Insanity - Starting Monday 6/21



  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    Yep you are right, it is supposed to be above 85% HRR, because HRR is better than regular HR max. If you don't know anything about those, I can help you out. Just let me know.
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Yep you are right, it is supposed to be above 85% HRR, because HRR is better than regular HR max. If you don't know anything about those, I can help you out. Just let me know.

    I know absolutely nothing about any of that! :blushing:
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    ok this an example of how to calculate HRR which stands for heart rate reserve.

    All you have to do is plug in the numbers. But instead of usinfg

    206.9 - (0.67 x (age)) = 191
    191 - 65 (resting heart rate) = 126
    126 * .85 = 107
    107 + 65 (resting heart rate) = 172

    65 is the resting heart rate the person in the example.

    You can get your resting heart rate by counting your pulse for 15 seconds and multiplying is by 4.

    Make sure you are relaxed. The best time to take your resting heart rate is when you first wakeup. It should be anywhere between 60-80 fr most people.
  • Thanks for the info, I'll try that tomorrow!

    How did today go for you guys? I woke up sooooo sore I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it! But I ate something, grabbed my water.. waited about 20 minutes and hit play! I made it through but today was def. harder than yesterday, just cause of the soreness. I think next week will be awesome... and hopefully not as sore. Again, I had to hit pause a few times.. ugh...
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I definitely had to take some breaks but overall I felt better about my effort today than yesterday. I felt like I got into the rhythm faster so I could keep up better.

    I'm with you though - I am SO SORE! Once we got through the stretch this morning I was doing okay but in that last exercise with the squats and the push ups? I could feel every muscle in my core during those last pushups. One half of my brain was saying 'OOOOWWWWWWWWW' and the other half was trying to say 'Stop whining it means its working!!!'

    The OW was louder though. :smile:
  • that's funny.. I do the same thing.. in my head I keep saying "you can do it, you can do it.. push" I think it's very true that it's mostly mental!!! My hubby just went through basic training last fall... and I can't believe the stuff he had to do..but he was in good shape already so it was easy for him. He said all of BCT was a breeze... geesh... I wish I could say that about insanity. Hoping one day that I can... wont it be great to be in such good shape that all we have to do is maintain? I can't wait! I think the Hip Hop ABs sounds fun too! But I'll finish this before I start thinking about my next work out plan :)
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    well guys I am glad to hear ya'll made it through the day. Today was an extremely busy day for me because I had two test in the human anatomy class I am taking over the summer and I had to study my butt of to get the grade that it will get. don't worry this is not gonna happen again, the teacher just decided to give us a 65 + 6 essay lecture test and a 102 questions lab midterm on the same day. I am waking up before daylight tomorrow to get the new iPhone 4 and then I will be home to do day 4. I'm sry I let you guys down. There should be no excuses.
  • Bebolick
    Bebolick Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently on week 4 of Insanity. Just a tip from all of your calories. When i started i was eating under by a lot!! I lost weight my first week but have not lost since then. Because of my lack of caloires have thrown my body into starvation mode! This week i have started eating all my calories so we'll see how it goes. I have noticed my body toning a bit but expected to see more results. I have not missed a workout yet so in high hopes that after this week i'll see more of a difference. I'm also going to do my measurements at the end of this week so we'll see. I do love the workout and find it getting easier. Keep up the great work everyone!! Oh, and is anyone planning on ordering shakeology??
  • Congrats everyone on your journey with insanity. I am doing my 2nd 60 days. I love it.
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I'm sry I let you guys down. There should be no excuses.

    Stuff happens!! The hardest part about this program to me is going to be the every-single-day nature of it because you just never know what life throws at you!

    Don't beat yourself up about yesterday - school is important and so are tests. I'm totally jealous about the 4 by the way - my husband and I were just talking last night about how badly we both want one!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I am currently on week 4 of Insanity. Just a tip from all of your calories. When i started i was eating under by a lot!! I lost weight my first week but have not lost since then. Because of my lack of caloires have thrown my body into starvation mode! This week i have started eating all my calories so we'll see how it goes. I have noticed my body toning a bit but expected to see more results. I have not missed a workout yet so in high hopes that after this week i'll see more of a difference. I'm also going to do my measurements at the end of this week so we'll see. I do love the workout and find it getting easier. Keep up the great work everyone!! Oh, and is anyone planning on ordering shakeology??

    Welcome! I have thought about ordering the shakes but haven't even gotten so far as to look them up yet! But it's definitely on my list of to-dos. Have you ordered them or are you considering it?

