Mennassey Member


  • I have wanted to lose weight for a long time. But what really got me was when my boyfriend wanted to go out one night. I did my makeup, and then put on my clothes, and then looked in the mirror -____-. That is when I said 'things have to change'.
  • I think mine would be 'Man vs. Food'
  • I used to drink a lot of diet soda. I actually now prefer crystal light, the pomegranate is super delicious.
  • paced2day I like the way your pic makes this more challenging. Plus I love your eye color.
  • on the 1st I weighed in at 192.8. My goal for the end of the month is 188. In November I made monthly goals, but fell back into bad habits. I was originally supposed to get down to 188 by the end of November. Now I just moved my goals one month over, so 188 is my goal for end of December, but if I can I want to get back on…
  • Personally, I am in the same boat as you. I love my junk food, and don't want to give it up. So I try my hardest not to eat really bad food, and if I have something I don't deem "that good," I will eat it in moderation. However, I like eating a lot of my junk food lol. So I am trying the one day cheat. I just started the…
  • I think people just eat too much carbs. But carbs aren't "bad", they are one of our sources of energy, its just some people go overboard.
  • I have never personally dealt with adoption. My cousin was adopted though, but she was never really considered adopted , she's just always been family. Would I adopt? Heck yeah. I think there are too many kids that deserve a loving and caring home, and I would love to provide that. Even though I don't plan on having kids…
  • Just remember, if you want change, don't wait. Start changing now. My name is Briana by the way, if looking for new friends, add me :)
    in Help Comment by Mennassey November 2011
  • Hey, I'm Briana, 21 years young :) Always looking for new inpiring friends. Feel free to add me :wink:
  • Sounds like you are having a lot of health complications. I understand that you don't feel as though you are working as hard as some other people on here, but you have to do what your body ables. Continue with your exercise routine. Try to change your diet. A lot of bad foods keep you in a depressed state. If you stick…
  • Hey Shawna The best advice I can give you is RESEARCH! One of the reasons my past weight loss attempts have fell through was because I was un-educated on nutrition, and workouts. I mean I understood the basic of what was good, and what was not, but coming up with meals and recipes became very overwhelming. Also working out…
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Briana. I am 21 years old. No kids. Soon to be full-time student, and I am currently working part time. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 and a half years, and have our own apartment together. I used to be very athletic, but after meeting him, that kind of fell through the cracks lol.…
  • lol it really doesn't sound good
  • Stretching before and after exercise is not necessary, but beneficial in helping prevent injury.
  • i am definitely going to give this challenge a try. boy are my arms going to hate me friday morning.
  • I have began my lifestyle change now one week ago. I already see changes. I work out everyday, and my eating has been pretty balanced, except for my one day food for all lol. I see my body starting to look different, and I feel different. I used to eat and be as stuffed as a thanksgiving turkey, and I hated it because I…
  • Metformin is really tricky, and can send you the no longer hungry signal unfortunetly. The best thing to do though is eat at least 1,200 calories. If you get up to 1,000, you're only missing 200 calories. Find a time of the day where you can fit in an extra snack. Don't wait until your body sends the hungry signal. It can…
  • Hey Full but hungry, First of all I want to tell you I been there. I was there when I was eating "diet food". I describe "diet food" as food that was good for me, but wasn't good to me :/ I am a person who ate out everyday of the week, not getting any type of nutrition, but I loved the taste. When I began my journey a week…
  • I definitely get how you feel. When they gave me an extra 500 calories today, I was like WHAT!?!? You know how hard it is to burn that off lol. But I usually stick to 1200 calories, today I was actually close to my total calorie count without the exercise addition.
  • Honestly you need to be around people that have common goals and interests. Your facebook friends may not realize how important of a journey this is for you. As long as you stay of MFP, you will have tons of support. Ill add you, and acknowledge your stepping stones everytime I see em ;)
  • dannylives: Don't be afraid. Everybody has a past, and everybody makes mistakes. I think who you are defines you, not what you used to do. If you are on track with life, and striving to be the best you can possibly be, that is the most important thing. Good luck!
  • Cousin: "WOW Bri, you got big!" Cousin: "You used to have a nice body" Grandpa: "Look at my gordita" Grandpa: "Don't gain any more weight" Grandma: "Ay mija, your getting too big" Sister: LOL "I can see your stomach jiggling" Friend: "Wow Bri, you gained A LOT of weight, you used to be so small, what happened?" However,…
  • Hmmm... Try to weigh yourself at the same time every time. Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning before you eat anything, and after using the restroom. Other than that, everybody else on here has some really good ideas on what could be causing the "weight gain" if…