popo312 Member


  • I bought the bluetooth Polar H7 and love it. I use the digifit app. I syncs here and it's a very slick set-up. Very happy with it.
  • I'm Optimum Nutrition Rocky Road right now. Pretty good. Used GNC before and while good it's rather expensive.
  • You'll be back! So much better than subway it's not even funny.
  • I say eat. Sounds like your body is screaming for fuel to repair from the work yesterday. Give it what it needs within reason.
  • Only other one I use is digifit. It syncs with my Polar H7 HRM and links the results here. Love it.
  • That's the big point though, what exactly are you losing? If your just flushing out water because of cutting back on the sodium it doesn't mean anything really.
    in Sodium Comment by popo312 February 2014
  • Quick breakfast is a whole grain bagel and Greek yogurt. If I have a bit more time I'll cook some eggs and if feeling frisky an omelet of some type.
  • I' ve got this one and love it. For $16 it's a great buy. http://www.amazon.com/Ozeri-Digital-Multifunction-Kitchen-Elegant/dp/B004164SRA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1391655233&sr=8-2&keywords=food+scale
  • Varies greatly. I work 7-7 rotating days and nights. So I eat whenever is convenient at the time. No set schedule for lunch at work, sometimes whenever you want and others if your lucky. Just depends on how the day is due to the nature of the work you don't know what your getting from day to day.
  • Interested in this one as well.
  • For me it's tuna, chicken, and greek yogurt. Along with protein powder.
    in protein Comment by popo312 February 2014
  • I asked the same question essentially a few days ago. Short of it is it does not matter when you eat. As long as you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight.
  • I started at 40/40/20 but couldn't come close to hitting the calories for the day with blowing over the fat. I've got it set now to 40c/35p/25f. Like many others focus mainly on protein and let the others fall where they may.
  • It can be used for a few things. A lot around here use it to get the proper amount of protein in their daily diet to avoid losing muscle while losing weight. It's also used for gaining muscle when taken in higher doses for those who can use it in their workouts. I use it to get my protein for the day. I just simply can't…
  • I'd never tried Greek Yogurt before coming to MFP. Bought a multipack of these and they are good. The strawberry cheesecake is great. Chocolate raspberry good but don't like it as much. Will be buying lots more.
  • I probably drink to much. I take a 32oz tumbler pretty much wherever I go. I typically go through at leaf four in a 12hr shift at work. On my off days who knows but probably more than that. Could be part of the reason I have trouble hitting my calorie goals.
  • I'm using the P90 videos, the old ones not P90X. I like it a lot. Easy enough to get into but can challenge you.
  • There's great thread I'm sure someone will link. But the short version is you've told MFP you want to lose X pounds/week and it has adjusted your calorie count based on what you've told it, say 1500 cals for a 500 cal theoretical deficit. You but 400 calories and now it's tell you need to eat those 400 cals back to stay at…
  • OK, guess I was overthinking it. Thanks guys. That doesn't bother me. I just log as I eat. If it says I had a fish and salad for breakfast I don't care. May look a little odd to those looking at my diary but it is what it is.
  • My thought process is that 1800 would be to much since I wouldn't be burning as much as I wouldn't be conscious burning those calories. Midnight to midnight doesn't work because it just varies on the day whether I eat lunch before or after which would add an additional meal to a day. The main thing is I thought 1800 would…
  • Regular version is, that's why I said low sodium. I've been having a time with veggies and sodium. Most veggies are in a salad and most dressings have high sodium content as well. Kinda two birds one stone kinda thought.
  • The HRM is pretty solid. As long as I have good water contact, if the contacts are dry it is all over the place. Stays in the 170s pretty much my whole workout. With my max of 189 that seems about right where I should be. I know creating is controversial. I did the even more controversial loading and realize that I've…
  • 1. Certainly doable. I've bought some just haven't integrated them much yet other than salads with dinner. 2. That is with a HRM. I'm using a Polar H7 connected with a Digitfit that shoots the results directly to MFP. It seems high but I have input my height and weight correctly. 3. I certainly haven't been underrating.…
  • I guess I just need some ideas to hit my calorie goal without driving my fat absolutely insane, I mean, I am running 1,000 calories short a day. I've got to do something. (but yet in a week I haven't lost a pound but that is likely water retention due to the creatine)
  • It seems I'll hit 100 grams of fat or a boat load of carbs to hit my calorie intake. That can't be good either. I'm so confused. I did come close to my calorie goal yesterday without going completely nuts in the other categories with six shots of vodka but that's not exactly a long term solution lol.
  • Lower but I'd argue more accurate since it knows actually what's going on.
  • Get a caliber and go from there. You can get decent ones on ebay for $6.
  • I've got to make a more concerted effort to eat more. I'm lagging throughout the day and trying to pack it all in at the end when I see how low I am for the day. Went shopping today and got some non low fat foods so hopefully that will help. I need to add some protein now but I'm stuffed, can't eat anything else today! May…
  • OK, found another way to define what I want in another thread. Low body fat and defined muscles. Not big body builder muscle, just defined and a little cuttish.