

  • Add me to your list, guys! I've got about 110 to go and definitely need the help and support!!
  • Holy crap, you guys are amazing!! Thanks for the advice! Eating out is always a little freaky when you're trying to eat healthy, but at least I will be more prepared this time!
    in Sushi Comment by squink1980 April 2011
  • Thanks for the advice everyone!! I'm going to try icing tonight and a soak in the tub and see how I feel before I jog again on Wednesday. @Wakx Right now I'm jogging 60 seconds, walking 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes. I do that routine 3x a week. I'm training for a 5k (Good lord, a 25k...that would seriously be the…
  • Ok so for yesterday... 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes Day #1, SUCCESS!! Today: 1. Workout, any workout, for at least 30 min. (Done) 2. Drink 64oz of water (Halfway there) 3. Track all calories (So far, so good!) See ya tomorrow!
  • Love this idea! I'm definitely in. My name is Jennica and I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 4. I've been dieting since I was 8 and have decided (finally!) that a diet mindset will never work. I'm working on getting rid of my negative self-image and put whole, healthy foods into my mouth in a controlled…
  • Add me, add me!! I just started on here a couple weeks ago. Love the site, love all the support from other users! Just to have the pat on the back when you report a workout or logged in 5 days in a row is so encouraging.
  • I feel your pain...you work your butt off to get rid of every single pound and one bad week and it piles back on. ARGH!!! You've done amazingly, though...just get back on track and you'll be golden in no time!
  • Hey, one week over of the course of a lifetime is nothing! Just get right back into it and don't look back!! You've come so far and you are so much healthier now...keep it up!!
  • Good for you! I just got the 20 min workout...I love to dance and am usually fairly coordinated. I tried to follow the moves but my body just doesn't want to do what it's supposed to! lol They're a great workout, though!