April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It

When was the last time you joined a challenge and lost interest or focus and stopped half way through? It's not intentional, its just harder to commit to something for weeks or months at a time.

This is a thread where you set daily goals. If you slip up today, like I tell my daughter, you get a new 24 tomorrow to try again. Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day.

It's not an exclusive group, all new members are welcome, but I expect most of the vets will come back again, too. It's not cut throat, if you do not post daily, we won't kick you out the group. Just post when you can.

When Nicole (PSUgrl921) started this thread late last summer it was designed to serve as a reminder of things she'd like to accomplish each day. Then be proud of herself for meeing little goals and eventually make them habit forming. She opened her doors and allowed us to be apart of her crusade. I bet she didn't think her day by day motto would still be going strong 6 months later.

So ask me when was the last time I stayed committed to a challenge for weeks or months? I still am, one day at a time.

If you're new, tell us your name a little about yourself if you like.
If you're returning, introduce yourself and briefly tell what this thread means to you!

**Copied and Pasted from Leela's last month**


  • TheNewJessieMae
    Ok, I am Starting this one this month cause I've been waiting all day!!!!!!!!!! lololol.

    My name is Jess. Never battled with weight until my second child. He is now 3. I think it's the combination of babyness and my age catching up to me. I will be 30 in January. I know that's not old but it is the time that things start slowing down. When I first started this site, I was ON FIRE. Lost 20 lbs. Gave up....... I know... Stupid right? So today is my second day of trying again. This thread has been my saving grace since I've been on in August of 2010. Beautiful people here and we don't exclude anyone. So.... Since I've gained back 11 of the pounds I lost I need to teach myself how to eat again. My monthly goal right now is no fast food for April. It's been CRAZY 2x a week at fast food joints?!?!?!?! OK so here are my goals for today April 1st.

    1.) Watch those cals again.
    2.) No binging or gorging!
    3.) water--already accomplished
  • squink1980
    Love this idea! I'm definitely in.

    My name is Jennica and I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 4. I've been dieting since I was 8 and have decided (finally!) that a diet mindset will never work. I'm working on getting rid of my negative self-image and put whole, healthy foods into my mouth in a controlled manner...enough with the bingeing already! I'm also training for the Warrior Dash in August which will be my first 5k (more like a 5k on steroids...). So here are my goals for today:

    1. Mindful, controlled eating
    2. Stop negative thoughts about myself and my body and replace them with positive thoughts
    3. Track all of my calories
  • TheNewJessieMae
    That is an awesome name Jennica!!!!! That is what I should have been named!!! My name is Jessica But people have called me Jennifer my whole life by accident!!! That's CRAZY!!!! I love it!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Jess, thanks for kicking us off.
    Hi Jennica, Welcome!

    I'm Leela! I'm not really 7 like my profile pic suggests, but I do have a 7 year old daughter who means the world to me. I have been so focused on being a good mom to her that I forgot about myself. But part of being a good mom includes being a healthy, active mom so I don't feel guilty for finally doing this for myself.

    I've been overweight my entire adult life. Right now, I am 12 pounds lighter than when I graduated high school some 10 plus years ago! :blushing:

    I try to work out 5-6 days a week because I have the time and energy to do it. This will probably be my last summer that I am off work. I worked for a company that closed back in August. So although I have been a victim of the poor economy, its given me an opportunity to get and stay fit.

    That's a little about me. I'm sure you'll learn more about me throughout this month. We do post goals, but we also open the window and let people take a little peek inside our lives.

    So its a little late in the afternoon, but I'll get my goals up.

    April 1.
    1. Water, water, water.
    2. Shred plus something else.
    3. Continue to eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables with every meal.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. laundry.
    2. touch bases with my brother.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    JESS YOU'RE BACK!!!! YAYAYAY!! so pleased in case you couldn't tell! And thanks for starting us up!

    Welcome Jennica!! I've heard about the warrior dash and it sounds nuts!!

