are you drinking over 100 ounces of water a day. Your body needs that much to just get rid of the crap in your system.
How much water are you drinking too? That can be a huge factor, especially if you use a lot of salt.
Actually Target doesn't send their clothing and shoes to Goodwill they sell their stuff to Goodwill.
October 29th of last year
I come from a background that women have value, intrinsically, now personally I will always pay for the woman when we go out. Especially a first date, it's not that I'm expecting anything from her, I just want her to know that she is valuable and worth something to spend time with, but it's not like I tell her that…
I think it interesting that the woman arguing for what I'm guessing is modesty, is wearing a low cut top to show off her cleavage. I guess I'm not sure what her point is, but it sure seems like she's showing off her goods.
Snog the woman, avoid the man and child
I think what she actually said was that she wants cream pies in her taco.
how do you lady's like your tacos? I like eating tacos with a little well placed lettuce.
It's not just the skirt, it's what's in the skirt that counts, and whether or not she has the curves to pull off the skirt.
fantastic, we should start snogging soon.
well how about we snog?
Maybe we should.
Curves are what's all about. A girl without curves is just a man.
We have and yet we haven't yet.
I'd snog you too. What's with all of the pretty ladies on this site.
There was a common belief in that time that a woman was considered a virgin before she had sex and after the first time she had sex. this is why people would bring up rape and such as a possible way to explain the "virgin" birth.
True so true, handling my meat stick is super attractive
Snog like there's no tomorrow :)
Snog red heads are cute
Make sure you get your feet lots of sun because nail growth is slightly based off of that.
How big is your pool?
Snog because I am into women
What SOPA and PIPA do is make is so that a company can make a claim that you are infringing on copyright without any proof and shut down your website without going through the court system to prove it. So basically if a company doesn't like what you are saying you can just claim they broke a copyright and have them shut…
super cute, snog
FIrefly fan and female double snog.