

  • hey, I've been gone! How's it going? I messed up on my vacation. I brought the DVD's with but pretty much quit on the last two weeks. I'm home now and not sure what I should do. I did three work outs...with my sisters.. they wanted to try it.. but did month one and went running. So, now I think I am just going to start…
  • yeah, you def don't want to guilt yourself! Only do what you can do... about the weight gain... I gained four pounds back... but started losing again. Someone told me that when you first start out your body holds on water... and at about 6 to 8 weeks in give or take, your body will adjust and lose that water. It seemed…
  • Yes, the day of rest helps me too! I did do that abs.. during the work out I feel pain.. but it doesn't seem to bother me later.. other than the normal soreness from new moves. I was super sore after walking all day at Sea World and carrying kids, giving piggy back rides etc... I am so glad I didn't do the work out…
  • This morning kicked my but.... I was sore from the stretches yesterday.. but it felt great! I hope you all have a great day today! My hubby and I are taking the kids to Sea World tomorrow so if we leave super early int he morning I may not get my work out in.. but I'm going to try really hard! Talk to you all next week!…
  • Don't stress about it... just jump back in tomorrow.. you can only do what you can do! You'll be fine! Maybe going back into it tomorrow wont be so bad.. it is a recovery work out... so just do it and take it easy! Let us know how it goes? I skipped abs today.. if that makes you feel any better. I just was so tired after…
  • Ok, I am totally excited. August 5th is my husband's brigade BaLL... as in dance..... I never did prom or anything big dance like that before. He'll be dressed up in his Class A's and I'll have to get a fancy dress. I CAN"T WAIT! By then I should be looking pretty darn good :) I am going to work my butt off! Maybe even…
  • That's ok... your starting with my husband then! He just started this week too! It is def. hard to stick with the meal and get your number right. You'll get it.. keep trying. I do find I have to eat a little less than they say to feel good keep my fat down and my protein up. I hope I'm not going into starvation mode.. I…
  • Good job guys!!! It's so awesome to see improvement. I was beating myself up over the week end cause I had some soda and cup cakes... LOL But the fit test showed that I've had improvement as well. The scale did not. I actually gained back three pounds. I think thought the we are all gaining muscle! So, it's all good! My…
  • oh, I so hear ya.... I totally struggle if I eat too much.. or not the right foods. Even today.. I ate a protein pancake again.. instead of fruit.. and I feel so sluggish, even after my work out! If I work out and eat a lighter breakfast.. I feel great all day! It might be partly cause I was up until 2 am last night…
  • I did change my calorie intake but not my protein.. I had always been low on protein.. but I am going over now too... but I think it's ok cause I cut out most meat .. trying to stick to fruits and veggies... and our muscles need the extra protein anyway.. so the little that I am going over, I am not going to worry about.…
  • Wow, we are in our second week!!!! I am always worried when I wake up that it's going to be hard to get started.. but as soon as I start I'm totally lovin' and feeling better. Today I ALMOST kept up...still a little slower on the push ups. But it was fun and I'm feeling the progress too! Mandy- you sound like your doing…
  • well.. it seems to be working really good stick with the program... last week when I thought I was going die from soreness he threw in the recover work out and it was perfect. I have not been too sore since those first two days... I really think my body needs one day off a week... sorry. Let me know how it goes for you!…
  • you were right that was insane!! I couldn't quite keep up with them.. some of the stuff i moved a little slower... especially the push up jacks!!! MY GOSH! I am going to be sore again tonight! But I have another exciting thing to share that I couldn't do a week ago! On day one I could NOT do the stretch where you squat…
  • Good JOB! =) ok well.. I slept in... just had a bowl of strawberries and heading down to try it now while my kids are awake! I hope I can get through without too many distractions. I couldn't help myself and jumped on the scale this morning I have lost 3 pounds this week!!!!!!! I was very surprised because It seemed like…
  • I was wonder how many calories we burn with an insanity work out too. Of course today not much cause it was mostly stretching... I googled it and someone said 1,000 but that seems way too high... Let me know if you find out! I've been eating around 1600 calories a day.. I hope that's ok. I haven't measured myself yet…
  • that's funny.. I do the same thing.. in my head I keep saying "you can do it, you can do it.. push" I think it's very true that it's mostly mental!!! My hubby just went through basic training last fall... and I can't believe the stuff he had to do..but he was in good shape already so it was easy for him. He said all of BCT…
  • How are you doing a 2 1/2 miles run after insanity? I am so sore i can't think about running.. cleaning and vacuuming my house today was enough on my sore muscles! So sorry that person had to be mean! That was very uncalled for!
  • Thanks for the info, I'll try that tomorrow! How did today go for you guys? I woke up sooooo sore I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it! But I ate something, grabbed my water.. waited about 20 minutes and hit play! I made it through but today was def. harder than yesterday, just cause of the soreness. I think next…
  • Yes, my arms are sore, my whole core basically and my calves! I was dying through the work too but also was trying to think about how much better I'll be in a few weeks if I just keep pushing even though I had to take breaks! Do you guys know what our heart rate should be? or what is too high?
  • Yeah, today was insane! It was fun though... I am with ya, I can't wait to see results in two weeks! I love having a milestone to look forward to! I love how he pushes... right when I am ready to give up he says something to keep me going! Although I did have a couple small interruptions, my kids woke up in the middle of…
  • Maybe your friend can make copies of the calendar etc.. for you.. that's what I am doing so my hubby can do it too! I don't want to mark on the original forms. If my scanner was working I'd send it to you :) Day one is just the FIT TEST. Tomorrow is plyometric Cardio circuit.
  • I did okay this morning.. I slept in so I didn't start till 8 and I thought I would have to eat but when I woke up I was feeling energetic so I grabbed a bottle of water and jumped right into it. My leg muscles are really tight..though so I hope the stretching really works for me. My kick are not as high as theirs but I…
  • yes.. I am starting too.. was going to start tomorrow but yeah.. I'll start Monday since that's the first day of the work out... I tried one today.. it's crazy but I am so excited to start feeling better and get more energy!!!! I'll do it with you!!!
  • I just started Insanity.... first day was awesome!!!!! :) I think the meal plan will be the hardest part.. but it's doable!!!!
  • will def.. give this a try! I love to incorporate my kids with working out!!! Thanks for idea! BTW.. I hate working out.. so whatever makes it fun :)
  • well.. yeah... I know I need to do cartio stuff too... I just feel maybe toning the tummy will make it look better... it looks fat because it's loose and NOT toned. If I could lose 5 or 10 pounds I'd be happy.. I guess 15 is my ultimate goal. Got my hoop today.. so excited!
  • yes, it definitely has to be GOOD fats... so what are the BEST fats then.. I realize now that the Olive Oil to cook with is the best.. will never use anything else! Great for making pop corn old kettle style! I don't know if I agree with going out and having pork!!!! That can't be good, can it? Or would lean be ok? Cause…
  • well.. yesterday I just clicked on one of adds on the home page and it was a great video about not just counting calories. It was actually against it only because there are so many foods that you think are OK... but they hinder your body from losing and actually make you store fat! It was all about good fats and bad fats..…