    I'm Nam! Have been here since 14 August 2010 and love it! Learned lots about myself on this journey. This group has been the most important of all. Simply setting daily goals and knowing that I'm going to report back but with the security of not being judged here if I don't meet my goals is great!!

    It's almost the end of the day here so a bit late for goals. Feel really proud of myself today. I had 200 cals left for dinner having eaten small meals throughout the day. Instead of giving myself and evening off because it is a Friday night, I made a healthy stir fry and stayed under!!

    Goals for Saturday:
    1. Circuit class and some exercise beforehand.
    2. Water throughout the day.
    3. Healthy food choices all day.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Nam, a stir fry sounds yummy! Green giant makes a steamable bag of broccoli, cheese and potatos. Its really good. I plan to have it with rice and chicken. I'm so proud that you kept it healthy. I am having the bad habit of eating sooo well until about 8 o'clock and then I just give in to any and every thing. (can you say Toaster Strudel....I don't even like toaster strudles...lol)
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Ok, I wanna play too... I'm Chrissy, stay-at-home mom of 3 and I just had surgery Tuesday and b/c of that have been MIA all week. Late in the day and I'm over on calories already, and tomorrow is my baby girl's 3rd birthday (which equals cake in my house and that is a BAD thing!) so I guess my goal til Sunday is to survive. I feel like it's pointless to log right now but I'm trying to stay connected anyway. April will definitely be one day at a time for me, my middle child's b-day is in 2 weeks, you guessed it, cake again :/ I see my nutritionist again April 25 and I would love to be at goal by then. Her goal for me is 165, even though I have my goal on here set at 160. I was 175 this morning and am still carrying a good bit of fluid thanks to that darn IV. This week has really made me feel like I'm falling off the wagon. This group may be just what I need to hang on to the back bumper at least... someone throw me a rope!!!! PLEASE!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Chrissy! So glad you took a look at our group!
    How have you been feeling lately? You kinda gave me a little scare with your post this morning until it dawned on me that it was April Fool's Day. How did the prank go over with the kids and the wii.
    Don't forget to post your goals, girlie. Sometimes on Friday, we may post for the whole weekend if we know they we may not be back before then. And then just catch up on Monday.
    I hope you have a great time at the kid's party. Don't worry too much about the cake. have a small slice and let it go. I noticed the last time I had cake, I didn't love it the way I thought I would!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I'm feeling somewhat better, still sore though and I get tired super easy! I wish I could say I didn't love cake :( I love everything about it! I love to bake it, decorate it, eat it... and birthdays are especially hard! I have never bought a birthday cake for my kids, I always make them, whatever kind they want, however over the top and crazy, doesn't matter. My goal through the weekend is to not pig out. Monday, I'm back to it though. I'm hoping to be able to at least walk a little by then. It's been very hard not working out this week, very hard to focus on food too. I feel very loved but very out of control, people have carried food in here all week which has been wonderful but how do you log it? How do you control it? These things I just don't know. Monday morning though I will be back to hard core me, promise!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Chrissy!!! Yay!!! I'm so glad you came!!!! I was hoping you would!!! I love this thread. It helps me to reflect on what my goals are and very frequently I return through the day to see how far I've come. You can tell when I'm not happy with myself because I will disappear. I gotta stop that.
  • mingermany
    What a great group! This is exactly what I need - daily goals to keep myself accountable.

    Saturday Goals:
    - 70+ oz water
    - track everything I eat - no exceptions!
    - 60min gym
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Hello everyone:flowerforyou: My name is Beth, most people on this thread have been refering to me as Rav or Ravyn. I'm good with any of those really. I'm a stay at home mom of 2, my son is 8 (lives with his dad most of the time not me) and my daughter is 5. I have been having a rough time at it these last few weeks and am going to be setting myself up for success on Monday. I love this group cause no matter what they have been there for me and try to help keep me going. Its great here!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    YAY JESS!!!! SOOOO Glad your back with us!! Missed you!!

