ashtenr Member


  • After eights. Have been known to eat an entire box.
  • I understand Apple shaped to be big boobs, tummy, small or flat bum, slim thighs as opposed to pear shaped which is small boobs, small waist, flat tummy, big bum, bigger thighs. Obviously not everyone fits into one of these. I do resistance already, about twice a week, I'm happy with my level of muscle so don't really want…
  • Scottish Borders, UK
  • I would say have one day a week where you eat about 200 cals over maintenance. This will reset your leptin level and make losing easier.
  • I am also about 5.3 tall, close to goal weight, have a small frame and am fairly inactive except when I go to the gym (about twice a week). I try to stick to 1200 a day (then eat exercise cals when i have them) and have one day a week when I eat slightly over maintainence (1900). Which works well and i lose about 2 lbs a…
  • Its Sunday afternoon here but I am writing an essay on teacher supply and training in sub saharan Africa due in on Tuesday.
  • I hear you! I too am an apple and hate it. But don't give up. As another poster said if you lose weight your tummy and boobs will reduce making you more in proportion. Plus if you want to add booty, the gym can help. If you start lifting weights you can increase certain areas. My bum is definitely bigger since i have been…
  • As far as I understand it - its about leptin levels. When you go low calorie - say 1200 a day, over about 1 week the leptin levels fall and starvation mode kicks in. Seems quite simple to stop it though, you have one day every 7 or 10 where you eat slightly over your cals so if your maintainence is 1800 you eat 2000 etc.…
  • Greek yoghurt. So thick and creamy!
  • I would second the protein heavy snacks too. It might be possible to find a protein shake that is gluten free, which could be a handy filling snack. Hard boiled eggs, handful of Brazil nuts - that type of thing!
  • Hi, I too would like to join this group. I've been lifting for a while on my own and have always seen the challenge in trying heavier weights. I've ordered the book - so am intrigued to see what its all about. My husband has been going to the gym for years, makes a big deal out of it, we went together the other day and I…
  • I am taking more supplements. I have found that taking 2 chromium pills at breakfast and 2 with lunch has regulated my sugar cravings.
  • I sympathise, it can be v frustrating. Are you drinking the water? That really helps, I find, even if i have to force myself to drink it. Are you being totally honest about what you are eating, writing everything down, weighing it?
  • I have found that one slice of wholegrain toast spread thinly with butter topped with 2 scrambled eggs seems to work for me. Its about 350 cals but fills me up til lunch. However I eat at 12.30. Can you eat lunch a little earlier or have a piece of fruit for a snack at 11 ish?