

  • Yes there is not much ifference between coconut oil and butter ,except fat,coconut oil contains less fat than butter.My suggetion is that over all total fat should be counted,you can cut down your calories from another meal.I personnaly found butter tastes better.
  • Often illness brings into focus what we wish we could be doing when we feel healthy. Once, back when I was a pack-a-day smoker, I got food poisoning. At that time I vowed not to smoke anymore. Unfortunately as soon as I felt better I forgot what I knew when I was really sick. Being sick gives us the chance to reflect on…
  • Its a natural sweetner.It is sugar subsitute.Its added advantage is that it has no calorie.I have never used this as sugarsubsitute.I usualy use honey with tea and milk.
  • I would also go with Stevecarve01, thanks Steve.Early in the morning empty stomach is the best time for work out. Search the benefits of early morning .Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy n ........
  • I think you have recently changed your food pattern,If you have not gained weight but look fluffy it means you have some gastric problem.the food what you take causes to gas.If you increase your fibre level,take butter milk it would be more benefited.
  • First need to change your eating habits .Don't be tempted on junk food, soda and candy .Switch over to some healthy food,intake your water input,take fibre.Do not be couch potato on computer or TV.Eat when you feel hungry ,as experts says spilt you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Do some kind of exercise
  • Because of less sodium intake,you have any problems like low blood pressure ,or dizziness.If you donot have these, do not worry about your less sodium level.Take the sea salt in your daily routine,and remember the thing excess salt is not reccomonded to those who are suffering from heigh blood pressure or heart disease or…
  • I found one of the best protein power that is Amway Protein Powder.It is taste less we can add it in to our food like milk, omllette ,juice,shake,chicken,or any edible items except alcohol or any other hot beverages.It is soy based,no fats and additional colours and flavours. You should take the amount of the protein…
  • I would suggest do some sit-ups. Do some breathing excersize like exhale your breathe keep your tummy in,and when you inhale the breathe allow to go your tummy out..Dont be tempted on pasta and bread,instead of that take whole wheat grain bread.If you follow the proper diet, and breathing excersize .You will be really…
  • I would suggest do some sit-ups.
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