Gaining inches but not pounds

I was wondering what would make someone gain inches and appear fatter, but not have gained any weight? I look a little chubby now, and my measurements are definitely much bigger as well. I understand that when you lose muscle, and gain fat, this can happen - but I have always been pretty sedentary, so I don't think there has been any muscle loss.

I increased my calories from 2,000 to 3500 for the past three weeks, but haven't gained a single pound yet. Is my metabolism just working really fast to maintain my normal weight? If this is the case, does that mean that no matter how much I eat I will never gain any weight?

Or is it possible that I may have such a fast metabolism that I have to eat 4-6k calories a day to gain?

Any insight into this would be so helpful! Thank you so much:)


  • charlieibeling
    charlieibeling Posts: 93 Member
    What is your age, gender, height and weight? Were you gaining or losing weight at 2200? Have you changed your exercise patterns recently? How would you describe your build throughout your life? How much protein are you eating a day?

    People are too different to just make a blanket statement. I Train someone who would lose weight on 3500 cals but I would be gaining weight pretty quick.
  • eviegainer
    Thank you so much for responding to my post! I am so grateful for your help!

    I am 44, female, 5'6", 135lbs.(ectomorph) I have weighed the same for about 25 years. I lose weight and gain muscle very easily, without even trying very hard. I used to be a professional ballet dancer, but haven't danced in decades. I am very sedentary now.

    I ate an average of 2,000 calories a day to maintain 135 lbs. (sometimes 2,500 depending on how active I was).

    I haven't made any other changes at all in my life other than eating 1500+ calories more each day, and adding more carbs and healthy fats to my diet (in smoothies/shakes). I also started adding dairy products (I was a vegan before I started trying to gain three weeks ago).

    I eat an average of 120 grams of protein each day, from vegetarian sources. Some days I eat more, though. I just started drinking Serious Mass but only use one scoop a day in whole milk.

    I know that my weight is healthy for my height, but before I started trying to gain, I was actually looking very bony and thin, so I want to put on some weight.
  • creativehi
    I think you have recently changed your food pattern,If you have not gained weight but look fluffy it means you have some gastric problem.the food what you take causes to gas.If you increase your fibre level,take butter milk it would be more benefited.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    1500 extra calories per day for three weeks should cause fairly speedy weight gain, so I am also a little confused about what is going on. Technically this shouldn't happen, unless you have also radically increased your exercise, have had acute diarrhoea or vomiting, or you recently had a limb amputated (that one's a joke! But true). If you have been vegan and then switched to suddenly eating dairy products I would expect that you'd see signs of lactose intolerance, which would cause a lot of gas and diarrhoea, and extreme diarrhoea could lead to dehydration. Has that been an issue for you?
  • eviegainer
    Thank you so much for being willing to help me figure out why I'm not gaining - it's frustrating for me because I feel like I'm eating SO much food but staying the same weight.

    No problems at all with dairy, I am digesting everything very well and feel healthy. The only thing that would make sense is that somehow my body is burning muscle and gaining fat (or have some endocrine issue), but I don't understand why my body would suddenly decide to burn muscle if I am eating a lot more food and protein than I ever have before. It's not like I was active and suddenly became sedentary either - I've been pretty sedentary for the past 6 months now, even before I started trying to gain.

    Sorry to present such a mind boggling question! Thanks again for being willing to help me figure out what the problem may be, I am so grateful!