Paper_Diva Member


  • I am also having issues with steps. My home screen has over 6000 so far for today but the diary screen has been at 2100 all day.
  • I have an FT60 and I love it. I swim in the summer and I can use it in the pool with the chest strap that came with it also. I manually enter the data onto the polar personal trainer website and it pretty easy to enter. I have not tried the upload gizmo. I'm too cheap to buy it. It has some good features like the ownzone…
  • Collier's Cheddar. I can't get it where I live now. Wegman's sold it where I used to live. Last time I went back I bought two big bricks of it!
  • There is a misconception that Atkins is no carbs. It is not. It starts out very low but then gradually adds carbs back in a certain order. When you reach your goal weight you also find what amount of carbs keeps you at your goal weight. So it is an individual number. It is not zero carbs. I wouldn't pay attention to what…
  • See a doctor before doing any type of elimination diet. If you do have celiacs disease, not eating gluten for any length of time will affect a blood test and it could show up negative. There is a type of celiacs that also has a type of rash. If it's not celiacs then a doctor can also do some allergy testing to find out if…
  • Have you tried this? I meant the pumpkin pie custard recipe that was posted. I forgot to reply to that post!:smile: It sounds really good. In fact all things pumpkin pie related sound good!
  • I use a heart rate monitor when I exercise. You might want to invest in one and you can start out by walking. I wouldn't go crazy and try to power walk just start out at a nice easy pace and keep an eye on your heart rate while walking. If you start to notice it going too high too fast, walk slower. Start out slow and easy…
  • She is referring to jeans that size by the waist. Like Levi's go by waist size....26, 27, 28, 28, 29 etc. similar to men's clothing. She said she wears a size 2/4. OP, you just need to try on many different brands, colors and styles to find one you like. I have both a hip dip and saddle bags. If I try something on and you…
  • In regards to celiacs, have you been eating gluten for a minimum of 12 weeks before being tested? You have to have gluten in your system for 12 weeks in order for the antibodies to show up in a blood test. Has your doctor ever done a colonoscopy or endoscopy of the small intestines and stomach? This could help rule out…
  • That recipe tab is so you can enter your own recipes and get the calorie count per serving. The URL feature is if the recipe you are using came from the internet then you don't have to type all the ingredients. I like many of the Pioneer Woman's recipes.