Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 May / June



  • Again welcome to ALL new ladies!!!! Im so excited that everyone is doing a great job hehe dont you love doing new challenges?? im about to do day 1 week2( again going backwards) this is going to be fun!!!
  • Hollyjd1019
    Hollyjd1019 Posts: 148
    I just did level 1 & 2 together from Extreme Shed & Shred. Some of the moves on level 2 are crazy!! I had to modify several. But I still made it through. I guess I have plenty of room to grow w this one!
    Man, I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. There is no way I'll be able to pull off both levels during the week. Hmmm, I figure out something. :)

    I just bought this one but haven't done it yet! What is it like? Is it cardio and strength like RI30?

    Sunday is supposed to be a rest day for me but I had a hotdog mishap tonight and by mishap I mean I went for 2 instead of 1. Bad idea lol I feel soooooooo sick!

    I like ripped in 30 better bc I like working w weights more and less jumpy cardio.. Extreme level 1 is not bad and Lvl 2 looks easier than it actually is. I would say it is more cardio based and using your body weight for strength. There are some use of hand weights as leverage like squat swings and some others but not so much focusing on biceps, tris, etc. Lots of lifting yourself in planks and other tough poses/movements. I was exhausted after doing Lvl 1&2 together and there were a lot of moves that I just couldn't do. Now, I'm still a big girl so maybe down the line when I'm smaller & fitter. I think a fitter person would find it to be a good workout. It is very challenging. Let me know what you think. :)
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Completed Day 1 of Week 3 this morning. This is the first time I've really stuck to something and consistently done the workouts each week. Really proud of myself. The progress pics/results are so motivating, it's making it easier to get it done each morning. Level 3 is definitely hard but I found myself enjoying it more than the previous level. Keep up all the good work!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I just did level 1 & 2 together from Extreme Shed & Shred. Some of the moves on level 2 are crazy!! I had to modify several. But I still made it through. I guess I have plenty of room to grow w this one!
    Man, I'm going to be hurting tomorrow. There is no way I'll be able to pull off both levels during the week. Hmmm, I figure out something. :)

    I just bought this one but haven't done it yet! What is it like? Is it cardio and strength like RI30?

    Sunday is supposed to be a rest day for me but I had a hotdog mishap tonight and by mishap I mean I went for 2 instead of 1. Bad idea lol I feel soooooooo sick!

    I like ripped in 30 better bc I like working w weights more and less jumpy cardio.. Extreme level 1 is not bad and Lvl 2 looks easier than it actually is. I would say it is more cardio based and using your body weight for strength. There are some use of hand weights as leverage like squat swings and some others but not so much focusing on biceps, tris, etc. Lots of lifting yourself in planks and other tough poses/movements. I was exhausted after doing Lvl 1&2 together and there were a lot of moves that I just couldn't do. Now, I'm still a big girl so maybe down the line when I'm smaller & fitter. I think a fitter person would find it to be a good workout. It is very challenging. Let me know what you think. :)

    Okay awesome! Thanks! That body resistance strength training is way harder for me than using dumbells so I might be in for it! I'm really going to give it my all with NMTZ and RI30 for the next while.....I want to see what the results are like doing those 2 like 5 times/week so it might be a bit before I get over to that one!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Completed Day 1 of Week 3 this morning. This is the first time I've really stuck to something and consistently done the workouts each week. Really proud of myself. The progress pics/results are so motivating, it's making it easier to get it done each morning. Level 3 is definitely hard but I found myself enjoying it more than the previous level. Keep up all the good work!!!