    And a calorie question - I'm struggling with figuring that out. The calculation in the book told me I should be getting something like 1700 calories a day - is that before I consider exercise calories burned? Or after? I want to make sure I'm eating enough, but I don't want to overdo it either. I wasn't hungry yesterday and I got about 1700 after I consider the calories burned I estimated for Insanity.
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay and yet another calorie question for you guys - how are you putting Insanity into MFP to estimate calories?
  • I was wonder how many calories we burn with an insanity work out too. Of course today not much cause it was mostly stretching... I googled it and someone said 1,000 but that seems way too high... Let me know if you find out!

    I've been eating around 1600 calories a day.. I hope that's ok.

    I haven't measured myself yet either.. I should do that today.. so in two weeks I can do it again. I really appreciated this mornings work out.. it felt great after being so sore yesterday. I woke up this morning just a little sore! Feeling much better! I am waiting to weigh myself too... I'm only going to weigh every time I take the Fit Test and Measure. What are your plans? And I am not ordering shakeology trying it without this round.
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    I measured, took pictures and weighed this past Sunday before starting on Monday. I've been trying to keep myself from weighing this week because I'm trying to get on a weekly schedule of waiting until Sunday. I'm going to re-measure and take new pictures at the midway point and then again at the end.

    I loved yesterday's workout too! It was such a great change of pace and was perfectly timed; right about the time I was pretty sure my muscles couldn't take anymore, we had that sort of break.

    I will say, the 5am wake up for intense work-outs and semi-late nights though is adding up. It took a lot of effort to drag my butt out of bed this morning!!
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    Okay so Pure Cardio? All I can say is holy crap. I can't say anything sophisticated or intelligent because my mind has gone the way of my body and is complete mush.

    It felt good but... seriously... holy crap.
  • Good JOB! =)

    ok well.. I slept in... just had a bowl of strawberries and heading down to try it now while my kids are awake! I hope I can get through without too many distractions. I couldn't help myself and jumped on the scale this morning I have lost 3 pounds this week!!!!!!! I was very surprised because It seemed like my tummy was always full... I'd been eating at LEAST 5 times a day! But also was a little sick the weak before so maybe now that I am not soo bloated that is part of it.. but none the less 3 pounds in one week.. I was pleasantly surprised. I think it's working!!!

    Ok... I am heading down to start this crazy work out! YIKES!!!
  • you were right that was insane!! I couldn't quite keep up with them.. some of the stuff i moved a little slower... especially the push up jacks!!! MY GOSH! I am going to be sore again tonight! But I have another exciting thing to share that I couldn't do a week ago! On day one I could NOT do the stretch where you squat with one leg straight and one bent.. can't think of what it's called at the moment.. I could do it but not with both feet flat on the ground. At the end of this work out I was totally warm and flexible and did it with ease!!!!!! I can't not believe it. I kind of shocked myself cause I wasn't expecting to be able to do that.

    It was easy with the kids today too.. they had breakfast and were just happy to play upstairs.. baby played next to me happily :)
  • MandyKayFrench
    MandyKayFrench Posts: 69 Member
    That is awesome - good work! I did notice as well this morning that certain things were easier, heck even the warmup was hard the first day and today I got all the way through even the third repeat with maybe one or two pauses. I'm with you though - I definitely go slower than they do. I figure, better that I keep going the whole time then that I go super fast and poop out!! One more day and then a rest day!
  • water4life
    water4life Posts: 42 Member
    I really enjoyed today also. I did take quit a few breaks, but today I felt like I had really accomplished something. I had a question for you guys. Would ya'll be interested in doing the cardio abs video on sunday. It is only like a 20 minutes workout. I know that I will probably be sore after the first time doing that specific workout and I rather get the soreness over before the program tells us to start abs next saturday.
  • I had a question for you guys. Would ya'll be interested in doing the cardio abs video on sunday. It is only like a 20 minutes workout. I know that I will probably be sore after the first time doing that specific workout and I rather get the soreness over before the program tells us to start abs next saturday.

    well.. it seems to be working really good stick with the program... last week when I thought I was going die from soreness he threw in the recover work out and it was perfect. I have not been too sore since those first two days... I really think my body needs one day off a week... sorry. Let me know how it goes for you!

    This morning was crazy... I have to say today was my hardest day... my arms were mush in the last set of push up drills. I was not close to keeping up.. I did push through and I fill like I'm making progress in other areas. I didn't eat as much this morning either.. that was part of my problem. I had been eating a banana and waiting 20 minutes that seems to work great.. I had just enough energy to get through.. so I didn't have the energy, it was a little harder to focus. Going to eat a hearty breakfast now. Hope it went good for you guys!!!!
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