW:179.3 April GW: 171.3 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. April Goals: * 30 Day plank challenge (putting this up top-3rd time is the charm, right ) * Missed 1 day, but got back on the wagon * Log my calories EVERYDAY * Nope. Good intentions-I have mapped out my…
  • @mmatcha_latte CONGRATULATIONS on 49 pounds! That is truly incredible. I LOVE avgolemono soup! So delicious and protein rich. I suggest a heavy hand of fresh dill. You have inspired me to add this to my meal prep for next week. I have several lemons calling out for a purpose.
  • Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs April SW:179.3 April GW: 171.3 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. April Goals: * 30 Day plank challenge (putting this up top-3rd time is the charm, right :wink: ) * Log my calories EVERYDAY * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily * 15K steps/day AVERAGE for the…
  • Mejken Thursday Weigh-In 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs March SW:181.3 March GW: 175 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. March Goals (aka non-negotiables) * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY) * Check, on a 4 day roll * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily * Check, on a 4…
  • Have the BEST time. Can't wait to hear about the adventure :)
  • Mejken Thursday Weigh-In 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs March SW:181.3 March GW: 175 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. March Goals (aka non-negotiables) * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY) * NOPE * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily * I was OOO on a work trip last…
  • Welcome @sarahfg82! Another mom in her 40s here. Happy to meet you!
  • @sharon81 plateaus are THE WORST and I feel for you. It will come!
  • Mejken Thursday Weigh-In 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs March SW:181.3 March GW: 175 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. March Goals (aka non-negotiables) * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY) * CHECK * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily * CHECK * 10K steps/day * CHECK…
  • Hello Y'all! @mkculs1, @anmlmzdiet & @sharon81 I believe it is the below group. I started flirting a few weeks ago :wink:
  • Mejken Thursday Weigh-In 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs March SW:181.3 March GW: 175 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. I'm slowly getting back on track. Starting with the tracking of all food and getting my standard movement (floor climbing and 10K steps per day). I'll then move into more dedicated exercise.…
  • B) NEW MONTH B) Mejken Thursday Weigh-In 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs March SW:181.3 March GW: 175 UGW 160 and I'll reassess. The solidarity I feel regarding the sloppy/messy/undisciplined February are STRONG. It was interesting to see how small backslides could send me off track for days. I did have…
  • Hello!! I'm back after being MIA. The last week plus has been a bit off the rails...I have NOT been properly tracking my food, I have not been upholding my goals and for the first time in LONG time I didn't weigh myself in two days. Today is a new days and I need to kick-off the shame and move FORWARD. Mejken 42 years old…
  • Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs February Starting Weight 185.5 End of February Goal Weight: 180 UGW 170 and I'll reassess. February Goals: * Remain in a calorie deficit everyday with 1 exception day (husband's birthday celebration). Who has two thumbs and forgot about the super bowl? Well--this…
  • Hello @Tkd628702, You are in THE THICK of some tough times. But just look at what you ARE doing--work, school, motherhood, breastfeeding; you sound like a badass! All I can suggest is making SMALL reasonable changes. We are here to support you. Do you listen to Podcasts? I would suggest Half Size Me, if you want to give it…
  • Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs February Starting Weight 185.5 End of February Goal Weight: 180 UGW 170 and I'll reassess. February Goals: * Remain in a calorie deficit everyday with 1 exception day (husband's birthday celebration). * This really ended up being two days. Birthday celebrations…
  • Happy February Ladies!! Mejken 42 years old 5'9" Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs Current Weight 185.5 End of February Goal Weight: 180 UGW 170 and I'll reassess. I weigh daily and track to see averages and anomalies. I did like @sharon81 tactic of posting daily for accountability and might steal this depending on how…
  • Morning! How is January the LONGEST month and then all of the sudden over? I definitely eased back into work after the Holidays and I am PAYING for it now. However, I have been focused on myself and would not change that--even if it means a brutal work schedule for the moment. It has been beautiful for the past week.…
  • @CupcakeCrusoe I love hearing about your creative ways to get movement in! I have started in on the workout video bandwagon and am sore (and loving it).
  • @dutchgirl188 Great work! You should be so proud. Those NSV (belt notches, smaller pants) must feel so good. Way to go :smiley:
  • @kristinwoods919 You are doing GREAT!! Look back at that weigh-in less than 4 weeks ago. More than 11 pounds ELEVEN POUNDS!! I know it is so hard--but try to zoom out to the big picture. Amazing progress.
  • Happy Monday! I think I need to RE-THINK my Friday posting of weigh-ins. Fridays always get crazed at work and I don't remember to post. Then--I settle into the weekend routine with kiddos and chores! I'm switching to Mondays!! Last week was mostly good. I have an IUD and one (great) result of this is that I do not have a…
  • **Update** The long, MLK holiday weekend has my days all shuffled a bit and I forgot to post on Monday. Good week for my goals. I did not make my outdoor jogging even ONCE last week--but boy did I climb some stairs at work. I averaged 15,688 steps per day. Did have a party on Sunday--but tracked my food (including a cookie…
  • @CupcakeCrusoe Thank you for the encouragement! What you say is SO true and very easy to forget. :wink: I started using Happy Scale and it is very helpful to see the trend line instead of focusing so closely on the specific number. My coworkers must think I take a long time in the bathroom--but I'm determined to get those…
  • Hello All! The long, MLK holiday weekend has my days all mixed-up and I didn't post on Friday! Hope everyone is having a good week. We had my husband's delayed holiday party over the weekend. I held strong and didn't have a drink. Turns out a few other people were also doing dry January--so we enjoyed some NA apple cider…
  • Hello All! Thank you for all the tips/encouragement about keeping up exercise/movement while not being able to jog outdoors due to *SNOW*! I have an appointment to tour an indoor gym on Monday--it is fairly close to my house and open until 10--so the treadmill may need to be my game during the week (2-3 nights) with some…
  • **Update** Strong week with my goals! We are starting to get snow which is going to affect my exercise--I typically go for a jog 3-4 nights a week. My goal this week is to get this sorted and not loose out on movement. January Start Weight: 194 January Goal Weight: 188 Ultimate Goal Weight: 170 January 1: 194 January 8:…
  • Happy First Friday of the 2024! The first week back at work and kids at daycare is always so strange... We finally got some SNOW yesterday. We needed it badly to clear the air. I was able to sneak out for my jog a bit earlier in the evening before it really started to accumulate. BUT I need to rethink what my plan will be…