    Me too! Day 2 week 3 and I'm the same with these videos....I have never done DVDs at home this consistently before.....and I actually look forward to doing them (most of the time lol). I agree, level 3 was a bit of a surprise to me and I also found myself enjoying it more than week 2. I actually didn't burn as many calories today as I did in week 2, but maybe that's because it was my first time? I'll monitor it and see how it goes!
  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    Ok. I did my first day of Jillian's ripped in 30. Holy crap lol! I did it this morning and my stomach hurts already. And I couldn't even complete the full sets of some things. I will do it until Thursday (I'm going away for two weeks and won't be able to do my workout videos there...) but I'm bringing my resistance bands for strength stuff and will walk with my 23lb son tied to me in a carrier every day. When I come come back I'll start week one again and do the full 4 weeks. I really hope I get better at it!! But I have to say that I'm proud of myself. I weigh 243 lbs and I worked my patooty off!! :)
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Well done! That's brilliant :D
    I actually think (so far) that week 1 is harder than week 2 - I guess it's the bigger cardio movements in it.
    I still can't do crow push ups, or pull myself up my leg - so I cheat and hook my leg on the chair so I still feel it in my abs but I don't pull my leg towards me.
    Still, after week 2 day 5, I think my arms are getting stronger since I can do the plank workouts for the cardio for the most part. My stomach still looks awful, but I may have found a trigger for that. Rule 1 - cut out the fizz, or at least limit it to once or twice a month as a treat instead of once or twice a week because I can.
  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    I really hope it gets "easier" in the sense that I csn feel myself being able to do the moves better. I had to stop alot of the moves a but sooner than the full counts. And some of the bursts of cardio I had a difficult time completing. I did modified on most moves, but really tried to do everything as long as I could. I feel it, for sure. I'll be doing it again tomorrow!
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Day 2 week 2 for me.

    Not really happy, put on 2lbs and not lost any inches this week! Is this normal? I haven't been bad and done RI30 5 days last week, 2 forced off days.
  • GailEMac
    GailEMac Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all, I am on week 3 day 4 today, I hope you're all sticking with it and seeing some fab results. :)
  • Ed_81
    Ed_81 Posts: 31 Member
    I started RI30 last night!! :)
    I just finished the 30DS the day before so starting this wasn't too painful lol. According to my HRM I burned 400 calories doing the first workout and waiting 10 minutes for my pulse to start slowing. The 30DS only ever burned between 250 and 270 calories, so it either goes to show that RI30 is a lot more intense, or I'm just really not as fit as I thought I was getting lol.
    As well as RI30 I'm also jogging to work and back (which is about a mile each way) So fingers crossed I'll see some awesome results soon. I saw an amazing improvement from doing the 30DS.

    Good luck to everyone else doing this workout, feel free to add me as I always like to have and to give support :)
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Looks like everyone is doing such a great job!! I was not able to work out at all for the last few days. I had the flu and it really took me down. Last night was the first workout for me and it felt so good to get back into it. Tonight Jillian will be torturing me with plank cardio on level 2. I feel like I am so far behind, but she doesn't give breaks for sneezing and coughing, lol.

    I'm super excited to see what my calorie burn will be, my hubby got me an HRM for my birthday. Love hearing those beeps for every calorie burned!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Love the enthusiasm of this thread! :happy:
    Love your profile pic!!! I'm not far from Pittsburgh, love my Steelers, although the Pirates aren't doing so bad, for now.
  • Day 2 week 2 DONE !! Hehe I like the weight and cardio for some reason =] i weighed myself and lost one pound I dont know from where but I did lol but I see everyone staying on track and thats great !! All of you are AWESOME keep it up!!!
  • Day 2 week 2 for me.

    Not really happy, put on 2lbs and not lost any inches this week! Is this normal? I haven't been bad and done RI30 5 days last week, 2 forced off days.

    It is normal .. Your weight in going to go up an down..Did you take any pictures before you started?
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 4 Week 2 done this morning then my 30 mins on the elliptical.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Today was a NMTZ day for me......woweeeeeeee that workout is kick *kitten*! I swear I can see changes already though so that's super motivating!

    Tomorrow is Day 2 of week 3 RI30.......I only do RI30 3x/week though but it still counts!

    I think for cardio tomorrow I will use my HRM to see how many calories Kickbox Fastfix burns!

    Great work all :bigsmile:
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member

    It is normal .. Your weight in going to go up an down..Did you take any pictures before you started?

    Glad to hear that, a bit of a shock after doing 30 day shred, least i stayed the same weight but lost inches lol

    I did take pics, am gonna take some more tomorrow to hopefully see some difference and hopefully that will pick me up again!

    Thank you!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I think I have decided to put the scale away for the rest of the month! Now that I'm doing more strength training than cardio, the scale really fluctuates.

    Did day 2 of week 3 RI30 this morning. I'm not minding this one so much, although there are a few moves that I have to find substitutes for, but that's okay I don't mind so much.

    Have a great day all!

  • It is normal .. Your weight in going to go up an down..Did you take any pictures before you started?

    Glad to hear that, a bit of a shock after doing 30 day shred, least i stayed the same weight but lost inches lol

    I did take pics, am gonna take some more tomorrow to hopefully see some difference and hopefully that will pick me up again!

    Thank you!

    Your welcome =]