April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • squink1980
    Love this idea! I'm definitely in.

    My name is Jennica and I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 4. I've been dieting since I was 8 and have decided (finally!) that a diet mindset will never work. I'm working on getting rid of my negative self-image and put whole, healthy foods into my mouth in a controlled manner...enough with the bingeing already! I'm also training for the Warrior Dash in August which will be my first 5k (more like a 5k on steroids...). So here are my goals for today:

    1. Mindful, controlled eating
    2. Stop negative thoughts about myself and my body and replace them with positive thoughts
    3. Track all of my calories

    Ok so for yesterday...

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes

    Day #1, SUCCESS!!


    1. Workout, any workout, for at least 30 min. (Done)
    2. Drink 64oz of water (Halfway there)
    3. Track all calories (So far, so good!)

    See ya tomorrow!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Dori, and am new to this challenge. I have loved being on MFP since I started back in the middle of January. I love the way the food tracker has been set up on MFP and have done the best I have ever done in being consistent in losing almost a pound a week:) I am a sugar-holic and have realized that managing my addiction results in my success in meeting my weekly weight loss goal. I have started a list of no or low sugar foods on my blog and hope to add to it weekly until I get caught up putting everything up there. Feel free to browse for some ideas and come back weekly to see if there are updates.

    My goals for today: 1. Meal planning :ohwell:
    2. Some cardio :happy:
    3. Coloring my hair :happy:
    4. Put a couple of new food items on my no/low sugar blog :smile:

    Have a great Saturday Everyone. Dori
  • Hannahrenee86
    I want to join!!

    My name is Hannah and I am a military wife. We just moved to southern Arizona in Dec. 2010 after being stationed in Germany for three years. We just found out that we are going to Japan in either this July or this December. I joined MFP because I was tired of being fat. My dad got me P90x for my birthday in Oct 2010. However, with the move to Arizona and my sister being in the hospital after a car crash, I kind of got off track. I want to lose weight because I am the fattest sister and I am even bigger than my mom. Seeing Christmas pictures made me wanted to cry. Plus. in June I am the MOH in my best friend's wedding. I dont want to be the fat girl. So far with MFP/P90X, I have lost 6.6lbs.

    My goals for today were:
    ~Drink 8 cups of water
    ~Workout at least once
    ~Try to eat healthy.

    However, after my hike today and slipping on a rock/spraining my ankle, I can barely walk. So I am taking it easy tonight. Though I did get my goals in for the day
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Saturday's Goals:
    1. C25k - Yes
    2. Water - Yes
    3. Get flowers for mother's day for my mother and the MIL.-Yes
    4. House work. – A little :blushing:

    Moring Everyone,

    Welcome Hannah, nice to have you with us. I hope your sister is OK.

    Kathy your job always sounds wonderful.

    Yesterday was great, there was just a lovely relaxed air to the whole day and I finally managed to sit down to some drawing. I’m sure it’s the running. No matter how hard it is at the time I always feel so content for the next 24hrs. Having said that running yesterday was tough, I’m trying to move on to the second week of C25k, and I could barely run at the level of week 1. I’m going to have to just try harder, make sure I’m not running too fast, but MAKE myself keep going :angry: . It’ll be worth it when I cross that finish line in June.

    Sunday’s Goals:
    1. Run with friend
    2. Be careful at lunch – Its mother’s day here in the UK and I’m going to my mom’s for lunch and she’s already mentioned apple strudel.:ohwell:
    3. Laundry - Never mind the sock monster, I think I have a shirt monster stealing my work clothes.
    4. Water
    5. Do not get on the scale tomorrow morning! – I’m staying off the scales for the rest of April.

    Hope you’re all having a great weekend
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Circuit class and some exercise beforehand. YES AND YES
    2. Water throughout the day. YES
    3. Healthy food choices all day. YES

    Welcome to all the newbies and the vets!

    A successful day yesterday so hoping I can do it again today!

    Sunday goals:
    1. Body attack and at least half of total body workout.
    2. Get to my brother's place on time. 4 generations of our family are getting together for lunch today for Mother's day and my niece's 2nd birthday! First time my grandparents are meeting my new niece!!
    3. Be careful with portion sizes at lunch.
    4. Water all day.
    5. Wear my dress with confidence!

