Sarahannlacy Member


  • I am a beachbody coach and no i would not tell you you have to have shakeology.. it is expensive but you get what you pay for some people love it and some dont
  • I am a mom to 5 beautiful girls my 8 year old daughter was diagnosed at 5 with bipolar/ adhd/ anxiety and sensery intergration proplems.. I have a 4 year old who was born 3 months premature and as she is getting older i am seeing signs of adhd with her.i think this is a wonderful group to start and look forward to helping…
  • anyone can add me.. i am making a career out of helping people reach there weight loss goals i am sooo excited to help anyone with what ever they need be it help with food, excersise questions or just motivation.. i hope you all have a wonderful healthy weekend.:happy:
  • so i love p90x i would definatly do the lean version first and after 90 days go to the other versions they give you three difrent workout regimans you can folllow if you are wanting mainley cardio i would recomand insanity... I also love love the shakeology since i have been doing it i have not been sick and it has reduced…
  • :smile: i would definatly start making sure you drink some sort of after workouy drink. I drink the p90x results and recovery drink but i am sure any recovery drink that have simple and complex carbs to help reduce muscle soreness will work. also i might take a break from doing strength training but still get cardio in