

  • Hey, I'm on here almost everyday, I'll add you! I know about the real life friends thing... more like family thing. My best friends live in three different countries and I met them all online. I've definitely benefitted from here. People are really supportive. Good luck on your goal! And I wonder what it's really like in…
  • Hahha, i know, the sky's falling. Terrible post, kinda typed without trying to sound eloquent :P Thanks! That's all I wanted to know.
  • That's all right. I don't sugar coat things either. I'm completely new to weight loss and balanced diets. Which is why i wasn't thinking for myself, and decided on asking a question. I didn't think it actually had any connection. I do have a water retention problem and many people say that excess sodium in the blood can…
  • I weigh exactly as you did, and is that how quickly it works? That's so awesome!!!
  • Don't think of it as "cheating", think of it as not ignoring your beloved food. I'm almost literally married to Cheetos. Seriously, I'd take vows if it'll have me. I simply plan my daily consumption around my Cheetos, but keep in mind that it's just fine indulging sometimes as long as I don't repeat too often. Don't let it…
  • I don't usually indulge in more than two King sized packs a month, so I'm comfortable now. And I'll definitely try the different egg recipes! the sous vide is a little too time consuming for me, so I'll try poaching. I never had cholestrol problems so I guess it's okay. Thank you all so much for your help!
  • Sure thing! I've got 15lbs to lose, and I'd be glad to add you!