    It's beautiful and sunny here today and I hope it is where you are too!

    Lee I'm working on my pic! Hope to have it up shortly!

    Have a lovely day ladies!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    OOPS!! Forgot to post yesterdays goals! Oh well, didn't do very well at them, anyway. I did get some work done in the yard and got most of the grocery shopping done but I was so tired last night that I did not make good choices at all!

    SO, fresh start today!

    Goals for April3:
    1. Water!!!!
    2. Stay on my eating plan.
    3 Get some exercise in sometime today!
    3. Bed by 9:30.

    Leela--I don't have any pictures from my childhood anymore. Years ago my sister's (now ex-)husband took the boxes of photos that were stored in their basement and burned them. My mother has a few in AZ but there aren't any to share anymore! (I was a cute kid, too!)

    TIme to get ready for church. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    to all our UK Moms!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Welcome all the new folks and to the old. Thank u for welcoming me back. Yesterday I stumbled in the evening after doing GREAT all day. A friend invited me to go out and I drank beer and ate taco bell. Ugh.

    April 3
    1.) get water in
    2.) loooowwwwwww cal day since I screwed up with taco bell at 1am!!!
    3.) clean
    4.) love my kids!!!!
  • TheNewJessieMae

    to all our UK Moms!

    That's awesome!!!! Happy mothers day to our friends across the pond!!!
  • Hannahrenee86

    My goals for 4/2 were:
    ~Drink 8 cups of water- Yes
    ~Workout at least once - Yes (twice actually)
    ~Try to eat healthy.- Yes

    My goals for 4/3 are:
    ~Drink 8 cups of water
    ~ Do some light cardio
    ~Eat healthy
    ~Get in about 30 situps today
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    So, I just realized I forgot to welcome everyone yesterday! So glad to see all the new faces! :happy:

    Jennica - I LOVE your name, and also the fact you're a homeschooling mother. I was homeschooled through all 12 (13 if you want to count kindergarten) years.

    Hannah - I really hope your foot feels better quickly!

    Lee - Since I'm going to my mom's tonight, I'll see what I can do about getting a childhood picture to scan and post.

    Dori - I have that same sugar addiction, so I think I'm going to have to check out your blog sometime soon.

    Nam - Have a wonderful day with your family!
    1. 6 cups of water (All I've drank today so far was a swallow or two to take some ibuprofen. :grumble: ) - One cup or so short. :ohwell:
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - I was doing terrifically.... Until a VERY late night (As in, after bowling, so like 3 AM.) Eat n Park trip. :embarassed:
    3. Do some exercise (HOPEFULLY this will be bowling this evening. I got a new haircut this afternoon and would like to not have to take a shower and ruin the styling they did until tomorrow after I've gotten to show it to my mom. :laugh: ) - Yep! Went late night bowling. Technically, it was today, but it was before I went to bed, so I counted it for yesterday.

    Last night was CRAZY! I didn't get home until nearly 5:30 in the morning after bowling and the Eat n Park trip.... I haven't done that since sometime during college.

    1. At least 6 cups of water (I have limited time for this. My mom has water issues, so I can't drink her tap water and she doesn't buy bottled water, either.)
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Get to the gym for either a combination of weights & cardio OR at least 30 minutes of cardio
    4. Laundry
    5. Bed by 11:30

    I'm spending the night at my mom's so here's for tomorrow as well:

    1. 6-10 cups of water depending on my sodium intake
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. AGAIN start Week 2 of sit-up challenge! Hoping third time will be the charm.....
    4. Get to my doctor's appointment on time
    5. Run necessary errands (Post office and bank especially)
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Sunday's Goal's:

    1. Meal Planning for the week
    2. Paperwork to submit my flex receipts
    3. Treadmill at Anytime Fitness
    4. Grill for the first time in a loooooong time
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Sunday goals:
    1. Body attack and at least half of total body workout. YES AND YES
    2. Get to my brother's place on time. 4 generations of our family are getting together for lunch today for Mother's day and my niece's 2nd birthday! First time my grandparents are meeting my new niece!! YES
    3. Be careful with portion sizes at lunch. YES JUST ONE SMALL PIECE OF CAKE
    4. Water all day. YES
    5. Wear my dress with confidence! CHANGED MY MIND AND WORE JEANS AND A NEW TOP!

