I love my eye color :]
Just made this (1/4) of the recipe and its pretty good tastes different but it would be good for a healthy lunch
Oh my dear lord I just did 10 of the squat thrust plyometric jumps...i think im dying lol....feel the burrrnnn
That's not too bad
Sounds good I like those work outs I'm going to try to do some when I go home tonight.
Sweet imma try this when I get home--how much is that Greek yogurt
I'm in! My starting weight Sunday April 10th 158.5 (as of yesterday-haven't had scale around to check today)
Hope you have fun! It's a beautiful day here..and really hot lol.
thanks cee! it's so exciting to get on the scale now lol
Thanks! Yah i think it's just glad there's no soda going in it for one xD
thanks girl :] im trying lol
Hey guys lost another pound today. So far I've just been dieting since I've been really busy but when I get some free time I wanna go walking and enjoy this weather :]
Thanks pink_and_shiny ;] nice to meet you. Alrighty, sounds pretty simple I'll try to stay tuned in to see the next post for the upcoming week :] thanks for the info hope to talk to you and some others ;p
Hey guys I've been dieting for about two weeks almost and lost approx. 6 lbs but this looks fun I'd love to join in how does this work.