

  • Great job! You def can tell a big difference! I LOVE Jillian DVDs! I have most of her other DVDs and Ripped in 30 is my favorite!! I just started it over again. I finished it a couple of months ago. I did 30 DS and then alternated NMTZ & Shred It w Weights again. I decided to go back to RI30. It has everything and keeps me…
  • Wow! Your transformation is amazing! You look incredible girl!
  • Great job! Congrats!
  • Also both 30 DS & RI 30 are broken down into sets of strength, cardio, & abs. She keeps you going strong enough throughout where your heart rate stays high enough to burn, burn, burn! But, again, you will get out of it what you put in.
  • I LOVE JM workouts. There are a lot of factors that determine how many cals you'll burn. It takes more to move a bigger body. I use a hrm and I weigh 239ish and I am 5'4". Depending on how hard I work and if I use heavier weights, I've bured up to 400ish on level 3 of 30ds. I would average 300ish. It is all about what you…
  • I read all 3 50 Shades and I enjoyed them. No, there not literary masterpieces by any means but they are page turners. And like someone else said on here, I enjoy anything that gets my mind off daily stresses. :). I also like JR Ward Black Daggar Brotherhood series. I actually read those first and bought 50 bc I liked the…
  • I eat most of my cals at dinner. I am set to 1280 cals and I usually burn300-400ish exercising 6 days a week. I eat back most of my exercise cals. It works for me. I have never been able to eat first thing in the morning so I have breakfast once I get to work usually 2 boiled eggs and 2 cinnamon toasts (light buttered high…
  • You can do it! I'm 5'4" and currently 241ish and I finished Ripped in 30 last week and started 30 DS today. I've done several other Jillian DVDs too. She really kicks butt. You have to push through it if you want to see changes. You may have to modify at first and that is ok. You know more than anyone your limits. Just…
  • Diet coke is an acquired taste. Once you get used to it then drinking reg coke or even coke zero tastes really sweet. If you want to get something that tastes closer to reg coke then go coke zero.
  • I finished Ripped in 30 last week. I'm starting 30 DS this week. I'm thinking of mixing in some circuits of NMTZ in a few times a week too. I just love all the strength in NMTZ. I will see....
  • Finished Ripped in 30 last week! I wish I would've taken before pics! I think I'm going to start 30 DS this week and add NMTZ back in at least a couple of days a week. Maybe add BFBM on the weekends? I'm not real sure yet. But will def do 30ds during the week bc I like the shorter ones after working all day. Man, my biceps…
  • Day 1 of wk 4 of RI30....DONE! It was awesome and kicked butt! Taking Jillian, my weights, & yoga mat to Myrtle Beach next week. We stay w family. I hope I can find a good workout space. If I have to I'll go outside. Got to get my Ripped in!
  • Starting week 3 RI30 tomorrow! I'm excited! Week 2 wasn't my fav as far as the diff exercises.
  • I've purchased all my JM DVDs from amazon and they were cheaper than Walmart. And, yes, they have nmtz and it is awesome!
  • Day 1, week 2 RI30 starts now!
  • ^^^^I agree with this. I think that I had to learn control over food and not the other way around. If I want something sweet then I will have it but not mindlessly having a HUGE portion like I used to and not even enjoying it. For me, I've had to learn to control what portions I eat not necessarily what I eat. And whether…
  • I like ripped in 30 better bc I like working w weights more and less jumpy cardio.. Extreme level 1 is not bad and Lvl 2 looks easier than it actually is. I would say it is more cardio based and using your body weight for strength. There are some use of hand weights as leverage like squat swings and some others but not so…
  • I just did level 1 & 2 together from Extreme Shed & Shred. Some of the moves on level 2 are crazy!! I had to modify several. But I still made it through. I guess I have plenty of room to grow w this one! Man, I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. There is no way I'll be able to pull off both levels during the week. Hmmm, I…
  • I will say I have not cut anything out. I try to make healthier choices when available. I have eaten cupcakes, subway, & taco bell at points here and there. But I don't have them everyday and I try to stay within cals. I would like to start eating cleaner. I do think it is healthier.
  • Switching it up this week from alternating Shred It w Weights, No More Trouble Zones, & Kickboxing FastFix to alternating Ripped in 30 and Extreme Shed & Shred. I will miss my kettlebell workout in Shred It, but there are a few exercises in Ripped that I can use it in. Yeah!
  • I use my HRM with all my Jillian DVDs. I was alternating Shred It with Weights, No More Trouble Zones, & Kickboxing Fast Fix. And yesterday I decided to switch out and alternate between Ripped in 30 and Extreme Shed & Shred. She is really good at getting your heartrate up so I would definately use an HRM for all Jillian…
  • I originally bought 3 JMs and then the next time amazon had them on sale I bought 5 more!!! I'm not ready to switch either. I am still loving the ones I've been using. No More Trouble Zones is awesome if you like strength training. Love it! I have Extreme too but haven't done it yet (it is one of my new ones).
  • Shred it is a lot diff to me bc it uses a kettlebell which I have fallen in love with. The moves are diff from typical strength moves. Like more trouble zones she keeps you moving so you keep your heart rate up. Shred it is slower and steady. If you are looking for strength, you should try it. I started w a 10 lb…
  • I've been alternating between 3 Jillian Michaels DVDs for about 3 wks now. I can tell a huge diff in how my body looks. I wish I would have taken before pics. I currently have: Shred It w Weights, No More Trouble Zones, & Kickboxing Fast Fix. I love all 3 but the first is my fav. I'm about ready to move up to the next…
  • Great story! You have accomplished so much! Congrats and I wish you continued success!!
  • You look absolutely amazing! Your story and attitude are so inspiring. Congrats to you & best wishes for future successes! Thanks for sharing.
  • Wow, you are a true inspiration! Congrats on your success and thank you so much for sharing! You look amazing!!!
  • I have potatoes several times a week w my dinners including the skin. The ones I buy are about 110 cals and they are about the length of my palm (from bottoms of fingers to top of wrist) long. I would consider them medium sized. I weighed them several times so I would get the idea of which size looks like the grams listed…