stephc71885 Member


  • Plan B is usually around $50 at most pharmacies. It is basically like taking a mega dose of birth control. If you did ovulate and the egg were fertilized, Plan B would prevent it from implanting in the uterus. It's not recommended as a regular method of birth control, but is intended for specific events just like this.…
  • i'd imagine you'd probably be fine, but you could always do a plan B one step if you're very concerned. it has to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. most women don't ovulate immediately after stopping the pill altogether so even if the biaxin decreased the effectiveness of the pill it's unlikely that you would…
  • hi! i'm not a diabetic, but i am graduating from pharmacy school in 2 weeks and we learn a TON about diabetes. I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through! are you having any other symptoms (excessive thirst or urination, for example?). I would definitely try to get checked out. Technically, they can diagnose Type II…
  • just finished eating this for dinner! it was AWESOME! By far my favorite recipe i've made from MFP so far. I had 2 minor modifications- I used fat free cream cheese (the whole block) and I added some taco seasoning. I thought it was a little bland when it was done and the seasoning added a little something for me :) Maybe…
  • Sorry i forgot to post yesterday!! SW: 180.6 CW: 178.6 I lost 2 pounds this week! WOOT!
  • just had this for dinner with some steamed veggies... DELICIOUS! it will definitely get added to my regular recipe list :) i will DEFINITELY halve the recipe next time though. this enough food to feed a small army!
  • they both show your stunning hour glass shape, but the second one is really flattering in the hip area too. i love them both, but i'd go for the second!
  • me too! my parents are english so i've got that very fair skin. antihistamines do help, if you can tolerate them (i'm going to be a pharmacist in one month!). they tend to make most people drowsy (not the best thing when you're trying to work out!). i say where the red-face proud! it shows you've done some great work :)
  • congrats! you look awesome! i wish i had your legs!
  • April 17: 180.6 I'm REALLY hoping to finally hit that 10 pound barrier this week (only 0.6 pounds away!!!).
  • Sunday: 182 Today: 181 Ugh only one pound, but i've lost another .25" from my neck and another 0.5" from my hips, for a grand total of 6.25" lost overall! My official weigh in days are Sundays, so maybe tomorrow that last pound will fall off and I will hit my first mini-goal of 10 pounds :)
  • I have been searching for some posts about ripped in 30 and i'm so glad i found this! i love reading about all your results :) I'm on day 20 on the 30DS and i just bought the ripped DVD this weekend so I have something to move on to when 30DS is over. I have to say, i have fallen in love with crazy jillian and what she has…
  • i log it as circuit training. it seems to be pretty accurate from what others have said, but i can't use a HRM to be sure because i have a pacemaker.
  • face-->boobs-->waist-->belly-->hips I'm lucky if it ever comes off my butt and thighs *sigh*. i really carry most of my weight there and it's always the most stubborn. i'm at the belly phase now, then it will cycle through again. i've noticed now hands and wrists/ankles getting skinnier too.
  • i had this when i first started with the water about a month ago also. it gets better. just stay consistent and with time your body will adapt more. i used to pee pretty much hourly during the day but i can go 2-3 hours between breaks now. in addition, clear is excellent. that means you are perfectly hydrated and fewer…
  • wow... i didn't know there were very many people that actually lived in rootstown lol! i go to the pharmacy school there on 44. But my hubby works in Austintown so we live in Boardman.
    in Ohio! Comment by stephc71885 April 2011
  • yup! i live near youngstown, go to school in rootstown.
    in Ohio! Comment by stephc71885 April 2011
  • OH i just thought of another one. So on my wedding day I decided that I wasn't going to use the bathroom once I had my dress on. So I got into my dress at about 1:30 pm, and when we got back to our hotel room at midnight, I REALLY had to pee. I started dancing as my husband helped to unzip the back of my dress, i shimmied…
  • last summer i insisted on taking my dog out without shoes on. my mother warned me... but i'm 25 and i "don't need my mommy any more." yeah... two steps onto the cement patio and i some how managed to get my toes bent underneath my right foot, putting all my weight onto 2 toes and scraping the hell out of them. i almost…
  • not sure about the elliptical.. but if you want to keep your butt i recommend using the treadmill on an incline!
  • I'm in! My first mini-goal is set for 4/16 and I'm 2 pounds away so this is perfect timing!! SW Today: 182
  • i literally roll out of bed and exercise for 30 minutes first thing. i can't exercise immediately after eating because that makes me sick but i also can't eat then wait an hour because I have to get up so early as it is! I usually get up around 5:15, workout 30 minutes, shower, get dressed, and eat my breakfast in the car…
  • i find myself running my hand along my collar bone a lot just because i can actually feel it! OH and my shins too!
  • Queen "Don't Stop Me Now" or ACDC "You Shook Me All Night Long". Both just get me totally pumped up :)
  • Non-scale victory. They're nice to have when you have times that the scale just doesn't want to budge!
  • have you checked out a couch to 5 k program? I think it's a great way to introduce yourself to running! also, as far as shin splints go... just make sure you really stretch our your lower legs after a workout. you have to have good shoes, that's the main thing. find a pair that work well for you (i personally like new…
  • wow that is awesome! you look great! this is really inspiring for me since i just started 2 weeks ago at 190..almost the same exact starting weight! i hope i look as good as you in 8 weeks!
  • welcome to mfp! you'll love it! i started at 190 about 2 weeks ago, so i'm right there with you. i'll send a friend request :)