Help a fellow Minnesotan out, if you can.
So, I'm MN, born and bred. I remember when this great state used to be a great place to make films and TV shows, but alas much of that has passed by us, though personally I still believe in it. That's why I am going to try and create a ten episode web series all here in Minnesota. We're going to be shooting most of the…
Two NSVs
So, I have two NSVs both of them good, but they have created new problems. First I packed up all of my "Fat" clothing and am planning on donating them to Goodwill. It's great because I'm clearly getting smaller, but that doesn't do well for the pocket book, since I packed up three bags of clothing. My second one is that I…
Random Question
I know we are all here to lose weight and are claiming to the cross, but I was wondering if it ever got under your skin when you hear the often overweight preacher/pastor standing in the front of the room talking about you shouldn't drink or smoke, but never hear them talk about weight. I've always been under the…
So a gal at work came up to me today and complemented me on losing weight. I kind of liked it, because I know I've been losing weight, my clothes and measurements sure tell me I'm getting smaller, but it's nice to hear from someone else saying that they have noticed that you have lost weight.
So, today I went pants shopping because the weather has gotten to cold to wear shorts at work, anyways, I go to pick out some pants both a 40 and a 38 not really sure if I would fit into the 38, and low and behold I do, it felt pretty good, because I haven't been a 38 since freshman year in highschool. This means I'm the…
10 percent gone
So, I've lost 10 percent of me. I still have a ways to go, but I think that we should always celebrate the victories that we all have. So here is what I look like with 10 percent less of me according to the scale.
So I just went and bought a couple of new shirts and I just went from a xxl to an xl. Shooting to hit the L, but getting down to an xl is great. Also I went in another notch in my belt.
Weighing Yourself
So, just wondering how often do you guys weigh yourselves and measure yourselves. I weigh myself everyday and measure myself twice a week. I also take a picture when I measure myself, because i hope to in the next six months make a video that shows this transformation I've been on. I do the weighing and measuring because i…