    Welcome Chrissy. Seems you already know 2 of the girls on here already. I look forward to getting to know you too!

    Welcome Jennica! I love your name! Its so unique:smile:

    So my goals for the weekend are to enjoy myself. Its my 29th birthday this Sunday. :bigsmile: I'll be back on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    April 1's recap
    April 1.
    1. Water, water, water. YES
    2. Shred plus something else. I DID NO MORE TROUBLE ZONES INSTEAD
    3. Continue to eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables with every meal. YES GRAPES, APPLE, BANANA, BROCCOLI, LETTUCE, TOMATO. A DECENT RAINBOW

    non-fitness goals:
    1. laundry. YES
    2. touch bases with my brother. I CALLED, NO ANSWER

    April 2's goals:
    1. workout early before the day gets started.
    2. do abs and push ups in addition to my reg. workout.
    3. continue eating healthy all weekend.
    4. keep up with water, avoid soda.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi Everyone!

    Thanks Jess for starting the thread again, as always I forgot and posted on last months.

    Welcome to the newbies and yay to all the vets.

    I'm Kim, I joined MFP back in October, over weight and becoming more sedentary by the second. Now 16lb down and still going, I'm training for my first sponsored 5k run in June. I couldn't have done it with out this thread and the people on it.

    Saturday's Goals:
    1. C25k
    2. Water
    3. Get flowers for mother's day for my mother and the MIL.
    4. House work.

    Right I'm off to the park. Apparently this C25k won't happen if I don't actually leave the house! What's that about?!
    Hope you're all having a great weekend! See you later.
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Dori, and am new to this challenge. I have loved being on MFP since I started back in the middle of January. I love the way the food tracker has been set up on MFP and have done the best I have ever done in being consistent in losing almost a pound a week:) I am a sugar-holic and have realized that managing my addiction results in my success in meeting my weekly weight loss goal. I have started a list of no or low sugar foods on my blog and hope to add to it weekly until I get caught up putting everything up there. Feel free to browse for some ideas and come back weekly to see if there are updates.

    My goals for today: 1. Meal planning
    2. Some cardio
    3. Coloring my hair
    4. Put a couple of new food items on my no/low sugar blog

    Have a great Saturday Everyone. Dori
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 31:
    1 Water.--Yes.
    2. Workout in the morning.--Yes, only 10 minutes but it's a start!
    3. Eat according to plan!!!--YES!!!
    4. Get to bed on time.--Yes.

    Goals for April 1:
    1. Water.--Yes
    2. Exercise before work.--No.
    3. Be careful of my portions tonight--spaghetti dinner fundraiser for my church.--Yes (but messed up later!)
    4. Have fun at the fundraiser!--Yes!!!

    I'm Kathy and I share a house with my son, my oldest daughter, and her family (boyfriend/partner and baby boy--my profile pic.) My youngest daughter lives in San Antonio and is going to school there.

    I work part-time as a Live Goods Merchandiser which is a fancier way of saying that I arrange plants and trees in an outside lawn and garden center during the growing season--February through October. It's a very physical job but I love it.

    That leaves me time to make jewelry that I hope to start selling soon at some local craft fairs. I work mostly with wire and do a lot of coiling, weaving, braiding and bead- and stone-wrapping. I also like to do chain maille jewelry but that gets hard on the eyes and hands sometimes. It's very therapeutic, though!

    JESS!!!! So good to see you here again! I am also starting over--AGAIN! I am going grocery shopping today and plan to start Induction (The New Atkins) tomorrow, for the second time. I lost 5 pounds the first time I did this (stopped a week ago) so now my weight matches my ticker. I want to get it moving DOWN again!

    It is time to take charge of my life and get back on track.

    Welcome, Jennica. Nice to meet you, Chrissy. You, too, mgoesrunning . How have you liked the weather we've been having? (I'm in Lacey, WA) Sunshine this morning--not sure how long it will last, though!

    Welcome, Dori. This is a really good group of women!

    Okay--I'm getting dressed and going to work on my yard and my container garden while the sun lasts!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Ummm, oops! Didn't think about the new month and posted yesterday's goals in the March thread. :laugh:
    Ok, goals for today.... (4-1-2011)
    1. Log the best I can (Lunch is provided at this orientation thing and I'm sort of assuming it will be a buffet.) - Wasn't a buffet, and I probably could have managed to log it, but I went out to dinner with my sister at a restaurant that doesn't list nutritional info on their site, so decided to make it a free day instead.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control while I'm out - Yeah.... Not so much. Lunch wasn't so bad, but the restaurant had a BOGO offer on Fish and Chips, BEER BATTERED fish and chips, and since my sister and I are both poor, that's what we got. It was good, but I'm sure totally unhealthy.
    3. Drink water any time it's possible! (Not sure how much that might be today.) - Yep
    4. Hold personal situation questions until I'm talking one-on-one with university staff. I've been told by old classmates that I drove them up the wall by asking too many questions during class. - Yep

    Now, for introducing myself: My name is Shannon and I turned 26 a month ago today. I've been on MFP since early/mid-January. Even as a child, I wasn't in the best of shape. I wasn't overweight, but I wasn't totally active or really in good shape. (In middle/high school I took part in a fitness challenge every year, and most years wasn't able to get past the "participation" level.) Starting in high school and on into college, that lack of activity started to catch up to me and I began to gain weight. This got progressively worse until I realized I had reached a BMI that was just into the "obese" category and knew I really had to do something about it. Also, I wanted to try actually getting in better shape while I was at it. (Meaning: better muscle tone, more endurance)

    So far, I'm doing ok on the weight loss, but still struggling with getting to the gym and therefore don't think I'm getting very far with the "getting in better shape" part. Therefore, some of my goal for the month of April is to actually get to the gym at least once a week. I'm HOPING to make it more frequently, but I'm starting small so I don't get discouraged.

    On a non-fitness level, I am a substitute teacher and will be starting going to graduate school part time in the fall. I love subbing, but it can be stressful, especially financially, so I'm REALLY looking forward to starting. Besides hoping the grad degree will make me more marketable job-wise, this is actually something I've been wanting to do since before I started my undergraduate schooling.

    It's late in the day, but here are some goals for the day:

    1. 6 cups of water (All I've drank today so far was a swallow or two to take some ibuprofen. :grumble: )
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Do some exercise (HOPEFULLY this will be bowling this evening. I got a new haircut this afternoon and would like to not have to take a shower and ruin the styling they did until tomorrow after I've gotten to show it to my mom. :laugh: )
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So you may have noticed that Kim, Jess, and I changed our profile pics to childhood pics. Remember what it was like to grab a group of kids in the neighborhood and play baseball in the field? Tag? Hide and go seek? Jump rope? Relay races? Riding bikes? All awesome exercise without us even knowing it. What about the days off no bills, work, stress? Let's embrace our childhood and change our pics (for atleast one week).

    midday check in
    April 2's goals:
    1. workout early before the day gets started. NO :(
    2. do abs and push ups in addition to my reg. workout. THERE'S STILL TIME.
    3. continue eating healthy all weekend. YES!
    4. keep up with water, avoid soda. YES

    I'll go ahead and post for tomorrow now.
    April 3's goals:
    1. workout in the afternoon.
    2. prepare next week's menu ideas.
    3. make a pitcher of peppermint tea.
  • mingermany
    Saturday Goals:
    - 70+ oz water
    - track everything I eat - no exceptions!
    - 60min gym

    1. Already drank more than this today
    2. So far so good!
    3. 23min rowing, 15min stair climber. Kept it 'easy' today because tomorrow is my long run (15-20mi)

    Sunday Goals:
    1. Track everything
    2. Complete long run
    3. Walk doggy