Is 1200 really enough?



  • Soulchild27
    Soulchild27 Posts: 5 Member
    I believe MFP put everyone at 1200 because I have a friend who does this with me and it kicked out the same number there is a book called " Cook Yourself Thin " thats really good you might like that goes based on your ideal weight theory and they have some delicious recipes as well.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I believe MFP put everyone at 1200 because I have a friend who does this with me and it kicked out the same number there is a book called " Cook Yourself Thin " thats really good you might like that goes based on your ideal weight theory and they have some delicious recipes as well.

    MFP does not automatically put everyone at 1200, however there are a lot of people at 1200 due to their maintenance level and due to the amount of weight they think they are trying to lose each week. If a person's maintenance calories would be 2200 and they tell MFP they want to lose 2 lbs per week, MFP puts them at 1200 b/c you have to have a total 7000 calorie deficit each week to lose 2 lbs of fat. If someone has a maintenance of LESS than 2200 and tells MFP they want to lose 2 lbs per week, MFP is going to default to 1200 b/c it absolutely won't go any lower than that, even if the person would have to eat lower than that to get a 1000 calorie per day deficit. So basically, MFP's calculations ARE based off of each individual's height/weight/age/sex, however there is a point where it starts giving the 1200 number to people even though the 1200 number doesn't meet the goals the person asked for, simply b/c MFP cannot recommend a person eat less than that and be held liable for recommending a diet lower in calories than is generally recommended as safe. When I started out and was trying to lose 2 lbs per week, my goal was set at 1200, then after losing some weight and reevaluating my goals to lose only 1 lb per week, my goal re-set to 1210, then after reevaluating again and deciding to slow down to 1/2 lb per week, my goal is now 1420. MFP takes your individual situation at the time into consideration, but it simply will not go below 1200 which is why you see so many people on the 1200 goal. B/c a lot of people want to lose weight faster than is really recommended for their current size and also some people are small enough that just about any weightloss goal they put in will yield a 1200 goal b/c they just don't have a lot of wiggle room based on their maintenance calories.

    Dang, it's late, and that was a lot of rambling. Sorry. LOL
  • ashtenr
    ashtenr Posts: 19 Member
    I am also about 5.3 tall, close to goal weight, have a small frame and am fairly inactive except when I go to the gym (about twice a week). I try to stick to 1200 a day (then eat exercise cals when i have them) and have one day a week when I eat slightly over maintainence (1900). Which works well and i lose about 2 lbs a week this way. 1200 is very low and you have to be careful that you eat well, so limit the crisps and biscuits in favour of meats, veg, milk, oats etc to make sure you get enough protein and nutrients. its very restrictive and makes eating out a no no, hence the day off a week.

    I lift weights at the gym and read some stuff around that and eating slightly more, but when I eat 1500 a day I dont lose.

    I think if you have a lot to lose you wont need to go this low and could lose successfully on a higher amount but when you are close to goal it does get more difficult!