fpueblo Member


  • @RoadRashTX the OP was about s-health and the gear fit2 not the fitbit but thanks for providing the info.
  • ^this^ I was going to put that I could not comment anything more to this then... "You don't talk to anyone this way let alone your significant other....."
  • This is exactly what I did but considering I didn't gain much maybe 2lbs and I'm in maintenance no longer losing it wasn't going to be a problem heck it might have even helped my muscle gain goals a bit.... I agree guilt will ruin the enjoyment just say I did it now back on I'm back on schedule....
  • I read that your cat is picky when it comes to food so is mine. Is there anything else that he eats besides the regular food that you give him like cat treats? Mine stopped eating her food the same way and people kept saying that well if shes hungry she will eat. Turns out they changed the formula they were using for her…
  • I didn't eat any last night I have a bunch of candy but I try not to eat much. I had 1 fun size snickers today. maybe 1 more piece later maybe, but I try to keep it to 1 or 2 pieces a day till its all gone no more then that.
  • I'm 5'5 and 1/4 I have been on here since march 2011 I lost 57 lbs 52 while part of this community. You can see my progress pics in my profile pics. I have done many things to get where I am part moderation, part eating more then once a day and part consistence with exercise. My big thing was I didn't get any real exercise…
  • I don't know if you got to look at my before and after pics after I accepted your friends request but if you haven't take a look...
  • My dad is/was a ginger (penny copper now gray) and I'm just barely a ginger (used to be dark red now auburn with red highlights). I also have hazel eyes(light brown with green flecks). My hair has gotten darker in the past 5 years but I love to brighten it up. I am definitely covered in freckles and I am mixed but so pale…
    in Gingers!!! Comment by fpueblo July 2012
  • ^^agreed^^ if you are exercising eat the calories back you body need the fuel and nutrition.
  • I've got one for you... Me and my oldest were talking about a PBS show and you youngest said she hadn't heard of it my oldest 14 turns to my youngest 12 and says you make me feel old.... my jaw just dropped and that was the first thing that made me feel old.. I told my oldest never to say that again. other things make me…
  • average 55 but anywhere from 48-60
  • Change the IMG to img
    in 169 to 148 Comment by fpueblo May 2012
  • I did both the second round of 30ds I did. Now normally I run for 30min after I'm finished with my Insanity routine. if you are up to it it's a perfect combo IMO.
  • For me it just took practice Now I can do a lunge no problem. it's not just form though if you've never really done a lunge your feet ankles and legs my not be used to the movement or the form even if it is proper. Heck I got a foot cramp the first time I did one and my form was proper..... if your form is right then just…
    in Lunge help Comment by fpueblo April 2012
  • If you look at my pic at the before and after you can see I had A big loss in boob size I was between a 34DD and a 34D now I'm between a 32/34 B and a 32/34 A I was not happy about this but it's the price I pay to be healthy
  • Your doctor called you heavy at 150 and at your age.... you're kidding me that's just wrong 150 is a healthy weight for someone 5'5 it may be bordering but it's still a healthy weight.. Sorry... maybe if you were a bit older but that just not right saying that to someone so young.....
  • Just keep in mind Shadow boxing helps but it won't do everything there are different sets of muscles in your abs and different exercises work different parts. Same as sucking in the tummy and tightening the muscles. you will want to do several different types of ab exercises. Btw the reason I responded is because I read…
  • I think at 5'5 depending on your build if you want to be toned 125-130 is more of a realistic goal. I would look into ab work there are a lot of things you can do for your abs that don't require crunches. shadow boxing is a good one look up how to tone your abs on youtube there are a lot of videos listed but try for one…
  • I say set a goal that feels good to you but go by how you look in the mirror that's why mine was set to about 130. instead of just me putting 130 yeah pick a number but you may get 10 lbs away and be happy with what you see or get to that number and deci9de you need to lose a bit more..
  • Have you tried running in place its something you can do with the kids around. I know it doesn't sound like much but that's what i've been doing and its been awesome. It take a bit getting used to. I also run outside when I my lungs can handle it so I know it works.... I wish I could do pull ups and a lot of plyo moves…
  • Everyone looks great. You are all doing such a wonderful job, keep up the good work :happy:
  • I have non that I know of from Dec. of last year or even January of this year. I did do a Comparison in a dress I wore to a wedding in Oct. I was about 179-180 the dress is a 1x October 10, 2010 about 179-180 lbs (excuse the face I was telling my husband to take a picture of my cousin wearing gym shoes in a dress) December…
  • I breast feed my eldest when she was a baby No one noticed because there is a way to do it discreetly but not every woman knows or can do it discreetly, but that's not the point. When your baby is hungry it doesn't matter where you are, you need to feed them. Asking a breast feeding woman to not feed her baby in public is…
  • HRM and digital food scale. My hubby was very happy to see the really big grin when I got them.
  • I started with my own routine... situps, squats and oblique twists. I then did two rounds or Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I did the couch to 5k program and I am still running I have gotten up to 71min running straight. I was also doing the Jillian Michaels 30 shred level 1 and 2 during my running. I've taken a break from…
  • I'll add mine 47 lbs down 51 from the start of my journey