    Hope you've all had a lovely day. Lunch was fun with the family!

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Training before work.
    2. Take lunch from home.
    3. Water all day.
    4. Be productive at work. Lots to do and it's my only day in the office this week.

    Have a great start to the week!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    didn't post goals this morning, but I had a great day! I'll be on here in the morning, posting my goals with the rest of you lovely ladies!! :)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    April 3
    1.) get water in --- check!!!!
    2.) loooowwwwwww cal day since I screwed up with taco bell at 1am!!!--check!
    3.) clean--check! Even though I still have more to do.
    4.) love my kids!!!!--check. Great day!!!!

    April 4th
    1.) get up on time
    2.) make the best of my day at work
    3.) clean
    4.) cook
    5.) cals and water!!
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Ok so good weekend. Had a pretty good day today even though I'm not logging what I ate cause I know for a fact that I was over by a whole lot. It's my birthday so I just didn't care. I'm re-comitting to this as of tomorrow. I'm gonna set me some goals that I feel are attainable including where I want to be by next year when I turn 30.

    So my goals for Monday
    1. WATER- now its gonna be crystal light cause I've been slacking and I'll need some flavor in it
    4.Clear some things from the yard before it gets nasty out there like they say its gonna.

    I know I can do this and will make sure I do it now! I give you all permission to kick my butt if I fail myself again. I need to get into this better and my hubby is actually doing things now to help out. He pulled a bag of chips out of my hands and said that I didn't need anymore of those and I don't know where he put it :love: He also has been pushing me to get the healthier options when we go out for dinner. Even tonight he asked if I was sure I wanted to get the free desert I got for it being my birthday. But I couldn't pass it up since I wasn't getting anything else like it for my birthday.

    Ok well I'm going to bed:yawn: . I'll see all you beautiful ladies some time tomorrow. Good night and have a good day:smile:
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAV!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you had a wonderful day!!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Sunday’s Goals:
    1. Run with friend – Yes!
    2. Be careful at lunch – Some
    3. Laundry - Yup
    4. Water - Yup
    5. Do not get on the scale tomorrow morning! – Fail, got on them with out even thinking about it this morning.

    Morning Ladies,

    First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAV! Hope you had a brilliant day!

    Hope you all a good weekend, mine was really relaxed. It was great to spend some time with my family and Sundays run with my friend was fantastic, it was great to have the moral support running round the park and it’s the first day I’ve felt like I was improving. My shoulder is also on the mend. I think I know whats wrong now, sadly it means just means no yoga for a while but on the bright side no press ups either :wink: .

    Mondays Goals:

    1. Walk at lunch & something else after work
    2. Under on calories & fat
    3. Water
    4. 30 minutes housework

    Have a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    April 3's recap.
    I'll go ahead and post for tomorrow now.
    April 3's goals:
    1. workout in the afternoon. YES, ZUMBA
    2. prepare next week's menu ideas. YES
    3. make a pitcher of peppermint tea. ACTUALLY I MADE HONEY VANILLA CHAMOMILE! YUM!

    April 4's goals:
    (fitness and non fitness)
    1. go to the gym before going to doctor.
    2. go to doctor.
    3. go for a bra fitting (I have been putting this off for a long time)
    4. pack a healthy, non perishable snack since I am going to be out during lunch time.
    5. Take 24 oz bottle of water with me and refill it once while I'm out.
    6. Have a healthy dinner.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Happy Monday morning ya'll!! Let's make it a great day!

    Monday's goals:
    1. 72 oz water at least
    2. meet my calorie and get close to protein goal without going over on carbs
    3. laundry, ick
    4. maybe a mall trip so these kids will leave me alone, they have their own money to spend and it's burning right through their pockets, lol

    Btw, if you aren't already my friend on here, please feel free to friend me :wink: