emhow Member


  • Also, trips to the supermarket are a nightmare. If all I need to buy is lunch and dinner, I can spend up to an hour going down every aisle reading every label and end up buying like two items. I always need someone to come with me to snap me out of obsessing over what I can and can't eat. Fabulous.
  • I am completely obsessed. It annoys me and everyone around me. Wish I could stop worrying about how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat. It drives me/my friends/my family insane. When I'm not working or gymming, all I'm doing is sitting at the computer looking up recipes I CAN cook and what foods are the lowest in this…
  • Haha Uni was where I gained my weight! I went to uni for a year and put on a stone.. so i definitely ate terribly! Ilike your ideas though, cereal bars are a good shout (even though they're procsessed and quite high carbs).. but you're right. they're better than some other crap! Jelly! yes! that's a good idea as well.…
  • Ah that's a good idea. Like those slim fast shakes or something? Yeah I'm from UK so you're right.. there are loads of things like that in like sainsburys. But then again, they are very pricey! hmmm.. some good ideas here!
  • I definitely would normally just enjoy myself and dont fret about my diet but I'm going on a two week holiday to Greece the week after and I'm indulging then and not logging a thing! so i need to be good this week!... I suppose tinned stuff is a good idea :)
  • Well I have limited funds and don't want to have to carry a massive bag full of food around with me once I get there. I can't eat what my friends eat because they're students! Most students cant afford to share meals and eat like utter rubbish! (alot of takeaways, instant meals, super noodles, processed things!) So it…
  • 'one with the big hair.'
  • Yeah I thought that maybe heavy lifting would do the trick... I've just been avoiding it because I absolutely hate it! But then again.... if I want results I have to man up! And is that 2200 EXTRA calories? or if i ate 2200 calories daily? Because I am going on a 2 week holiday in June and eating whatever I want... i don't…
  • any other ideas?
  • I may give it a try eating more. I just keep thinking I'm gaining. I need to stop thinking it. I do various exercises in the gym.. Some days I'll do Interval Training on tredmill, cross trainer, cycling etc.. and Weight lifting on arms, legs, shoulders etc... So really, I do a bit of everything. I understand that I'm at…
  • actually. definitely think i'm gaining. just looked in the mirror and i swear my tummy looks slightly bigger? unless this is all psychological.
  • Yeah I had a feeling it would be that I'm not eating enough, but I always always feel like I'm stuffing. By the end of the day I am so full and I'm terrified if I eat more I will GAIN weight and not lose :/ I just can't seem to get into the mindset of eating more because I'm convinced I'm not losing because I'm being too…
  • Thanks guys :) seems like there are a lot of healthy options then.. especially as it is in fact the Mediterranean diet I guess! and that's meant to be extremely good for you. I'm definitely going to treat myself though and eat what ever I want. Just wanted to know if anyone knew any specific Greek dishes to AVOID, but I…
  • Anyone?
  • I did that today. Saw that I had lost a bit more since last week and went straight out to get an ice cream. Don't regret it one bit though. Best ice cream I've ever had.
  • Thank you thank you guys :) I'm feeling a lot better about it already!!! Can't wait!
  • You're right... I really do need to just relax and enjoy myself. Especially when I've had a real bad year! Can't wait. Also, I've always wanted to go to cancun!!! Lucky duck xx
  • Yes I love Greek food so so so so much... This is the problem.. I just know I'll eat a tonne of it... But I guess it is healthy :) I'm just so scared because knowing my old eating habits.. It's going to be very hard to stop indulging! So to gain one pound I have to eat 3500 calories over my maintenance calorie goal? So…
  • Haha to be honest, I've actually done this. I attempted to bake some healthy cupcakes... after I made them I started to eat one and decided that they just weren't good enough to waste my calories on... so I spat it out! Nothing wrong with that... right? :P
  • You can look at mine :)
  • I'm definitely going to have to try this. Going to be so hard. I feel like I can't function without my morning porridge! :'( thank you for the advice xxx
  • Thanks for the replies guys. I definitely understand that I don't need to lose much weight at all. But you see, I'm petite on the top and carry all my weight on my bottom half, so I look very out of proportion. So it's the fat aroud my *kitten* and legs that I want to get rid of. Definitely need to tone up! I agree with…
  • Yes I eat the majority of them back. Thanks I'll try and sort out my goals a little bit..
  • yeah i've heard that and it's true. but i don't think i look any different... :/
  • Haha thanks, I'm glad you said that because the way I used to eat before was absolutely disgusting! But yeah well my TDEE is (according to a calculator off the internet) 2202 and my BMR is 1462 so I thought maybe I was eating around the right amount of calories. I've read things on upping calories and things but I…
  • Thank you very much, I had a slight suspicion that I ate too many carbs.. It's just I compare it to my old diet and my carb intake is literally NOTHING in comparison. But I think I'll give them a read :) it's just a shame because I absolutely adore bread and porridge!
  • yeah i absolutely love porridge, but I didnt think that if i ate it twice a day would make any difference as long as i'm within my calorie limit? i've only recently startin having it twice a day though..? you think this could contribute to me not losing?