Losing 1 lb shouldn't be this hard!

The hardest I've ever had to work to lose a lb! It was a long hard battle I hope the next few come off easier. It was worth it though...finally in the 150's but still in the overweight range, about 5 lbs. more to go. I've lost nearly 45 lbs since I started this journey last June. The past 2 months have been hard! I am working my tail off & watching my calories. I've stepped up the workouts and still NOTHING...Ok well not nothing but a pound and a half for the whole month of March is not what I am going for. Advice for this plateau I've seem to hit. Workout or food suggestions? I'm already increasing my water, varying my workouts, and eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Low carb doesn't really work for me since I eat 95% vegetarian.


  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    if you want better help, open your diary.
    otherwise, try eating more calories and up your protein. do more weightlifting and interval work than steady-state cardio.
  • FinalOutrage
    You may need to readjust your calorie intake. Maintenance drops as you lose weight so you cant stay on the same deficit forever.
  • ashtenr
    ashtenr Posts: 19 Member
    I would say have one day a week where you eat about 200 cals over maintenance. This will reset your leptin level and make losing easier.
  • Rbmay
    Rbmay Posts: 4
    Try eating more to boost your metabolism. At least one day a week.
  • Oretexan
    Oretexan Posts: 108
    Up your calories. I wasn't losing either and just started losing again when I increased my calories. Yay!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    First, congratulations on keeping off so much weight. Sounds like you're successfully maintaining a good loss.

    Second, I think it's about making changes. You've obviously made some big changes already, but now your body is used to them. So it needs a shake-up, either changing what you eat, and/or your fitness routine.

    Do you eat enough protein? Also, how about interval training? Or strength training?
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    You may need to increase you calories. That was my "a ha" moment. Keep your metabolism guessing. I learned the hard way, that if you don't eat enough good carbs, that the scale does not budge. I literally have increased my day by 500 calories. Have you checked your BMR under tools? Make sure to eat all of your NET calories and even some of your burned calories. I'm still learning myself, but once you put this advice into practice, it really does make sense. i hope this helps! Good luck!!
  • moniqueonline
    moniqueonline Posts: 26 Member
    I am a newbie guys... Please help me understand!... My BMR is 1400 calories and I know to lose a pound a week I need to burn 3500 calories... If I burn 500 calories a day at the gym... Do I need to eat 1900 calories to keep the BMR so it won't affect my metabolism?