

  • GREAT JOB!!! congrats! keep moving forward!
  • Thank you!! You give me a lot of encouragement when I see how many days you have been devoted and you are always on to give us words of wisdom!! :)
  • Just looked at your diary and yes you work out, so I guess just give it time it will come off..
  • Do you work out? I have found it very difficult to lose weight by simply watching what I eat, but by working out I have lost very fast!
  • You look great!! Congrats on all your success!
  • I eat my exercise calories most of the time but generally always have at least 100 calorie deficit. I have lost 12 lbs so far since starting 5 weeks ago. My calories are set at 1200 but that always leaves me hungry, so I simply work out enough that I can eat some back and still have some to bank. I generally burn 300- 600…
  • Great suggestion!! Never thought to use chicken broth!
  • wow! thats an inspiration to myself... u havent lost that much weight but I can definitely see the changes! We are at about the same weight right now... and i am excited to hopefully tone up that well!!
  • If theres still room I would love to join! My starting weight is 158 and I would love to lose 10lbs in the month of february!! I really needed something new to kick me in the butt and I think this is just the thing!!
  • I am 5'4 and my goal is 140. Havent been that since high school at least 13 years ago... So not sure if its a realistic goal, but we will see. Everyone has such different body structures its really hard to compare. I dont know if I would look good any smaller than 140 but I guess when I get there I will relook at my goal!!…
  • Wow thats a pretty big difference, I will look into buying one, but for now will just stick to what I have been doing and using the lower number which is always MFP number..
  • Right now I am struggling if I should be working out everyday as I have been or not. It seems to be working for me and I am not sore but I have read that its bad to work out everyday because you lose muscle mass.. what do you think??
  • Kinda new to this, not sure how you reply to specific answers...
  • Thanks so much for all the great advice. How expensive is a HRM and which ones are good??
  • I work out everyday, and it seems to work for me so far. I try not to push myself too hard everyday but I am seeing great results. My body felt sore the first four days but now I dont even get that sore. I am enjoying working out and feeling good about my success. Everyone is different and different things work for them.
  • I get hungry a lot too... but instead of eating a lot of calories at each meal, I spread them out and eat snacks every couple hours (like apples, bananas, string cheese, granola bars... etc). Plus I work out at least an hour everyday to earn extra calories. I eat a lot of protein too!! I am losing weight very quickly as I…
  • I am down 8 and a half pounds, would love to make it to 10lbs!! But my main goal is just to continue with my daily workouts and calorie counting!! It is a lot of work but I am seeing progress and so excited!!
  • I have a horrible sweet tooth, and I try to eat very small portions of sweets but dont give them up. I know if I say no more sweets I will quickly lose interest with the whole diet thing. So I just limit myself, or work out extra so I can have a piece of candy. I found ice cream sandwiches that taste great very low fat and…
  • Thanks so much!! I went to that website zumbacalories.com and gave me a great approx... I tried it for 20 minutes.. lol.. not sure I am so good at it!! I had a hard time following all the steps.. but I guess with time maybe I will get better!! But yes it is a great burn!!
  • I would love to join but have never done any challenges!! So if its not too late, I would love to join!
  • I could use the same motivation, I am 30 and the mother of four (two being my step children 10 and 12) and the other two are 1 and 3. They keep me very busy but since the birth of my youngest I have seemed to gain weight very easy. I really need to lose about 30lbs... I have a eliptical and 5lb hula hoop that I have been…
  • I just joined yesturday and I cant believe how much I was eating compared to what I should be eating to actually lose weight.. Love the way the site works and how easy it is to use...
    in Day 2!! Comment by hollyjo21 March 2011